Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Get Volo's Ersatz Eye

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This is a walkthrough on how to get Volo's Ersatz Eye in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Find where Volo is, if the Ersatz Eye is permanent, and how it works in seeing invisible enemies.

Side Quest Details

Journal Entry
Rescue Volo
Recommended Level Lv. 3
Result Success:
Volo's Ersatz Eye
Shattered Sanctum
(Goblin Camp)
X: 105, Y: 461

Benefits of Volo's Ersatz Eye

Ersatz Eye Grant Permanent See Invisibility


Volo's Ersatz Eye is a passive feature that gives permanent See Invisibility to one chosen character. This has absolutely no drawback.

See Invisibility allows you to see invisible creatures at up to 9m. Invisible creatures have the chance to resist this effect with Dexterity Saving Throws.

This eye can be earned by saving Volo from the Goblin Camp and letting him attempt to pull out the Mind Flayer Parasite from your eye.

See Invisibility Effects

Can Be Given to Any Party Member

Volo's Ersatz Eye can apply to anyone at the camp who you choose to go through his operation.

Take control of a character you wish to have the Ersatz Eye. Have them ask Volo about his research and allow him to operate.

Volo will only give the Ersatz Eye once. Once given, it is permanent and non-transferable with the chosen character for the rest of the playthrough. Choose wisely!

How to Get Volo's Ersatz Eye

Ersatz Eye Side Quest

Where to Find Volo

Find Volo at the Goblin Camp

Goblin Camp Map and Location
Goblin Camp
X: 104, Y: 413

The Goblin Camp can be accessed early on by simply heading west from the Blighted Village. You will have pass through several dialogue checks, however, unless you choose to fight (which is several times harder) at low level.

Having a party of Lv. 3 members is recommended for this side quest in case fights break out along the way.

Talk to Volo at the Camp Square


Upon arriving at the Goblin Camp, Volo can be first seen performing for the goblins at the center of the camp. Head over to the platform and initiate a dialogue with him.

Picking any dialogue option except leave will result in Volo being taken back to his cell inside the Shattered Sanctum by goblins.

Nearby Owlbear Cub Quest


If you are following the Owlbear Cub questline, the cub should also be present here provided you have taken one Long Rest after confronting its mother in the Owlbear Nest.

Obtaining the Owlbear Cub for your camp leads to potential party member approvals when you interact with it in certain ways.

How to Get the Owlbear Cub

How to Free Volo

Finding Volo

Enter the Shattered Sanctum

Shattered Sanctum Entrance
Heavy Oak Doors (Goblin Camp)
X: 105 , Y: 461

To access the Shattered Sanctum, head to north of the Goblin Camp and enter through the Heavy Oak Doors. No need to mind the guarding Ogre at the side.

Get Past Warrior Trinzas


NPC Dialogue
Warrior Trinzas: State yer business, now. (Rune Glows)
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[ILLITHID] [WISDOM] (DC2)] I'm not here to talk to a lowly guard.
Granted entry.
Starts battle.
[DECEPTION (DC15)] I've got an audience with the one in charge.
Granted entry.
Sent off.
[INTIMIDATION (DC15)] You don't need to know about my business. Move.
Granted entry.
Sent off.
[DETECT THOUGHTS (DC9)] Probe her thoughts. Success:
Gain dialogue option to grant entry.
Starts battle.
They seem ready to attack - be the one to strike first.
Starts battle.

Choosing to Detect Thoughts is one of the easiest to succeed in above after the Illithid option.

Upon entering the Shattered Sanctum, go down the hallway until you are stopped by Warrior Trinzas.

Succeeding in the non-violent dialogue options with her will have her grant you passage!

You can opt to fight and defeat the guards, which is much harder than trying to persuade her.

Find Volo's Cell

Volo in Shattered Sanctum
Shattered Sanctum
X:334 , Y: 8

Once past Warrior Trinzas, head over to the main room and climb up the stairs to the right. No need to worry about being questioned by the inhabitants here for the moment.

Volo's cell can be next to Abdirak's Bloodied Shrine. It is guarded by the goblin Gribbo.

Persuade or Kill Gribbo


NPC Dialogue
Gribbo: Then catch one of your own!
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
I've taken a shine to this one. How much do you want for him?
Pick the option to pay 250 Gold. Gives the key to Volo's cell.
You can safely offer other prices. If you have no coin to offer, you will be brought back to the previous dialogue options.
[ILLITHID] [WISDOM (DC2)] Set him free.
Frees Volo.
Starts battle.
[DECEPTION (DC10)] He looks weak. Sick, even. He won't last long in there.
Frees Volo.
Sends you off.
[INTIMIDATION (DC10)] I'm done talking. Open the cage or you'll be sorry.
Frees Volo.
Sends you off.
[DETECT THOUGHTS (DC9)] Read her thoughts. Success:
Gain dialogue option to free Volo.
Starts battle.
Leave. Result:
You cannot convince Gribbo anymore after this.

Keep in mind that leaving the conversation right after asking her about her plans for her 'pigeon' will cause her to just send you off the next time you talk to her.

If one of the dialogue skill checks are successful, Gribbo will give you the key to the cell. Talk with Volo and ask him to join you at camp.

Alternatively, you can kill Gribbo to obtain her key to Volo's cell. Before doing this, close the door, then hit her first. As long as the door is closed, you are less likely to get caught in the act.

A goblin, Tracker Tozad, checks the cells periodically. Etiher you can free Volo and get out of the room as soon as you can, or you can Hide and ambush him when he gets inside.

How to Obtain the Ersatz Eye

Obtaining the Ersatz Eye

Find and Talk to Volo at Your Camp


Above is Volo in a camp set inside the Shattered Sanctum.

If you tell Volo to come to your camp once he is free, he can be found at the camp when you return there.

Talk to Volo about the mind flayer parasite in your head, and then let him begin his research in how to extract it.

You do not need to take rests to see him. However, sometimes he may not appear on your first return to your camp. Feel free to take as many Long Rests until he appears there.

Visit Volo Again After a Long Rest


If Volo has started on his research previously, he should be ready to give the Ersatz Eye the next time you talk to him after completing at least one Long Rest.

Be ready to choose a character who you want to get the Ersatz Eye, as that item will be permanently bound to that character for the rest of the playthrough.

When you are ready to get the Ersatz Eye, ask Volo about his research and you will lie down on the operating table. Choose the dialogue option that does not result in your character resisting. If you change your mind, you can always order Volo to stop the operation.

Commit to the Operation


Warning: the scene and accompanying sound effects may be highly disturbing.

Once Volo has started working on your eye, the only way to get the Ersatz Eye is to commit to the operation until the end.

Ordering Volo to stop at any point in the operation before he pulls out his pick axe will give you the Bleeding Eye condition. This is mostly harmless, as it lasts for only about a few seconds in camp. You can attempt the operation again.

The final step in the operation Volo is pulling out an ice pick to use on your eye. Proceed with this to finally acquire Volo's Ersatz Eye. Once the eye has been given, Volo will leave the camp.

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