Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Get to Wyrm's Rock Fortress

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This is a walkthrough on how to enter Wyrm's Rock Fortress near Wyrm's Crossing in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Learn what options will lead to lowering the drawbridge and other alternative methods in gettting inside the fortress.

Side Quest Details

Journal Entry
Find a way into Wyrm's Rock Fortress
Recommended Level Lv. 8
Result Access Wyrm's Rock Fortress and Lower City
(Wyrm's Crossing)
X: 3, Y: 161

How to Get to Wyrm's Rock Fortress

Find Wyrm's Rock Fortress


The Wyrm's Rock is an Act 3 location and a fortress located just to the north of Rivington (far north of the Rivington waypoint when exiting the Shadow-Cursed Lands). It is hard to miss as it is directly found at the end of the main road. Getting to Act 3 requires having defeated Ketheric Thorm.

Getting access to Wyrm's Rock will get you a step closer to Lord Enver Gortash, one of True Souls who is in possession of a Netherstone used to control an Elder Brain. Wyrm's Rock will also give you access to the Lower City entrance.

Find Blaze Elin at the Drawbridge


At the entrance of the Wyrm's Rock, you will find a raised drawbridge guarded by Steel Watchers and the Flaming Fist.

Talk to Blaze Elin and she will tell you that the Wyrm's Rock entrance is closed for a special event. Check the dialogue options on how she can lower the drawbridge for you.

You can opt to enter through alternative means such as taking secret passages or acquiring an invitation in the later sections.

Wyrm's Rock Fortresss Ways to Enter

There are several ways you can take in accessing Wyrm's Rock Fortress, each holding different treasures and encounters but all leading to the same outcome. The following are common routes you can take:

  1. Pass Blaze Elin's Dialogue Checks
  2. Steal Invitation from Sharess' Caress
  3. Find a Lower City Pass
  4. Wyrm's Rock Prison Route

Pass Blaze Elin's Dialogue Checks


NPC Dialogue
Blaze Elin: Sorry, chum, can't let you through. Wyrm's Rock's closed for the day.
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
What's special about today? Result:
Elin speaks of Gortash's ordination to Archduke. You are cycled back to other dialogue options.
[DECEPTION (DC30)] An assassin is in pursuit of Duke Ravengard. I need to warn him! Success:
Granted access to the Wyrm Rock's Fortress.
No access granted.
[PERSUASION (DC30)] I'm here to protect Archduke-Elect Gortash. Success:
Granted access to the Wyrm Rock's Fortress.
No access granted.
[PERSUASION (DC25)] Such a bother. What if I were to contribute to the 'Flaming Fist Oprhans' Fund? Success:
Get a dialogue option to pay 20,000 gold for access.
No access granted.

The dialogue options above may vary per class and race.

The dialogue options and Skill Checks for getting Blaze Elin to lower the drawbridge is extremely demanding. Succeeding in the dialogue options above will earn you approval from party members, and will allow you to safely get into the Wyrm's Rock Fortress via the drawbridge.

Unless you are stacked with bonuses from proficencies, Charisma, Favorable Beginnings from Illitihd Powers, or spells like Charm, you may want to consider other options.

Steal an Invitation from Sharess' Caress

Head to the Sharess' Caress Upper Floors

Sharess' Caress Invitation Room
Sharess' Caress Upper Floors
X: 15, Y: 93

This is easiest way to gain entry into the Wyrm's Rock Fortress. Simply head to Sharess' Caress and get to the Upper Floors until you arrive at the Double Doors with foliage and a Purulent Bulb beside it.

Have someone lockpick the door then sneak in to grab the invitation. You do not have to worry about getting any attention inside since its two inhabitants, a Wood Elf and a Human of the Flaming Fist, will be conversing a safe distance away from the door.

Take the Invitation and Give it to Blaze Elin


Get the Archducal Coronation - Admission Pass at the fountain of the room and then return to Blaze Elin.

Talk to Blaze Elin and there will be a new dialogue option to show the admission pass. Choosing that dialogue option will let her lower the bridge for you with no cost and Skill Checks.

