Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Wild Magic (Sorcerer) Subclass Guide and Features

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Wild Magic is a Sorcerer subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the Wild Magic subclass, its features, as well as the best builds.

Sorcerer Subclasses
Sorcerer Class Guide
BaldurDraconic Bloodline BaldurStorm Sorcery BaldurWild Magic

Wild Magic Subclass Overview

Wild Magic Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur Wild Magic
Your powers come from ancient forces of chaos. They churn within you - waiting to burst free at any time.
Main Class Sorcerer
How to Unlock Available during Character Creation.
Spellcasting Ability Charisma
Starting Subclass Features
・Gains the Tides of Chaos Toggleable Passive.
・Gains the Wild Magic Passive.

Wild Magic Sorcerers are chaos incarnate, joining the battle only to succumb to bouts of Wild Magic surges that affect both friend and foe alike. As a Wild Magic Sorcerer your entire subclass identity revolves around these Wild Magic Surges, as these can have both negative and positive effects when they release in the middle of combat.

How to Unlock the Wild Magic Subclass

Available When Creating a Sorcerer

The Wild Magic Sorcerer subclass will become available once you start creating a Sorcerer at the Character Creation screen. Unlike most classes, Sorcerers are one of the few that get to pick out their subclass before they start the game.

Wild Magic Subclass Features

Wild Magic Features
Wild Magic Surge Tides of Chaos
Bend Luck Controlled Chaos
▼ Subclass Progression Table ▼

Wild Magic Surge

Part of your subclass identity is the Wild Magic contained within you. As a Level 1 Wild Magic Sorcerer, you are susceptible to releasing Wild Magic when casting spells inside or outside of battle.

When you release a Wild Magic Surge, you and possibly any allies or enemies around you will be subjected to a random magic effect. Some of these will be beneficial, but most of them will be detrimental to both your party and your enemies.

All Wild Magic Surge Effects

Tides of Chaos

Tides of Chaos is another subclass feature you get at Level 1. This is a reaction that you can trigger when making an Attack Roll, Ability Check, or Saving Throw. When used, it will grant you Advantage for your roll. This means you have a better chance of hitting your attack, passing an ability check, or passing a saving throw with this reaction's effect.

However, there is a trade-off. When you use Tides of Chaos to skew outcomes in your favor, you become highly susceptible to releasing a Wild Magic Surge the next time you cast a spell. Consider this before using this reactions during difficult fights.

Bend Luck

At Level 6, your Wild Magic Sorcerer unlocks the Bend Luck reaction. When an ally or enemy performs an Attack Roll, Saving Throw, or Ability Check near you, you can spend 2 Sorcery Points to roll a 1d4 bonus or penalty to the roll.

Note: Make sure to read the values of the rolls before you use Bend Luck. For example, if your teammate rolls a 5 for a DC 15 Saving Throw, then no amount of 1d4 Bend Luck rolls will let them pass the check.

Controlled Chaos

Once you hit Level 11, your Wild Magic Surges will start affecting your enemies directly. If enemies cast spells near you, there is a chance that they proc a Wild Magic Surge on themselves as a reaction to your fluctuating magic.

Wild Magic Sorcerer Level Progression

Level Subclass Features Unlocked
Level 1 ・Wild Magic Surge (Passive)
・Tides of Chaos (Reaction)
Level 6 ・Bend Luck (Reaction)
Level 10 ・Controlled Chaos (Passive)

All Wild Magic Surge Effects

Wild Magic Surge Effect
Summon Mephit Summon a hostile mephit. Permanent.
Enlarge/Reduce Each creature within 9m is randomly Enlarged or Reduced.
Telekinesis You are able to use Telekinesis without expending a spell slot.
Fog Create a cloud of fog around yourself (6m radius). Creatures within are Heavily Obscured and Blinded. Lasts for 3 turns.
Polymorph You are transformed into a beast (usually a sheep) for 2 turns.
Speak with Animals Gain the ability to comprehend and communicate with beasts. Lasts until Long Rest.
Teleport Can use a bonus action to teleport up to 9m.
Wild Shape Each creature within 9m is randomly transformed into either a cat or a dog.

Best Wild Magic Sorcerer Build

Wild Magic Sorcerer Build Overview

Recommended Equipment
Helm Hood of the Weave
Armor Helldusk Armor
Alt: Robe of the Weave
Cloak Cloak of the Weave
Alt: Cloak of Protection
Gloves Spellseeking Gloves
Alt: Gemini Gloves
Boots Helldusk Boots
Alt: Disintegrating Night Walkers
Recommended Weapons
Main Hand Markoheshkir
Alt: Staff of Spell Power
Offhand Shield of Shielding
Alt: Ketheric's Shield or Any +1 Shield
Ranged Darkfire Shortbow
Recommended Accessories
Amulet Spellcrux Amulet
Ring 1 Ring of Feywild Sparks
Ring 2 Eversight Ring

Note: This build is subject to change as we're currently testing and searching for better gear in the game!


