Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

List of All Shortswords

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Shortswords are slashing weapons in Baldur's Gate 3. Read on to learn more about all Shortswords in the game, their damage, effects and rarity, and more!

List of All Shortswords

Weapon Effect Rarity
Sentinel Weapon: Gain a +1 bonus to Initiative Rolls and Advantage on Perception Ability Checks.
Ambusher's Streak: In combat, you deal an additional 1d6 Necrotic damage against creatures that haven't taken a turn yet.
Weapon Enchantment +1
Assassin's Shortsword
- Uncommon
Crimson Mischief
Prey Upon the Weak: This weapon deals an additional 1d4 Piercing damage against targets with 50% of their hit points or fewer.
Weapon Enchantment +2
(Main Hand Only) Redvein Savagery: When you make an attack with Advantage, the target takes an additional 7 Piercing damage.
(Off-Hand Only) Crimson Weapon: When you make an attack with your off-hand weapon, you can add your Ability Modifier to the damage of the attack.
Executioner Sword
Liberated Spellcasting: When you kill a creature, you can cast a Level 1 spell without expending a spell slot.
Weapon Enchantment +1
Weapon Enchantment +2 Rare
Githyanki Shortsword
Weapon Enchantment +1 Uncommon
Knife of the Undermountain King
Organ Rearranger: The wielder scores a Critical Hit when rolling a 19. When they roll 2 damage or less, reroll the dice, taking the highest result.
Shadow Blade: You have Advantage on Attack Rolls against Lightly or Heavily Obscured targets when using this blade.
Weapon Enchantment +2
Very Rare
Render of Mind and Body
Psychic Steel Virtuoso: When the wielder attacks with Advantage, they deal an additional 1~8 Psychic damage.
Weapon Enchantment +1
Rusty Shortsword
- Common
Shadow Blade
Shadow Blade: You have Advantage on Attack Rolls against Lightly or Heavily Obscured targets when using this blade. Uncommon
- Common
Shortsword of First Blood
Break the Unbroken: Deals an additional 1d8 Piercing damage to targets that still have all of their hit points. Uncommon
Slicing Shortsword
Deepflesh Slice: When the wielder attacks with Advantage, the attack inflicts Bleeding.
Weapon Enchantment +1
Steelforged Sword
Weapon Enchantment +1 Uncommon
Sword of Clutching Umbra
Weapon Enchantment +1 Rare
Sword of Life Stealing
Life Stealing Critical: On a Critical Hit, the target takes an extra 10 Necrotic damage as long as it isn't a construct or an undead. You also gain 10 temporary hit points.
Weapon Enchantment +2
Very Rare
The Baneful
Favoured Weapon: This weapon has a +1 bonus to damage and attack rolls.
Baneful Bond: On a hit, possibly Bane your target.
Weapon Enchantment +1
Weapon Enchantment +1 Uncommon
Vicious Shortsword
Dolor Amarus: When you land a Critical Hit with this weapon, it deals an additional 7 damage.
Weapon Enchantment +2

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