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Circle of the Land Subclass Guide and Build

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The Circle of the Land is a Druid subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the Circle of the Land subclass, its features, as well as its best build.

Druid Subclasses
Druid Class Guide
BaldurCircle of the Land BaldurCircle of the Moon BaldurCircle of Spores

Circle of the Land Subclass Overview

Circle of the Land Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur Circle of the Land
Druids of this circle connect to powerful magic that flows through the earth and binds all living things together.
Parent Class Druid
How to Unlock Reach Druid Level 2.
Spellcasting Ability Wisdom
Starting Subclass Features
・Access to the Wildshape Class Action
 ┣ Spider Form
 ┣ Badger Form
 ┣ Cat Form
 ┗ Wolf Form
・Access to the Natural Recovery Class Action.
・Learn 1 Druid Cantrip
・All Druid Class Features and Proficiencies.

With access to an abundance of different magic spells, Druids who belong to this circle are the most versatile amongst all three subclasses. With a heavily customisable leveling path, Circle of the Land Druids can be molded into the perfect spellcaster for any and every occasion.

How to Unlock the Circle of the Land Subclass

Available Once Your Druid Reaches Level 2

The Circle of the Land subclass will become available once your Druid reaches Level 2. In order to earn EXP and level up in Baldur's Gate 3, players will need to complete quests, discover new areas, or defeat enemies they find in the world.

Circle of the Land Subclass Features

Circle of the Land Features
Bonus Cantrip Natural Recovery Land's Stride
Nature's Ward Circle Spells
▼ Subclass Level Progression ▼

Bonus Cantrip

Circle of the Land Druids are allowed to learn up to 3 of the following 4 Bonus Cantrips as they level-up.

The first of these bonus Cantrips can be selected once the Druid hits Lv. 2, with the next Cantrip selection appearing at Lv. 4, and the last one appearing much later at Lv. 10.

Selecting one Bonus Cantrip removes it from the selection list of your next milestone, meaning if you choose to take Poison Spray at Druid Lv. 2, you will only be able to select amongst the remaining 3 Cantrips at Lv. 4. After which Druids may select their third and final Cantrip between the last 2 available Cantrips at Lv. 10.

Remember that Cantrips are different from spells in that you do not consume spell slots to cast them. They only cost an action to cast each time your Druid takes a turn, making your first and second cantrip selection important.

Natural Recovery

Natural Recovery is a Class Action unique to Circle of the Land Druids. It allows these Druids to recover spell slots, the resource that is essentially mana in Baldur's Gate 3.

Best used outside of battle, Natural Recovery consumes an Action as well as a Natural Recovery Charge. At Lv. 2, Circle of the Land Druids only have a single Natural Recovery Charge, but as you level-up, you will eventually gain more charges.

See the table below for a detailed list of the amount of Natural Recovery Charges your Druid can obtain per Lv.

Natural Recovery Level Progression
Druid Lv. Natural Recovery Charges Unlocked Actions
Lv.2 1 -
Lv.3 2 Natural Recovery: Level 2
Recovers 2 spell slots
Lv.5 3 Natural Recovery: Level 3
Recovers 3 spell slots
Lv.7 4 Natural Recovery: Level 4
Recovers 4 spell slots
Lv.9 5 Natural Recovery: Level 5
Recovers 5 spell slots
Lv.11 6 -

Land's Stride

Land's Stride is a subclass feature obtained at Lv. 6. Unique to Circle of the Land Druids, it is a passive ability that grants the Druid immunity to the slowing effects of the Difficult Terrain status effect.

Because Circle of the Land Druids are primarily spellcasters, the Land's Stride passive grants them a defensive option since they can retreat past a surface affected by Difficult Terrain, allowing them to safely cast their spells from a distance.

Nature's Ward

Nature's Ward is another subclass feature learned at Lv. 10. It passively grants immunity to both Poison and Disease while also protecting the Druid against the Charmed and Frightened status effects if they are being cast by elementals or fey.

While the ability is somewhat niche, the added layer of protection is always nice to have. Especially for characters who belong to the spellcaster archetype.

Circle Spells

Starting at Level 3, Circle of the Land Druids will be able to select one set of two spells from the Circle of the Land Spell Bonus.

Spells selected from the Circle of the Land specialty exist within a unique space in a Circle of the Land Druid's aresenal.

Spells obtained this way will permanently be equipped to your Circle of the Land Druid, regardless of whether or not you've prepared them at your camp.

Additionally, Druids are allowed to mix and match sets as they level-up, meaning you can select a set from the Mountain specialty at Lv.3, and then select a set from the Desert specialty at Lv. 5.

This mechanic makes Circle of the Land Druids the most flexible amongst all three of the available Druid subclasses because of how they can tailor their leveling experience by selecting which spells they will always have access to from that point onward.

For a detailed breakdown of the spells your Circle of the Land Druid learns at Levels 3, 5, 7, and 9, click the button below.