Hood of the Weave

Item Type Effect
Hood of the Weave Helmet Arcane Enchantment: You gain a +2 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell Attack Rolls.

Hood of the Weave is an amazing helm that grants you a +2 bonus to your Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls. Put simply, your spells and spell effects are more likely to hit when you have this hood equipped.

Of course, the biggest downside to this is that you will need to progress Oskar Fevras' quest in Baldur's Gate to unlock the merchant that sells the hood. This will require you to save Oskar in Act 1 and then deal with his house of horrors in Act 3.

While working your way to Act 3, you can slap on the Warped Headband of Intellect during Act 1 just so you don't fail all of your Arcana and Insight checks. Once you reach Act 2, you can swap it out for the Fistbreaker Helm and its bonuses to Spell Save DC and Initiative Rolls.

Hood of the Weave Stats and Effects


Helldusk Armor

Item Type Effect
Helldusk Armour Chest Armor Helldusk Armour: You are considered Proficient with this armour while you are wearing it.
Infernal Retribution: When you succeed a Saving Throw, the caster receives Burning for 3 turns.
Prime Aegis of Fire: You have Resistance to Fire damage and cannot be burned. You take 3 less damage from all sources.

Boasting an impressive 21 AC and the Prime Aegis of Fire passive, the Helldusk Armor is king when it comes to armor choices for endgame spellcasters. Again, put simply, by wearing Helldusk Armor, you will be harder to hit with physical attacks, making you less of a liability when caught with bad positioning.

While the argument can be made that spellcasters should be nowhere near melee range, BG3 has a tendency to start combat immediately after your character speaks with the different bosses of Act 3. Having Helldusk armor on alleviates the fear of getting knocked out at Turn 1.

Some alternatives will be the Protecty Sparkswall (provided you're using the Spellsparkler) during Act 1, the Potent Robe during Act 2 (but this is better on a Warlock), and the Robe of the Weave during Act 3.

How to Get the Helldusk Armor


Cloak of the Weave

Item Type Effect
Cloak of The Weave Cloak Arcane Enchantment: You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls.
Absorb Elements: Absorb elemental damage once per Short Rest. Take half damage from the next elemental attack targeting you, and deal an additional 1d6 of that element type on your next attack.

BG3 only features a few good cloaks across all three Acts. However, once you do get to Act 3, the Cloak of the Weave will be your best spellcaster cloak given its +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls, as well as its Absorb Elements effect.

To get this cloak, you will need to get the good stuff from Diabolist Helsik at the Devil's Fee in Baldur's Gate. This involves finding out that she's a diabolist and telling her you want to see her real merchant inventory.

Naturally, you can never go wrong with the first few cloaks you encounter in Act 2. While working your way to Act 3, some good alternatives would be the Cloak of Protection (AC and Saving Throw bonus) or the Cloak of Elemental Absorption (i.e., Cloak of the Weave lite).

Cloak of The Weave Stats and Effects


Spellseeking Gloves

Item Type Effect
Spellseeking Gloves Gloves Seeking Spell: When you make a spell Attack Roll, you can spend a Sorcery point to gain Advantage. This cost 1 Sorcery Point per spell slot Level. Cantrips cost 1 Sorcery Point.

It is recommended to equip a pair of Spellseeking Gloves to unlock its ability, Seeking Spell. What Seeking Spell does is that when you make a spell Attack Roll, you can spend a Sorcery point to gain Advantage.

Having Advantage against enemies activates spell effects - which then functions similarly to Heightened, but can be done alongside Quickened.

How to Get Spellseeking Gloves


Helldusk Boots

Item Type Effect
Helldusk Boots Boots Steadfast: You cannot be forcibly moved by a foe’s spells or actions, and you ignore the effects of Difficult Terrain.
Infernal Evasion: When you fail a Saving Throw, you may use your reaction to succeed instead.

Equipping Helldusk Boots to a Wild Magic Sorcerer allows them to not be forcibly moved by an enemy's spell or action, alongside ignoring the effects of Difficult Terrain care of the ability Steadfast.

Having Infernal Evasion as well is a nice ability to have, which allows you to use a reaction to succeed in Saving Throws when failed.

