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Rogue Class Guide: Best Builds and Subclasses

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The Rogue is one of the 12 available main classes in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for an overview of the Rogue class, including its related subclasses, class features, best races to use, and best builds.

Rogue Class Overview

Rogue Basic Information

Class Overview
Baldur Rogue
With stealth, skill, and uncanny reflexes, Rogues' versatility lets them get the upper hand in almost any situation.
Hit Die d8
Primary Ability Dexterity
Saving Throw Proficiencies Dexterity and Intelligence
Starting Class Features
・Grants Sneak Attack (Melee) and Sneak Attack (Ranged)
Light Armor Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Hand Crossbow Proficiency
Longsword Proficiency
Rapier Proficiency
Shortsword Proficiency

Playing as a Rogue has you rely on stealth to exploit the weaknesses of your enemy. During combat, sneaky and slippery is your battle doctrine, embodied either by attacking from the shadows, or by being as slippery as you can in the midst of the melee.

Outside of combat, Rogues perhaps offer some of the best utility for your party. If you need a lock opened, a trap disarmed, or a sleeping goblin stealthily killed, then the Rogue will be your man (or woman) for the job.

Rogue Skills with Proficiency

As a Rogue, your character can choose 4 out of the 11 skills below to be Proficient in. When you are Proficient with a skill, you get a bonus to any Checks tied to that skill. Proficiency bonuses increase as you gain levels for your chosen class.

Available Skills (Pick 4 of the 11)
Sleight of Hand

What is a Proficiency Bonus?

All Rogue Subclasses

As with most classes, the Rogue will be able to pick a Subclass upon hitting Level 3. In Baldur's Gate 3 you will have 3 Subclasses (called Roguish Archetypes) to choose from: the Arcane Trickster, the Thief, and the Assassin.

Subclass Subclass Description
BaldurArcane Trickster Arcane Tricksters are Rogues with a clever touch of magic, using illusions and enchantments to keep their opponents on the back foot.
Subclass Starting Features:
・Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked
・Grants the Mage Hand Cantrip
・Grants Mage Hand Legerdemain Passive
BaldurThief Thieves use their skills in stealth and larceny to acquire whatever they wish, whether from a third story window or the depths of long-forgotten ruins.
Subclass Starting Features:
・ Grants Fast Hands
・ Grants Second-Story Work
BaldurAssassin You prefer to deal sublime punishment to a single foe at a time - not in a duel, mind, because a duel implies chivalry, and you're too busy getting the job done for honor.
Subclass Starting Features:
・ Grants Assassinate: Initiative
・ Grants Assassinate: Ambush
・ Grants Assassin's Alacrity

All Rogue Features

Rogue Features
Expertise Sneak Attack Cunning Action
Roguish Archetypes Uncanny Dodge Evasion Reliable Talent
▼ Level Progression and Features Chart ▼

Expertise Grants Extra Proficiency Bonuses

As a Rogue, your character will have access to Skills with Expertise during Character Creation. Granting Expertise to a Skill means you get even larger bonuses to Checks for that particular skill. For your class, you get to grant Expertise to 2 of your Skills with Proficiency.

Note: You can only grant Expertise to Skills you are Proficient in. Choose between the list of Skills with Proficiency that you have based on your Origin, Race, and Class. At Level 6, you will gain another opportunity to give certain skills Expertise.

Sneak Attack Adds a Massive Damage Bonus

If your Level 1 Rogue has Advantage during combat (usually by being sneaky and hiding), they can perform a Sneak Attack. Sneak attacks will add 1d6 weapon damage to your attack roll, allowing you to deal a large amount of damage in one hit. As your Rogue levels up, this bonus will increase (to a max of 6d6 at Level 12).

Do note that your Sneak Attack comes in both Melee and Ranged forms, with both being available so long as you have the right weapon types equipped. To get more mileage out of hiding and performing Sneak Attacks, it is recommened that players stick to Ranged as hiding is much easier when the enemy isn't in your face.

How to Gain Advantage in Combat

Cunning Actions Offer Bonus Action Alternatives

Upon hitting Level 2, your Rogue will gain access to Cunning Actions. In Baldur's Gate 3, this is your Cunning Action: Dash, Disengage, and Hide. When you use these versions of Dash, Disengage, or Hide, they will consume a bonus action instead of a regular action, ensuring you are free to use your regular action to attack or cast spells.

In combat, Cunning Actions are the perfect way for Rogues to remain slippery during a fight, allowing them to play around with their spacing or pop in and out of stealth without having to sacrifice an action to do so. The Thief subclass takes this feature to the next level by granting you an extra bonus action via the Fast Hands passive.