Arctic Spells
Lv.3 Hold Person (Enchantment)
Spike Growth (Transmutation)
Lv.5 Sleet Storm (Conjuration)
Haste (Transmutation)
Lv.7 Conjure Minor Elemental (Conjuration)
Ice Storm (Evocation)
Lv.9 Cone of Cold (Evocation)
Contagion (Necromancy)
Coast Spells
Lv.3 Mirror Image (Illusion)
Misty Step (Conjuration)
Lv.5 Sleet Storm (Conjuration)
Call Lightning (Conjuration)
Lv.7 Freedom of Movement (Abjuration)
Confusion (Enchantment)
Lv.9 Conjure Elemental (Conjuration)
Greater Restoration (Abjuration)
Desert Spells
Lv.3 Blur (Illusion)
Silence (Illusion)
Lv.5 Protection from Energy (Abjuration)
Hypnotic Pattern (Illusion)
Lv.7 Blight (Necromancy)
Wall of Fire (Evocation)
Lv.9 Wall of Stone (Evocation)
Insect Plague (Conjuration)
Forest Spells
Lv.3 Barkskin (Transmutation)
Hold Person (Enchantment)
Lv.5 Call Lightning (Conjuration)
Plant Growth (Transmutation)
Lv.7 Conjure Minor Elemental (Conjuration)
Grasping Vine (Conjuration)
Lv.9 Mass Cure Wounds (Evocation)
Contagion (Necromancy)
Grassland Spells
Lv.3 Invisibility (Illusion)
Pass Without Trace (Abjuration)
Lv.5 Daylight (Evocation)
Haste (Transmutation)
Lv.7 Freedom of Movement (Abjuration)
Polymorph (Transmutation)
Lv.9 Greater Restoration (Abjuration)
Insect Plague (Conjuration)
Mountain Spells
Lv.3 Mirror Image (Illusion)
Spike Growth (Transmutation)
Lv.5 Call Lightning (Conjuration)
Grant Flight (Transmutation)
Lv.7 Stoneskin (Abjuration)
Dominate Beast (Enchantment)
Lv.9 Wall of Stone (Evocation)
Conjure Elemental (Conjuration)
Swamp Spells
Lv.3 Melf's Acid Arrow (Evocation)
Darkness (Evocation)
Lv.5 Stinking Cloud (Conjuration)
Vampiric Touch (Necromancy)
Lv.7 Conjure Minor Elemental (Conjuration)
Grasping Vine (Conjuration)
Lv.9 Insect Plague (Conjuration)
Cloudkill (Conjuration)
Underdark Spells
Lv.3 Web (Conjuration)
Misty Step (Conjuration)
Lv.5 Gaseous Form (Transmutation)
Stinking Cloud (Conjuration)
Lv.7 Greater Invisibility (Illusion)
Dominate Beast (Enchantment)
Lv.9 Contagion (Necromancy)
Cloudkill (Conjuration)

Circle of the Land Level Progression

Level Subclass Features Unlocked
Level 2 ・Natural Recovery
Level 3 ・Natural Recovery Charge
・Natural Recovery: Lv.2
・Circle of the Land Spell Set
Level 4 ・Cantrip
Level 5 ・Circle of the Land Spell Set
・Natural Recovery Charge
・Natural Recovery: Lv.3
Level 6 ・Land's Stride (Passive)
Level 7 ・Circle of the Land Spell Set
・Natural Recovery Charge
・Natural Recovery: Lv.4
Level 9 ・Circle of the Land Spell Set
・Natural Recovery Charge
・Natural Recovery: Lv.5
Level 10 ・Nature's Ward (Passive)
Level 11 ・Natural Recovery Charge

Best Circle of the Land Builds

Circle of the Land Build Overview

Circle of the Land Early Overview
Circle of the Land Equipment
Helm The Lifebringer
Armor The Jolty Vest
Gloves The Sparkle Hands
Boots The Watersparkers
Circle of the Land Weapons
Slot Main Hand Off-Hand
Melee The Spellsparkler Shield
Ranged The Joltshooter
Circle of the Land Accessories
Amulet The Blast Pendant
Ring 1 Ring of Elemental Infusion
Ring 2 The Sparkswall
This build utilizes the various Lightning spells that Druids can access, focusing on equipment that triggers Lightning Charges to passively Shock any attackers as well as other defensive bonuses.

Equipment of Choice

The Lifebringer

The Lifebringer is a helm that grants the wearer +3 temporary hit points as long as the wearer has Lightning Charges.

The Jolty Vest

The Jolty Vest is a set of Medium armor that grants a chance to Shock any enemies that attack the wearer so long as they have Lightning Charges.

The Sparkle Hands

The Sparkle Hands are a set of gloves that grant +1 to Strength and Dexterity checks whenever the wearer has Lightning Charges.

