Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Putrid Bog (Sunlit Wetlands) Map and Points of Interest

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In Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), the Putrid Bog is an area under an illusion spell to appear as the Sunlit Wetlands, and is located south of the Blighted Village. Read on to view the map of Putrid Bog and Sunlit Wetlands, and to find out all the locations, dungeons, and other points of interest in the area.

Putrid Bog (Sunlit Wetlands) Map

Putrid Bog Full Map

Putrid Bog is located south of the Blighted Village, and first appears as the Sunlit Wetlands, a beautiful swamp filled with flourishing plants and peaceful animals.

It can be revealed that this is an illusion casted by Auntie Ethel, a hag who lives in her house in the area. The place is actually the Putrid Bog, a swamp full of rot and death, and the animals are revealed to be monsters who answer to Auntie Ethel.

There are a lot of traps around the area, so be careful! They'll trigger even when you're seeing the area as the Sunlit Wetlands.

Auntie Ethel Quest Guide

How to Reveal the Putrid Bog

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While you can dispel the illusion of the Sunlit Wetlands through a few different ways, it doesn't matter which method you use or when you do it.

Pass the Check Upon Entering the Area

The Putrid Bog can be immediately revealed upon entering the area; a dialogue will start of you feeling that you're being watched. If you pass the roll to investigate, the illusion will wear off and reveal the Putrid Bog.

Expose or Attack the Disguised Sheep

There are some sheep roaming around the area. If you talk to any of them, you can initiate a roll that will expose the sheep's true form as goblins; this will reveal the Putrid Bog as well. They won't attack you if you reveal them this way.

Alternatively, you can simply attack any of them, but this would result in a surprise attack from all of them, so be careful!

Talk to Auntie Ethel in the Teahouse

Lastly, you can simply talk to Auntie Ethel, who's in her teahouse in the area. If the dialogue progresses where she reveals her true form, she'll reveal the Putrid Bog's true form as well.

Putrid Bog (Sunlit Wetlands) Locations

Gnarled Teahouse (Riverside Teahouse)

Gnarled Teahouse (Riverside Teahouse)
Coordinates: (-58, 251)

The Gnarled Teahouse is where you'll find Auntie Ethel, located at the east part of Putrid Bog. Before you dispel the illusion, the area will appear as the Riverside Teahouse instead.

Decrepit Sanctuary (Druid Sanctuary)

Decrepit Sanctuary (Druid Sanctuary)
Coordinates: (96, 229)

The Decrepit Sanctuary is located south of the Putrid Bog, accessible from jumping over the water southeast of the area. Before you dispel the illusion, the area will appear as the Druid Sanctuary instead.

No matter how you're seeing the area, there will be a bunch of Wood Woads and Ancient Mud Mephits that will be hostile and attack you as soon as you enter.

Putrid Bog (Sunlit Wetlands) Points of Interest

Putrid Bog (Sunlit Wetlands) Points of Interest


Riverside Teahouse Waypoint

Riverside Teahouse Waypoint
Coordinates: (-9, 249)

The Riverside Teahouse Waypoint is located at the middle of the Putrid Bog, in front of the Teahouse.

People of Interest

Auntie Ethel and Mayrina

Auntie Ethel and Mayrina
Coordinates: (-58, 262)

Auntie Ethel can be found inside the Teahouse, holding Mayrina captive. If you attack Auntie Ethel, she'll take Mayrina away down into her dungeon underneath the house.


Coordinates: (-26, 240)

Gandrel is a monster hunter that you'll encounter southeast of the waypoint. He's searching for Astarion; you'll have the option to turn in Astarion (who'll be permanently removed from your party), kill Gandrel, or just leave him be.

If you chose the last option, he'll stay in the area as a trader, and will have some available wares for you. He doesn't have much gold if you're looking to sell things to him, though.

