Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Champion Subclass Guide and Build

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The Champion is a Fighter subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the Champion subclass, its features, as well as the best builds.

Fighter Subclasses
Fighter Class Guide
BaldurChampion BaldurBattle Master BaldurEldritch Knight

Champion Subclass Overview

Champion Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur Champion
You approach the complex problems posed by combat with one distinctly effective solution - you hit those problems, really quite hard.
Main Class Fighter
How to Unlock Reach Fighter Level 3.
Starting Subclass Features
・Improved Critical Hit
・Remarkable Athlete: Proficiency
・Additional Athlete: Jump
・All Fighter Class Features and Proficiencies.

The Champion subclass gives your Figther improved critical hit that stacks with other critical hit modifiers, allowing your Figther to consistently deal critical hits with the right set up.

This subclass has a more straightforward playstyle and doesn't offer any unique skills compared to the Figther's other subclasses, with most of its features functioning more like passive buffs.

How to Unlock the Champion Subclass

Available Once Your Fighter Reaches Level 3

The Champion becomes available once your Figther reaches Level 3. In order to earn EXP and level up in Baldur's Gate 3, players will need to complete quests, discover new areas, or defeat enemies they find in the world.

Champion Subclass Features

Champion Features
Improved Critical Hit Remarkable Athlete: Proficiency Additional Athlete: Jump
▼ Level Progression and Features Chart ▼

Improved Critical Hit

Subclass Features
The number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.

At Level 3, Champions get the Improved Critical Hit subclass feature, which improves your character's chance to deal a critical hit with weapons.

This feature stacks with other critical hit modifiers, meaning it's possible to consistently deal critical hits if you wield a weapon with a high critical hit chance!

Remarkable Athlete: Proficiency

Subclass Features
You're a master of your own body, your athletic prowess extend beyond the usual.

You can add half of your Proficency Bonus to any Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution Checks that you are not proficient in.

At Level 7, Champions get the ability to add half of your existing proficiency bonuses to checks that you're not proficient in, such as Strength Saving Throws

This functions as passive buff to your character, allowing them to better resist attacks or avoid getting pushed back during battles.

Additional Athlete: Jump

Subclass Features
You're a master of your own body, your athletic prowess extend beyond the usual.

Your Jump distance is increased by 3m.

At Level 7, Champions also get a Jump distance boost by 3m. This is another pasive buff that is useful when positioning your character during battles, as well as exploring the world and jumpting to places you normally can't reach with a regular jump.

Champion Level Progression

Lvl Features Unlocked Proficiency Bonus
3 ・Improved Critical Hit: 4
・Remarkable Athlete: Proficiency
7 ・Additional Athlete: Jump
・2 Battle Master Manoeuvres

Best Races for Champion


Half-Orcs' main traits centering around martial prowess make them excellent Champions, with Savage Attacks stacking with the Champion's Improved Critical Hit.

See in the Dark with Darkvision

Darkvision allows a Half-Orc Batte Master to see better in dark places, and prevents it from getting penalty bonuses against enemies using the Darkness to obscure their location.

Survive a Fatal Hit with Relentless Endurance

Relentless Endurance allows Half-Orc Battle Masters to survive a lethal hit once, bringing them down to 1 HP instead and offers great survivability for this subclass that thrives in close-quarter combat.

Empower your Critical Hits with Savage Attacks

Savage Attacks causes your critical hits to roll the weapon's damage dice an additional time to add extra damage to the critical hit, further increasing your damage potential.

This stacks with the Champion's own Imrpoved Critical Hit, allowing Half-Orcs to deal high damage with their attacks.

Half-Orc Race Guide

Best Champion Ability Score

Frontline Champion Ability Spread

17 (+2) 10 16 (+1) 8 12 11

Champions should prioritize Strength as this is the stat where most of your damage will come from. Since Champions will spend most of their time fighting the frontlines equipped with Heavy Armor, 16 Constitution is necessary to get as much as HP as possible.

Best Champion Fighting Style

Two-Weapon Fighting

With Champion's centering around dealing increased critical hits, the Two-Weapon Fighting style is the ideal choice since it gives you another try to land a critical hit with your off-hand weapon.


Protection is also a good fighting style if you prefer a Champion that fights with a shield, allowing you to impose a disadvantage on the enemy's attack roll when you have a shield equipped.

Best Champion Builds

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Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides


Fighter Class Guide

All Fighter Subclasses

All Fighter Subclasses
BaldurChampion BaldurBattle Master BaldurEldritch Knight


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