Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

What is Constitution?

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Constitution is an Ability in Baldur's Gate 3 that determines a character's physical endurance and amount of health points a character has. Read on to learn more about Constitution and what it affects in the game.

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What is Constitution?

Stamina and Fortitude

Constitution primarily refers to a character's stamina or physical endurance.

Improves Total HP

Max HP Formula
Hit Die (max value) + Constitution Modifier

Constitution is an important ability score for any character as it affects their total HP. Adding the Constitution modifier to the hit die max value is how the game determines a character's maximum HP every time they level up.

Constitution Based Skills

There are no Constitution based skills in Baldur's Gate 3. Constitution mostly affects HP so despite not providing any bonuses to skills, it it still a vital Ability Score to increase.

Constitution Checks

Constitution checks come in to play whenever a character's resistances, or stamina are being tested, such as eating an unknown mushroom, or drinking an unusual potion.

Constitution Based Classes

There are no classes that use Constitution as a primary ability score in Baldur's Gate 3. However, it is a valuable score for any character to increase their survivability.

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What is Dexterity? What is Constitution?
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