Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Arcane Trickster Subclass Guide and Build

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Baldurs Gate 3 - Arcane Trickster Subclass Guide

The Arcane Trickster is a Rogue subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the Arcane Trickster subclass, its features, as well as its best build.

Rogue Subclasses
Rogue Class Guide
BaldurArcane Trickster BaldurAssassin BaldurThief

Arcane Trickster Subclass Overview

Arcane Trickster Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur Arcane Trickster
Arcane Tricksters are Rogues with a clever touch of magic, using illusions and enchantments to keep their opponents on the back foot.
Main Class Rogue
How to Unlock Reach Rogue Level 3.
Spellcasting Ability Intelligence
Uses the spells from the Wizard spell list.
Starting Subclass Features
・Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked.
・Choice of 2 Spells from the Arcane Trickster spell list.
・Choice of 1 Spell from the Wizard spell list.
・Grants the Mage Hand Cantrip.
・Grants Mage Hand Legerdemain Passive.
・All Rogue Class Features and Proficiencies.

Arcane Tricksters are hybrid spellcasters, often using spells that can charm, terrorize, blind, or knock out their foes. From the shadows they strike, wielding their spells, swords, and bows to maximum effect on the battlefield.

How to Unlock the Arcane Trickster Subclass

Available Once Your Rogue Reaches Level 3

The Arcane Trickster subclass will become available once your Rogue reaches Level 3. In order to earn EXP and level up in Baldur's Gate 3, players will need to complete quests, discover new areas, or defeat enemies they find in the world.

Arcane Trickster Subclass Features

Arcane Trickster Features
Spellcasting Mage Hand Legerdemain Magical Ambush
▼ Subclass Level Progression ▼


Once you become an Arcane Trickster Rogue, you gain access to spellcasting. At Levels 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, and 11, you will be able to choose a spell to add to your arsenal, allowing your rogue to become a hybrid spellcaster. By the time you reach Level 11, you will have access to 4 Cantrips and 8 Spells.

However, the catch is that during the level up process, you'll be picking your spells from two different spell lists - the Arcane Trickster spell list and the Expanded Wizard spell list. The former will be a very limited set of spells, while the latter is comprised of Level 1 Wizard spells (with Level 2 spells being added once your character hits Level 7).

Level Arcane Trickster Spells Expanded Wizard Spells
3 2 Spells 1 Spell
4 1 Spell
7 2 Spells
8 1 Spell
10 2 Spells
11 1 Spell

Spell Replacement Allows You to Get Spells from the Expanded List

Again, unlike other classes and subclasses that replace their spells, Arcane Tricksters can use the Spell Replacement feature (at Levels 4-9 and 12) to gain access to the Expanded spell list.

If you want more spells from the Wizard spell list but find your current arsenal limited to Arcane Trickster spells, you can use the Spell Replacement feature to switch out your Arcane Trickster spells for some of handier ones found in the Expanded list.

Pure Arcane Trickster Spell Slots Per Level

When leveling an Arcane Trickster from Level 3 to 12, it will have a different number of spell slots compared to when it is multiclassed. A pure Arcane Trickster will have 6 Level 1 Spell Slots and 2 Level 2 Spell Slots at Level 12.

Lvl No. of Spell Slots
1st 2nd
3 2
4 1
7 1 2
10 2

Multiclassed Arcane Trickster Spell Slots Per Level

When multiclassing into an Arcane Trickster, players will get a different number of spell slots compared to a pure Arcane Trickster. When multiclassed, this subclass will have 4 Level 1 Spell Slots and 3 Level 2 Spell Slots at Level 11.

Lvl No. of Spell Slots
1st 2nd
3 2
5 1
8 1 2
11 1

Mage Hand Legerdemain

At Level 3, you will also gain access to both the Mage Hand cantrip and the Mage Hand Legerdemain passive. With the latter active, your Mage Hand will become invisible when summoned. It will also be able to perform more actions than a regular Mage Hand spell as shown below.

Mage Hand Legerdemain is Currently Bugged

As of writing, the Mage Hand Legerdemain passive is currently bugged. It has no functional difference from a regular Mage Hand (no additional actions) other than it is invisible when conjured. Fixes for this passive may be slated for future patches of Baldur's Gate 3.

