Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

What is Intelligence?

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Intelligence is an Ability in Baldur's Gate 3 that reflects world knowledge and logic and affects skills such as History and Investigation. Read on to learn more about Intelligence and what it affects in the game.

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What is Intelligence?

Reasoning, Memory and Logic

Intelligence is the measure of a character's ability to recall information, use deductive reasoning and apply logic to certain situations.

Discovering Lore

In game, Intelligence comes into play when pieces of interesting or relevant lore is discovered.

Intelligence Based Skills

Skill Description
Arcana Recognize magic. Interact with enchanted items.
History Remember the past - of the world and its people.
Investigation Analyze clues. Solve mysteries.
Nature Recognize plants and animals. Hug trees.
Religion Recognize deities. Understand holy rites.

Intelligence affects skills such as Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, and Religion. These skills help characters that draw upon the use of their mental prowess often being useful when conversing with other characters, or when recalling vital information when interacting with the world.

Intelligence Based Classes

Intelligence Based Classes
Wizard Icon Wizard

Intelligence is the primary casting ability for Wizards, making their spells more potent the more their intelligence increases.

Affects Wizards Spellcasting

Intelligence affects the Wizard's spellcasting capability. The Wizard can increase the damage of their spells based on the Ability Score modifier of the Wizard's Intelligence.

Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides

Ability Scores partial.png

Ability Scores Guide

All Ability Scores

What is Strength? What is Intelligence?
What is Dexterity? What is Constitution?
What is Charisma? What is Wisdom?


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