Roguish Archetype Subclasses Determine Your Role

At Rogue Level 3, you will unlock Subclasses in the form of Roguish Archetypes. In Baldur's Gate 3 there are 3 Roguish Archetypes to choose from: the Arcane Trickster, the Thief, and the Assassin.

Much like all the subclasses in BG3, the choice is yours when it comes to picking out a subclass for your Rogue. However do consider the role you want to play before doing so. For example, if you want easier Lockpick and Disarm Dexterity checks, then you'll probably want to pick Thief over the other two.

Uncanny Dodge Grants Damage Reduction

Once you hit Level 5 on your Rogue, the game will throw you a bone and give you a damage reduction passive in the form of Uncanny Dodge. Contrary to its name, you don't actually dodge hits fully. Instead, by being able to see your attacker, you only take half the damage they would normally do when they hit you.

Evasion Reduces Spell and Effect Damage

At Level 7, your Rogue gets the Evasion passive. Once unlocked, this allows you to lower the damage you take from spells and effects on a successful Dexterity Saving Throw. If you pass the saving throw, you take no damage. If you fail, you only take half the damage.

Reliable Talent Adds Even More Ability Check Bonuses

At Level 11 your Rogue will almost guarantee that you always roll a 10 or higher when performing Ability Checks for Skills you are Proficient in. With the Reliable Talent passive, any d20 roll that is 9 or lower (for Skills you are Proficient in) will automatically be converted into a 10.

Rogue Class Level Progression

Lvl Features Unlocked Sneak Attack Proficiency Bonus
1 Expertise
Sneak Attack
1d6 +2
2 Cunning Action 1d6 +2
3 Subclass (Roguish Archetype)
・Arcane Trickster
2d6 +2
4 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. 2d6 +2
5 Uncanny Dodge 3d6 +2
6 Expertise (2) 3d6 +2
7 Evasion 4d6 +2
8 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. 4d6 +2
9 Subclass (Roguish Archetype) Feature Unlock 5d6 +2
10 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. 5d6 +2
11 Reliable Talent 6d6 +2
12 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. 6d6 +2

Best Rogue Build

Best Ability Scores for Rogues

8 17(+2) 14 12 14(+1) 10

Dexterity will be your highest ability score as it determines the damage you deal with Ranged and Finesse weapons. DEX will also determine your Armor Class, with the entire modifier being added to AC since you'll usually be wearing Light Armor. Additionally, Stealth Checks and Sleight of Hand checks will benefit from the same DEX modifier.

Constitution determines your HP per level up. Having this at 14 guarantees you get better HP returns at higher levels.

Intelligence gets 12 points so that related skills like Investigation stay relevant and useful when exploring.

Wisdom gets 14 points since it helps with Perception and Survival, allowing you to find hidden things (like traps and secret doors) while exploring.

Charisma will get 10 just so your conversational Skill Checks (like Deception and Persuasion) don't suffer a penalty.

Strength will be your Rogue's dump stat since DEX has more synergy with your out-of-combat utility.

Best Subclasses for Rogues

Thief is the Best Class for Stealth and Utility

Thief is perhaps the best class for Rogues due to the Fast Hands passive which grants them an additional Bonus Action. This allows you to spam both your Cunning Actions during combat as well as your Hide, Stealth Attack, Hide sequences in a single turn.

Best Rogue Equipment

  • Armor: Light Armor to maximize the benefits of the Dexterity Modifier bonuses to your AC.
  • Weapons: Finesse and Ranged Weapons so that you benefit off of your high DEX ability.

Best Races to Use As a Rogue

Lightfoot Halfling

Lightfoot Halfings are one of the best races to play when using a Rogue since they can reroll critical failures and maintain an Advantage for Stealth Checks.

  • Lucky allows you to reroll a Critical Failure (Nat 1) when performing an Attack Roll, Ability Check, or Saving Throw.
  • Naturally Stealthy grants you Advantage on Stealth Checks.

Lightfoot Halfling Subrace Guide and Info

Wood Elf

The Wood Elf is a great race for Rogue players who want the Stealth proficiency without having to sacrifice movement speed. Additionally, Wood Elf Rogues have access to Darkvision and can resist being Charmed.

  • Darkvision helps you stay effective even when fighting enemies obscured by shadows. Also allows you to passively inspect dark areas without having to pull out a torch.
  • Fey Ancestry grants you Advantage for Saving Throws against Charm while also rendering you immune to Sleep.
  • Feet of Foot adds 1.5m of movement speed, bringing your total to 10.5m.

Wood Elf Subrace Guide and Info

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