Magical Ambush

At Level 9, Arcane Tricksters unlock the Magical Ambush passive. Once active, enemies get a Disadvantage to their Attack Roll if you sling a spell at them while hidden. This means your spells will have a higher chance of hitting if you fire them while hidden.

Arcane Trickster Level Progression

Level Subclass Features Unlocked
Level 3 ・Spellcasting (Feature)
・Mage Hand Legerdemain (Passive)
・Mage Hand (Cantrip)
Level 9 ・Magical Ambush (Passive)

Best Arcane Trickster Builds

Arcane Trickster Build Overview

Recommended Equipment
Helm Shadow of Menzoberranzan
Armor Graceful Cloth
Cloak of the Weave
Gloves Gloves of Power
Gloves of the Balanced Hands
Boots Boots of Speed
Disintegrating Night Walkers
Recommended Weapons
Slot Main Hand / Off-Hand
Melee Sussur Dagger
Justiciar's Scimitar
Range Darkfire Shortbow
Hellfire Hand Crossbow
Recommended Accessories
Amulet Moondrop Pendant
Ring 1 Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands
Ring 2 Killer's Sweetheart
This build focuses on infiltrating enemy camps through sneaking or talking. It will not fall short on damage and elemental defense as well if a scenario or your actions lead to combat.

Note: This build is subject to change as we're currently testing and searching for better gear in the game!

The items on this build are all scattered throughout all three acts. If you don't have them yet, it's best to buy a +1 equipment of the same type from a merchant until you get them.


Shadow of Menzoberranzan

Shadow of Menzoberranzan is a helmet that grants players the Class Action, Shrouded in Shadow. Shrouded in Shadow allows characters to become invisible, but spell breaks when they attack, cast another spell, perform an Action, or take damage.

It is recommended for easy traversal without getting caught by enemies and for sneaking up to them when the moment is right.

How to Get Shadow of Menzoberranzan


The Graceful Cloth

The Graceful Cloth is recommended for Arcane Tricksters as it gives the player an increase to their Dexterity score by 2, alongside Cat's Grace, as well as Nimble as a Cat, which adds a +1 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws and increases the player's Jump distance by 1.5m.

How to Get The Graceful Cloth

Cloak of the Weave

Consider equipping Cloak of the Weave because of its +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls which slightly boosts your offense and defense. Additionally, it also lets you absorb half the damage from elemental attacks and deal the same elemental damage on your next attack.

How to Get Cloak of the Weave


Gloves of Power

Gloves of Power can inflict damage penalty to your enemies when you hit them. It also gives a bonus +1 to Sleight of Hands, which helps if you want to steal an item from someone.

Gloves of Power: Armor Guide and How to Get

Gloves of the Balanced Hands

Gloves of the Balanced Hands is great for Arcane Tricksters who dual-wield weapons. It can increase your damage by adding the Ability Modifier if you attack using your off-hand weapon, almost doubling the damage your off-hand weapon can inflict.


Boots of Speed

Boots of Speed gives an additional skill named Click Heel, which doubles your movement speed, and enemies receive Disadvantage on their Opportunity Attacks against you.

It's extremely useful if you already exhausted your Disengage and need to flee from nearby enemies.
How to Get Boots of Speed

Disintegrating Night Walkers

Disintegrating Night Walkers is a good replacement for the Boots of Speed. It has a Misty Step spell that you can use to teleport to the location your character can see. As an Arcane Trickster, it will help you reposition yourself in combat, reach faraway places, and escape when necessary.

How to Get Disintegrating Night Walkers

Melee Weapons

Sussur Dagger

Sussur Dagger is a dagger that can silence enemies when attacking. It's a great weapon to get when you go to the Underdark as there are a lot of enemies who rely on spellcasting until the endgame.

How to Get Sussur Dagger

Justiciar's Scimitar

Justiciar's Scimitar is a weapon you can get in the later parts of Act 2. It gives a Weapon Action, Shadow-Blinding, which can blind your enemies if you attack them while you have the Advantage. Also, it won't remove your concealment or invisibility if you attack using that action.


Stillmaker is a weapon you can in the early part of Act 3. It gives a level 3 Enchantment Spell, Hold Person, which you can use to hold a target in place. It's not the best in terms of effect since it's more suitable for spellcasters, but it still have a better base damage compare to other Daggers.

