Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Deliver Nere's Head: How to Beat Nere

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Deliver Nere's Head is a side quest in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on for a detailed walkthrough of Deliver Nere's Head, how to beat Nere, and the rewards for completing this side quest!

Side Quest Details

Journal Entry
Deliver Nere's Head
Recommended Lvl 5
Reward Champion's Chain
Related Quest Deliver Nere's Head

Deliver Nere's Head Walkthrough

Deliver Nere's Head Walkthrough

Travel to Grymforge


Spaw or Glut will ask you to defeat a drow named Nere at Grymforge and deliver his head to him.

Hop on the Underdark Duergar Boat docked at the pier of the Underdark Beach and sail towards Grymforge.

This area is also where you can find the duergar that you'll have to kill to complete the Defeat the Duergar Intruders side quest.

Defeat the Duergar Intruders: Guardian Gate Location

Deal with the Patrol Boat


While sailing, you'll come across Corsair Greymon and his patrol crew. He'll demand your reasons for boarding Gekh's boat.

From here you can choose to Intimidate him (DC 10), Deceive him (DC 15), or push him off the boat with a Strength check (DC 15).

Fail any of these checks and you'll be forced to fight the crew.

Clear the Cave-In


As soon as you set foot on Grymforge, make your way up and interact with the Cave-In . You'll sense that Nere and a few other gnomes are trapped on the other side.

Eavesdrop on the conversation between the gnome slaves clearing the rubble nearby and ask them for details about a smokepowder.

They will reveal that their friend, Philomeen, is hiding somewhere with a Runepowder Vial that can clear off the rubble.

How to Clear the Cave-In
A Use a Runepowder Vial
B Use Smokepowder Bombs

Use the Runepowder Vial From Philomeen

# How to Get the Runepowder Vial
Return to the docks area where you landed, and go to the pier on the opposite side of where your boat is moored in.
Once you reach the pile of gnome corpses, convince the two Duergar to leave, then unlock the doors nearby.
Head towards the backroom where a large statue is situated at. You will roll a passive Perception check to reveal a hidden button. Push it then enter the secret passage.
Eliminate the Ochre Jellies standing in your way, then make your way to the top level. There will be a huge gap here so jump over it.
Open the double doors and talk to Philomeen. Here you must either Persuade or Initimade her to get the Runepowder Vial.

After obtaining the Runepowder Vial from Philomeen, throw it at the cave-in and shoot at it using an arrow to detonate it.

Be sure that you and the other gnomes are clear from the blast radius before doing so!

Use Smokepowder Bombs


If you have two Smokepowder Bombs in your inventory, drop them near the cave-in and wait for the gnomes to steer clear of the blast zone. Once cleared, fire an arrow to detonate them.

Be sure not to throw the smokebombs directly at the cave-in as it will explode upon landing, killing the gnomes in the process.

Defeat Nere


Nere is an easy boss to beat, however he'll have several duergar in the room that will back him up as you go up against him.

Luckily you can convince some of the duergar to fight alongside you by talking to Elder Brithvar before initiating the fight.

Once you confront Nere after freeing him from the cave-in, you can queue in Elder Brithvar and the rebellious duergars to start the uprising. While the rebels handle the loyal duergar, you can have your party focused on handling Nere.

How to Beat Nere

Deliver Nere's Head to Spaw or Glut


Loot Nere's Head from his dead body, then make your way back to the Myconid Colony. Give it to Spaw or Glut and you'll be rewarded with a Champion's Chain for your troubles.

Champion's Chain: Accessory Guide and How to Get

How to Beat Nere

Tips and Strategies

Convince Elder Brithvar to Side With You

To easily beat Nere, you can convince Elder Brithvar and a few rebel duergar to fight alongside you. He can be found standing outside of the room where the cave-in is at.

While you can take on Nere with just your party alone, it's going to be a long tough battle as several guards in the battle area will be joining forces to take you down.

How to Recruit Eldir Brithvar

To successfully recruit him to your side, select the dialogue options in the order below:

  • Why would you think I'm a True Soul?
  • I heard you talking. I want Nere out - and you have a lead.
  • A stench? Ridiculous. I'm no more a True Soul than you are.
  • [DETECT THOUGHTS] Cast Detect Thoughts. (Intelligence Check, 11 DC)
  • That's not me you smell. You must still be catching Nere's scent.
  • Depends. What do you need done?
  • I'm in.

Kill Everyone Before Confronting Nere


A great tip to ease up the battle is to murder every duergar inside the room before freeing Nere from the cave-in and confronting him.

This should isolate the fight between your party and Nere. Use the strongest Level 2 and 3 spells that you have for your spellcasters to take him out in a blink of an eye.

List of All Spells

Quietly Eliminate the Scrying Eye First


The Scrying Eye is a bit of a nuisance as it can call for reinforcements and drag enemies from outside the room into the fight.

You can kill it undetected by waiting for it to hover over to the isle across the lava to avoid being seen by the others, then quietly kill it with a melee attack.

Sneak Attack After Agreeing to His Request

Once Nere is free, instead of attacking him, go through the diplomat route and he'll be requesting that you send a message to his General, Thorm.

Agreeing to this makes him non-hostile after the conversation, allowing you to launch a deadly sneak attack on him.

He'll even give you a Gift from the Absolute after the interaction, which is an extra Illithid Specimen for yours to keep.

Clears the Save the Grymforge Gnomes Quest

Murdering everyone will prompt the completion of Save the Grymforge Gnomes quest, as the slaves' masters are now dead.

Save the Grymforge Gnomes

Take Out the Lone Ranger


Soon as the boss fight starts, there will be a duergar ranger positioned atop the bridge that should be dealt with immediately as you'll be at a disadvantage due to being on lower ground.

Have at least one party member use Dash, preferably a Rogue to use the cunning version to avoid opportunity attacks, and quickly manuever over to climb the bridge's ladder to take him out.

If you can, try shoving him down for your other party members to get within his range.

What is Disadvantage

Push Enemies Into the Lava


You can shove enemies into the lava to instantly kill them. This saves you from having to use up spell slots and wasting your precious turns exchanging attack rolls with the enemy.

How to Shove and Best Uses of Shove

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