How to Get Helldusk Boots

Main Hand Weapon


Item Type Effect
Markoheshkir Quarterstaff Arcane Enchantment: You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls.
Arcane Battery: Alleviate the arcane burden of spellcasting with the power of this staff. The next spell you cast doesn’t cost a spell slot.
Weapon Enchantment +2

Considered to be one of the best spellcaster staves, equipping the Markoheshkir gives 2 free spells depending on the attunement without costing a spell slot to cast thanks to the ability, Arcane Battery.

Additionally, Markoheshkir provides a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls care of Arcane Enchantment, on top of a Weapon Enchantment +2.

How to Get Markoheshkir

Tharchiate Codex (Optional)

While not technically a weapon, the Tharchiate Codex will be something you'll want to get along with Markoheshkir since it gives you a permanent condition called Tharchiate Vigour after you've read it.

This particular condition grants you 20 Temporary Hit Points after every long rest, making it perfect for squishy subclasses like Wild Magic Sorcerers and Storm Sorcerers.

How to Get the Tharchiate Codex

Offhand Weapon

Shield of Shielding

Item Type Effect
Shield of Shielding Shield Shield Bash: When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to knock it Prone unless they succeed a Dexterity Saving Throw.

Consider equipping the Shield of Shielding for extra AC (Armor Class) to keep your Wild Magic Sorcerer in top shape at all times.

Additionally, the Shield grants the player Shield Bash, with its effect being when a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to knock it Prone unless they succeed a Dexterity Saving Throw.

How to Get Shield of Shielding


Spellcrux Amulet

Item Type Effect
Spellcrux Amulet Amulet Grants Spell Slot Restoration Class Action

The Spellcrux Amulet grants the player a Spell Slot Restoration skill, which can replenish an expended spell slot of any level, but is charged via Long Rests.

How to Get Spellcrux Amulet

Ring of Feywild Sparks

Item Type Effect
Ring of Feywild Sparks Ring Feywild Sparks: While your sorcerous Tides of Chaos feature is active, you will always trigger wild magic surge when casting spells.

Equiping the Ring of Feywild Sparks to your Wild Magic Sorcerer will always trigger a wild magic surge when casting spells so long as their sorcerous Tides of Chaos feature is active.

How to Get Ring of Feywild Sparks

Eversight Ring

Item Type Effect
Eversight Ring Ring Blind Immunity: The wearer cannot be blinded.

To get rid of status effects that would get in the way of the Wild Magic Sorcerer's accuracy, it is recommended to equip the Eversight Ring to obtain Blind Immunity from enemy attacks.

How to Get Eversight Ring

Best Races to Use as a Wild Magic Sorcerer

High Elf

High Elf have the same race features as the Wood Elf. The only difference is that you won't get the speed bonus, but you can get a Cantrip of your choice. The best Cantrips you can choose for Wild Magic Sorcerers are Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, True Strike, or Blade Ward.

  • Mage Hand can be used to move objects and investigate unknown areas. It's also invisible when you summon it, so it won't be hard to sneak past strict areas.
  • Minor Illusion can help distract enemies inside or outside of combat.
  • True Strike increases your chances of hitting your enemies. It's best used before combat so you can use the effect on the same turn.
  • Blade Ward is a defensive spell that reduces melee damage taken (Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing) by 50%.

High Elf Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Wood Half-Elf

Wood Half-Elf is a recommended race for Wild Magic Sorcerers as its race features allow players to be more versatile with weapon proficiencies, all while keeping their agility in combat, from movement speed to field visibility, making the player's Wild Magic Sorcerer more versatile offensively, among other things.

Wood Half-Elf Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Best Ability Score for Wild Magic Sorcerer

Ability Score Overview

8 14 15 (+1) 10 10 17 (+2)

Charisma is the primary ability for Wild Magic Sorcerers, followed by Constitution for increased damage and the ability to withstand damage respectively.

Afterwards, consider allocating points for Dexterity next to improve the character's initiative and attack roll.

Strength can be your dump stat as you won't be fighting enemies head on.

Keeping Intelligence and Wisdom at 10 increases likelihood of passing passive and or dialogue Ability Checks.

Best Wild Magic Sorcerer Feats

Two Ability Improvement Feats

It is recommended to select 2 Ability Improvements as a feat for the Wild Magic Sorcerer once they reach Level 4 and Level 8. Consider allotting points to Constitution and Charisma for increased damage, the ability to withstand damage, and better rolls for their respective skill checks.

Ability Improvements Feat Guide and Effects

Elemental Adept

For the Level 12 Feat, consider getting the feat, Elemental Adept. On top of the bonus to certain elemental damage types, this also helps you alleviate negative effects from Wild Magic surges.

Elemental Adept Feat Guide and Effects

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All Sorcerer Subclasses
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