Overgrown Tunnel Entrances

Wooden Stairs Behind Fireplace

Wooden Stairs Behind Fireplace
Coordinates: (-72, 270)

The entrance to the dungeon where Auntie Ethel will retreat into is the Wooden Stairs. This entrance is located behind the Fireplace in the Teahouse; interact with the Fireplace to turn the fire off, then walk behind it to find the stairs.

Go down the stairs to find the Overgrown Tunnel dungeon, where you'll find Auntie Ethel at the end of it.

Mushroom Circle

Mushroom Circle
Coordinates: (-71, 208)

This passage is located at the beach south of the Teahouse, but will not be accessible before you dealt with Auntie Ethel. At the end of the Overgrown Tunnel dungeon, in the Workshop, go to the Mushroom Circle to be enter and unlock this passage.

If you saved Mayrina, you'll find her near this passage upon exiting.


Wooden Chest: The Sparkle Hands

Wooden Chest: The Sparkle Hands
Coordinates: (94, 211)

Loacted in the Decrepit Sanctuary/Druid Sanctuary, you'll find a Rare equipment, The Sparkle Hands, inside a Wooden Chest beside the tree trunk at the middle of the area.

Wooden Crevice: Letter to Kagha

Wooden Crevice: Letter to Kagha
Coordinates: (85, 211)

The Letter to Kagha is instrumental to one of the routes to how the Save the Refugees quest can be resolved.

The letter is located inside a Wooden Crevice in the tree trunk at the middle of the Decrepit Sanctuary/Druid Sanctuary area, at the south side of the trunk. You'll need a successful perception check to spot it.
Save the Refugees Walkthrough

Basic Poison Recipe

Basic Poison Recipe
Coordinates: (-69, 244)

Inside the Teahouse, you'll find the Simple Poison Recipe book, which puts the Basic Poison recipe in your list of Alchemy recipes.

Second Marriage

Second Marriage
Coordinates: (-67, 224)

At the coast south of Auntie Ethel's house, if you haven't finished her questline yet, you'll find a coffin with an Arcane Barrier around it. This barrier will disappear after you deal with Auntie Ethel.

After dealing with Auntie Ethel inside the dungeon take the Bitter Divorce wand in her workshop, which is an item related to Mayrina's questline. Go to Mayrina at the coast, and you'll be able to revive Connor, her husband inside the Mouldering Coffin.

A cruel decision you can make is taking the wand and the now-undead husband for yourself; the Bitter Divorce will become the Second Marriage wand, which you can then use to summon Connor in battle.

Drinking Well

Coordinates: (-36, 251)

To the east of the Teahouse, you'll find a well. You can drink from it; it will usually give a Refreshed boost, which gives your character +10 Max HP until the next Long Rest. Sometimes, though, it will instead give a Nausated debuff, which will make you more vulnerable to damage.

You can return to this well and regain the boost after it disappears (be careful of getting the Nausated debuff instead, though).

Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides

Faerûn All Maps and Locations

Faerûn All Locations

Prologue Locations
Act 1 Locations
Wilderness Chapel Ruins
Emerald Grove Owlbear Nest
Blighted Village Whispering Depths
Putrid Bog (Sunlit Wetlands) Overgrown Tunnel
The Risen Road Zhentarim Basement
Goblin Camp Mountain Pass: Rosymorn Monastery
Creche Y'llek Underdark
Arcane Tower Grymforge
Act 2 Locations
Shadow-Cursed Lands Reithwin Town


1 EatMyChiover 1 year

You CAN unlock the magic mushroom circles before ever encountering Auntie Ethel. You just enter into withering through the well or basement in blighted village, drop into underdark, go left at ruined castle, climb the mushrooms, pass a perception check, go through fake wall illusion , and now you're in Sunlit forest/Putrid Bog, right behind Auntie Ethel's Cabin/teahouse. Not that this is easier, just how I ended up there accidently through exploration. So it is possible even if not sensible.


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