The Watersparkers

The Watersparkers are a pair of boots that electrify any water that the wearer stands in. These boots have the potential to turn Create or Destroy Water into a damaging spell if cast correctly.

The Spellsparkler

The Spellsparkler is a Quarterstaff that generates Lightning Charges whenever the user deals damage with spells or cantrips. A perfect companion for our Lightning-based Land Druid.

How to Get The Spellsparkler

The Joltshooter

If you selected the Wood Elf as your Race, then you should have inherent proficiencies with Longbows thanks to Elven Weapon Training. Dealing damage with this bow generates Lightning Charges as well as provides the Druid a damage option for enemies who are resistant to magical attacks.

How to get The Joltshooter

The Blast Pendant

The Blast Pendant alters the effects of Lightning Charges. Originally, Lightning Charges can stack up to 5 times, with 1 charge being consumed whenever you deal Lightning damage. The Blast Pendant offers a significant damage boost in exchange for consuming all of your remaining Lightning Charges.

This is an optional piece of equipment since some players might prefer having Lightning Charges available to trigger other effects instead of going full damage.

Ring of Elemental Infusion

The Ring of Elemental Infusion imbues our weapons with the element of our last cantrip or spell. Our next successful weapon attack deals a bonus 1-4 damage of that element.

This can work in concert with our Bow or Quarterstaff attacks for the times when we don't have any more spell slots.

The Sparkswall

The Sparkswall grants immunity to Electrified effects, which protects us from the negative effects of the electrified water we create using The Watersparkers.

Best Races to Use

Wood Elf

Wood Elves have the highest base movement speed amongst all the Races in Baldur's Gate 3. This means that your Druid can outmaneuver most enemies during your skirmishes. This is especially important because Land Druids are primarily spellcasters, so standing farther away from enemies as you cast your spells is beneficial to you.

Also, the Wood Elf gains Elven Weapon Training, allowing them to wield Longbows which we'll be equipping as a damage tool against magic resistant enemies.

  • Elven Weapon Training grants Proficiency with Longswords, Shortswords, Longbows, and Shortbows.
  • Darkvision allows you to see an extra 12m in Dark Areas. This can be helpful for ranged classes that want to see threats and targets as soon as possible.
  • Fey Ancenstry makes you less susceptible to the Charmed status effect while granting you immunity to spells that put you to Sleep.

Wood Elf Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Gold Dwarf

Gold Dwarves are the popular choice for Druids because they offer bonuses to survivability. The extra HP this Race offers allows the Druid to make full use of Wild Shape. Wild Shape ends prematurely and turns the Druid back into their original forms whenever the shapeshifted animal loses all its HP. This can often leave the Druid in the middle of multiple hostiles with no choice but to fight their way out. The extra HP can come in clutch during moments like these.

  • Dwarven Combat Training grants Proifiency with Battleaxes, Handaxes, Light Hammers, and Warhammers.
  • Darkvision allows you to see an extra 12m in Dark Areas. This can be helpful for ranged classes that want to see threats and targets as soon as possible.
  • Dwarven Resilience grants Advantage on Saving Throws against Poison, as well as grants a resistance to Poison Damage.
  • Dwarven Toughness increases Max HP by 1, and another +1 per Lv.

Gold Dwarf Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Best Ability Sores

12 14 15(+1) 8 17(+2) 9

Wisdom is the primary spell casting ability of Druids. Having this ability as high as possible will increase the damage Land Druids deal with their spells.

Constitution and Dexterity are prioritized after Wisdom to provide our Druid with as much survivability as we can.

Strength is increased to the point where we can wear Medium armor without penalties, while also giving us some damage when we want to swing our Quarterstaves.

Intelligence is a dump stat for Druids as they don't get much use for it.

Charisma is the secondary dump stat since Druids don't typically use this stat for spells or during dialogue.

Best Feats

Elemental Adept

Elemental Adept allows your Land Druid to ignore all elemental resistance to an element of your choosing. Furthermore, you can no longer roll a 1 on Attack Rolls when casting spells of that element.

While Land Druids will eventually have access to a variety of different spells, Elemental Adept will greatly increase the amount of damage mono-elemental Druids can deal.

As such, our build recommends taking Elemental Adept: Lightning to make the most of our Lightning-oriented build.

War Caster

War Caster helps maintain your concentration when casting spells that require it. This increases the odds of successfully casting your spells under heavy enemy fire.

Additionally, this feat allows the user to use Shocking Grasp as a reaction on targets who are moving out of melee range. While you won't always use this, it's certainly nice to have another Lightning cantrip.

Ability Improvement

Druids use Wisdom as their spell casting ability, this means that having more Wis is equivalent to gaining more damage from your spells.

Alternatively, you could also add some points into your Constitution or Dexterity for more Defense. If you intend on equipping Medium Armour, you should also consider getting at least 10 Strength to avoid any penalties.

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All Druid Subclasses
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