Find a Lower City Pass

Open Hand Temple Location
Open Hand Temple
(Wyrm's Crossing)
X: 46, Y: -4

A Lower City pass can be presented to Blaze Elin to give you access to the Wyrm's Rock Fortress. But in order to acquire it, you must complete the Open Hand Temple Murders quest.

Find Sister Yannis at the Open Hand Temple and talk to her. You will see her talking to Inspector Valeria, a Hollyphant, about the murders.

Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders

Wyrm's Rock Prison Route

Jumping to the Wall of Wyrm's Rock
Ⓐ Wyrm's Rock Crack in the Wall Route

Ⓑ Wyrm's Rock Prison Mousehole Route

Exiting the Wyrm's Rock Prison

There are two (2) alternate entrances, each requiring a different approach. Eventually, they both converge into the same area which is the Wyrm's Rock Prison.
Escaping the Wyrm's Rock Prison is essentially the same: use the Prison Entrance Key from a guard to unlock the prison exit leading to the Wyrm's Rock Fortress area.

Jump from the Right of the Drawbridge


From the right of the guards at the drawbridge, you are going to have to jump to the lower areas of the Wyrm's Rock wall.

Using spells like Fly or Feather Fall will help negate the fall damage. Else, use healing items after the jump.

How to Lessen Fall Damage

Find the Crack in the Wall

Wyrm's Rock Crack in the Wall
(Wyrm's Crossing)
X: 47, Y: 189

Navigate around the east side of the wall until you come across a large crack. Have a party member roll a successful Perception Check to gain access to the Wyrm's Rock Prison

Destroy a Wall of the Storage Room


If you are coming from the Crack in the Wall entrance, you will have to break a wall to get inside the Wyrm Rock Prison's storage room with a door leading to the prison's main hall.

Examine the wall's resistances accordingly. You can use either bludgeoning damage from a blunt weapon such as a Maul or force damage to destroy it.

Keep in mind that the wall is Sturdy, which means that in order to damage it, it requires an attack that can deal at least 10 damage.

List of All Weapons

Find the Mousehole

Wyrm's Rock Mousehole
(Wyrm's Crossing)
X: -72, Y: 206

Alternatively, you can look for a mousehole into the Wyrm's Rock Prison by navigating to the west side of the wall. You will need a way to transform yourself into a small creature (like the a Druid's Wild Shape) that can fit in such as a cat.

Go near the mousehole to roll a Perception Check to detect it, then use an appropriate spell that can let you get inside.

Since the entrance of this route has size limitations, you may not be able to bring all party members with you.

Find the Prison's Illusory Wall


From the mousehole entrance, head near the wall to the right and it should reveal the an entrance into the Wyrm's Rock Prison.

The passage to the left leads to the Wyrmway, which you may want to check later since it is a large dungeon area. Prioritize securing your entry into the fortress first.


Keep in mind that once you are past the illusory wall, the only way to exit through it is by extinguishing the torches, then lighting them up again after dealing lightning damage on them. This can be done by using a spell such as Shocking Grasp or an item like an Arrow of Lightning.

List of All Spells

Take the Guard's Prison Entrance Key


Once past any one of the two routes you took, head to the nearby main hall of Wyrm's Rock Prison. You will need to take the guard's Prison Entrance Key either by force or through pickpocketing.

Rogues, such as Astarion, will be extremely valuable in this scenario. Use them to pickpocket the guard, roll a Deception Check (DC15) dialogue if caught, or lockpick the Prison Entrance Door (DC20).

Once you have unlocked the entrance, simply head out (no need to mind the sleeping guard) and enter the Passageway. This will take you inside Wyrm's Rock Fortress. Gortash will welcome you through one of his Steel Watchers, and you will free to walk around Wyrm's Rock safely.

Gather Party Members at the Waypoint

Wyrm's Rock Fortress Waypoint
Wyrm's Rock
X: 13, Y: 211

If you managed to get into Wyrm's Rock but you do not have your other party members with you, you can activate the area's waypoint after talking with Gortash through a Steel Watcher. Use this to quickly teleport your other members into the area.

Alternatively, having finished the dialogue with Gortash will cause the drawbridge to already be lowered, allowing you to pass in and out of the Wyrm's Rock Fortress.

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