How to Get Stillmaker

Ranged Weapons

Darkfire Shortbow

Darkfire Shortbow gives a Haste Spell to the wearer, where it gains extra movement, becomes harder to hit, and gain an extra action. It is generally good for all classes that are proficient with Shortbows, but it's best used to Arcane Tricksters to maximize their movement or damage in combat.

You can use Darkfire Shorbow as a replacement for the Joltshooter or Bow of the Banshee once you get it.

Hellfire Hand Crossbow

Hellfire Hand Crossbow has an effect, named Hellstalker, where you can inflict additional fire damage to a target if you're invisible or out of sight. It also gives an additional spell, Scorching Ray, which can be effective seeing that Arcane Tricksters are also magic-based Rogues.

How to Get Hellfire Hand Crossbow


Moondrop Pendant (Amulet)

Moondrop Pendant is good for Arcane Tricksters, especially if they're in a sticky situation. Its effect will allow the user to safely pass an enemy without provoking an Opportunity Attack once its HP is below 50%.

How to Get Moondrop Pendant

Fetish of Callarduan Smoothhands (Ring)

You can get Invisibility from the Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands, helping you sneak through different scenarios, in and outside of combat. It lasts ten turns, but it will require you to do a Long Rest before you can do it again.

You can dump this ring and look for something else once you get to level 9 since you will be getting a better Invisibility skill named Supreme Sneak.

How to Get Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands

Killer's Sweetheart (Ring)

The best Ring accessory for an Arcane Trickster is the Killer's Sweetheart, as it has a reaction effect called Executioner, which lets you inflict a critical hit on your next attack after killing an enemy. You can activate this immediately, as Arcane Tricksters can attack twice in battle, assuming you kill an enemy on your first attack.

However, you will need to take a Long Rest before you can use it again!

Best Races to Use as an Arcane Trickster

Wood Half-Elf

Wood Half-Elves are a recommended race for Arcane Tricksters as their race features allow players to be more versatile with weapon proficiencies, all while keeping their agility in combat, from movement speed to field visibility.

Wood Half-Elf Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Mephistopheles Tiefling

With Arcane Tricksters being a magic-based Rogue subclass, taking advantage of the Mephistopheles Tiefling subrace's features, cantrips, and arcane magic can turn them into powerhouse spellcasters, with spell resistance, and agility across the playing field.

  • Darkvision allows you to see an extra 12m in Dark Areas. For an Arcane Trickster, you will be able to take advantage of this, as you will be sneaking a lot of times.
  • Hellish Resistance gives the character resistance to Fire damage, taking only half damage from it.
  • Mage Hand can be used to move objects and investigate unknown areas. It's also invisible when you summon it, so it won't be hard to sneak past strict areas.

Mephistopheles Tiefling Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Deep Gnome

Consider having your Arcane Trickster be a Deep Gnome to take advantage of its race features, primarily its Proficiency in Stealth Checks, as well as its capability to see in the dark up to 24m, allowing for effective placement in combat by using the visible field to their advantage.

Deep Gnome Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Best Ability Score for Arcane Trickster

Ability Score Overview

8 17 (+2) 14 16 (+1) 8 10

Dexterity is the primary ability for Assassins. Maxing it out will get you the highest possible damage you can inflict in battle.

Constitution and Intelligence should be prioritzed after Dexterity. Having a high Constitution stat will help compensate the low defense and Intelligence can allow for increased spell damage.

You can slightly increase Wisdom and Charisma to help you with Insight, Deception, and Perception checks.

Strength can be your dump stat as you won't be fighting enemies head on.

Best Arcane Trickster Feats

Dual Wielder

Dual Wielder, as the name suggests, allows the character to dual-wield weapons (with the exception of dual-wielding Heavy Weapons). Selecting this feat gives the player weapon variety and increased damage in certain situations.

Dual Wielder Feat Guide and Effects


Having the Athlete feat allows for the character's Strength or Dexterity to increase by 1, to a maximum of 20. When you are Prone, standing up uses significantly less movement. Also, Jump distance increases by 50%.

Having this feat for the Arcane Trickster allows for better agility and character placement in combat.

Athlete Feat Guide and Effects


Lucky gives the player 3 Luck Points, which you can use to gain Advantage on Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, or Saving Throws, or to make an enemy reroll their Attack Rolls.

Lucky Feat Guide and Effects

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All Rogue Subclasses

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