Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Character Creation Guide

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Character Creation allows you to choose a background origin, race, and abilities for your character in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about each core component of Character Creation, the bonuses they entail, and more!

Character Creation Guide

How to Create A Custom Character

Choose a Background Origin


Backgrounds in Baldur's Gate 3 provide your character with an origin story to give context and direction as to why they act and interact with the world the way they do.

Note that a character's background also influences the feats they may have, so be sure to take the time to study each feature of your character's background.

All Backgrounds
Acolyte Background IconAcolyte Charlatan Background IconCharlatan Criminal Background IconCriminal
Entertainer Background IconEntertainer Folk Hero Background IconFolk Hero Guild Artisan Background IconGuild Artisan
Noble Background IconNoble Outlander Background IconOutlander Sage Background IconSage
Soldier Background IconSoldier Urchin Background IconUrchin

All Backgrounds and Origins

Choose a Race and Subrace


Selecting a race and subrace ultimately changes your outward appearance, as well as the inherent traits and abilities that you will possess. Some traits are locked to specific races only, while some can be acquired through progression or a little modding.

List of All Races
Elf Race IconElf Tiefling Race IconTiefling Drow Race IconDrow
Human Race IconHuman Githyanki Race IconGithyanki Dwarf Race IconDwarf
Half-Elf Race IconHalf-Elf Halfling Race IconHalfling Gnome Race IconGnome
Dragonborn Race IconDragonborn HalfOrc Race IconHalf-Orc

List of Races and Recommended Classes

Edit Your Appearance


After selecting your race and origin, you can customize your character further by giving them a unique look with the many preset skin tone colors, hair style and colors, eye color, face preset, and more!

Choose a Class and a Potential Subclass


Your class will determine which abilities you may gain as bonuses to your progression and may even limit how you can interact with certain objects and scenarios. In addition, each class will have subclasses that further divides and specializes in a specific aspect of that class.

It is highly recommended that you choose a class that generally fits your unique playstyle for the best experience.

All Class Guides
BaldurBarbarian BaldurBard BaldurCleric BaldurDruid
BaldurFighter BaldurMonk BaldurPaladin BaldurRanger
BaldurRogue BaldurSorcerer BaldurWarlock BaldurWizard

List of All Classes

Select a Few Skills


At the beginning of your adventure you will already see a list of acquirable skills and automatic skills granted to you by your chosen race, class, and origin. You may still customize which skills you would like to have before the story begins.

List of Skills

Adjust Your Ability Scores


While certain class will have already preloaded stat distribution, you may still customize which Abilitiy you would like to distribute some points. Want to make a Barbarian with the Intelligence of a PhD holder but with the Strength of a baby? No problem! You can definitely do so! (Though we would highly recommend not doing.)

All Ability Guides
Strength iconStrength Dexterity iconDexterity Constitution iconConstitution
Intelligence iconIntelligence Wisdom iconWisdom Charisma iconCharisma

It is quite easy to break your character if you minmax the wrong stats.

Ability Scores Guide

Can You Respec Your Character

Respec is Possible

Once you enter the game, it is completely possible to respecc your character. However, do note that the character's Race canno be changed. So be mindful when creating your character and be sure to choose the race that best fit your preference.

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