Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

College of Swords Subclass Guide and Builds

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The College of Swords is a Bard subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the College of Swords subclass, its features, best races to use, as well as the best builds.

All Bard Subclasses
Bard Class Guide
BaldurCollege of Lore BaldurCollege of Swords BaldurCollege of Valor

College of Swords Subclass Overview

College of Swords Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur College of Swords
A highly trained and skilled warrior, you use your prowess with words and weapons to fight and entertain in equal measure.
Parent Class Bard
How to Unlock Reach Bard Level 3.
Spellcasting Ability Charisma
Starting Subclass Features
・All Bard Class Features and Proficiencies.
・Slashing Flourish (Melee)
・Defensive Flourish (Melee)
・Mobile Flourish (Melee)
・Slashing Flourish (Ranged)
・Defensive Flourish (Ranged)
・Mobile Flourish (Ranged)
・Fighting Style Unlock
・Scimitar Proficiency
・Medium Armor Proficiency

The Bard'd College of Swords turns the Bard from a purely supportive unit to a hybrid Martial fighter. College of Swords grants the Bard several combat options depending on the tide of battle. Use Defensive Flourish to survive enemy attacks or Slashing Flourish to damage multiple enemies or maybe use Mobile Flourish to navigate the field better by using your knockback and teleportation skills.

Couple all of these options with the Bard's superior debuffs and buffs and you have a self sufficient DPS unit that is versatile and capable in multiple kinds of situations.

How to Unlock the College of Swords Subclass

Available Once Your Bard Reaches Level 3

The College of Swords subclass will become available once your Bard reaches Level 3. In order to earn EXP and level up in Baldur's Gate 3, players will need to complete quests, discover new areas, or defeat enemies they find in the world.

College of Swords Subclass Features

College of Swords Features
Flourish Martial Skills New Proficiencies
Fighting Style Unlock Extra Attack

Flourish Martial Skills

The College of Swords immediately gain access to 6 Skills upon obtaining the said Subclass. These 6 Skills can be divided into two categories which are ranged and melee. Slashing Flourish is an offensive skill that allows you to damage two units, Defensive Flourish gives you 4 bonus AC upon hitting an enemy, and Mobile Flourish is a knockback and teleportation skill.

These skills alone partnered with the Bard's buffs converts the bard's supportive role into a high DPS unit with several buffs and options for different scenarios.

New Proficiencies

Aside from the said 6 Martial Skills, the Bard also gains access to Scimitar proficiency and Medium Armor Proficiency. These proficiencies translates to a more battle oriented rogue by gaining access to a higher AC value and more weapon options!

Fighting Style Unlock

Duelling When you are wielding a melee weapon that is not Two-Handed or Versatile in one hand, and no weapon in the other, you deal an additional 2 damage with that weapon.
Two-Weapon Fighting When you make an attack with your off-hand weapon, you can add your Ability Modifier to the damage of the attack.

The last feature unlock that the Bard gets on level 3 is the Fighting Style Unlock. Unlock other martial classes, the College of Sword only grants the Bard two options which are the Two-Weapon Fighting and Duelling. Duelling makes the Bard a more balanced character who can have a high AC value from Medium Armor and a Shield and high Dexterity value.

Meanwhile, a Two-Weapon Fighting makes the Bard an unstoppable damage dealing unit capable attacking twice with their dual wielded scimitars.

Extra Attack

At level 6, the College of Swords Bard gains access to Extra Attack. Extra Attack is exactly what it entails, attacking allows you to attack one more time. Extra attack is not a bonus action and is just a second attack which immediately means an increase in DPS.

Also take note that the Scimitar is a light weapon which means the Bard can attack a total of three times when dual wielding two scimitars!

College of Swords Level Progression

Level Subclass Features Unlocked
Level 3 ・New Martial Skills
Fighting Style Unlock
・Scimitar Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Level 6 Extra Attack Feature

Best Races to Use for College of Swords


The Half-Orc is an excellent choice for the College of Swords Bard as it allows you to be tanky due to the Relentless Endurance race feature together with the subclass's Medium Armor proficiency.

Relentless Endurance - When you reach 0 hit points, instead of being downed you'll regain 1 hit points, giving you more chances to stay alive during the battle. Perfect if you're planning to tank for your party.
Savage Attacks - Allows your damage dice to triple instead of double upon landing a Critical Hit with a melee weapon. Suited for those going with an aggressive playstyle.

College of Swords Builds

Best Ability Scores

10 14 16 (+1) 8 8 17(+2)

Charisma and Constitution will be your main abilities where you'll be pumping out your points.

With this build you'll be able to be decent with melee weapons and tank for your team, while also being able to sit back and inspire your allies.

Equipment Choice

Grymskull Helm

With Grymskull Helm, attackers can't land a Critical Hit on you which prolongs your survivability in combat. It also gives you resistance to fire.

Grymskull Helm: Armor Guide and How to Get

Gloves of Power

When attacking someone while Gloves of Power is equipped, your target could possibly receive a -1d4 penalty to their Attack Rolls and Saving Throws.

Gloves of Power: Armor Guide and How to Get

Cap of Curing

When Cap of Curing is equipped, your ally regains 1d6 hit points upon using Bardic Inspiration on them.

Cap of Curing: Armor Guide and How to Get

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2 Anonymousover 1 year

They also recommend all con and charisma instead of Dex and cha

1 Anonymousover 1 year

Why do you recommend a heavy armor helm on a class that can only use up to medium .-.


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