Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Unlock Withers: Dank Crypt Guide

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Find Withers Dank Crypt Guide - Baldur

This is a walkthrough for Finding Withers in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to know how to unlock Withers, how to enter the Dank Crypt, and a guide to all the traps and battles you may encounter inside the dungeon!

Side Quest Details

Journal Entry
Explore the Ruins
Reward Withers in the Camp
Related Quest Nautiloid Crash Region
Dank Crypt

How to Find Withers

Enter the Dank Crypt

Open the Door to the Dank Crypt - Baldur

Withers can be found in a Sarcophagus in the deepest part of the Dank Crypt. There are several battles you'll need to fight, and some traps and puzzles you must overcome to reach this area.

Alternatively Also Appears Automatically in Camp


If you did not or do the Dank Crypt, Withers will, at some point, magically appear in your camp after some time has passed as well. This makes Withers an unmissable character but delving the Dank Crypt allows you to find and unlock Withers faster.

How to Enter the Dank Crypt

Treasure Hunters

NPC Dialogue Convince the Treasure Hunters - Baldur
''Or is it the ship you're after? Don't matter eitherway - it's ours, all of it.''
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
That ship is full of monsters.
The Treasure Hunters flee the area
Force you into combat with the Treasure Hunters
I think that ship's an invasion force
The only thing you own is your life.

The first and easiest way is to fool the treasure hunters that are standing by the chapel. The first step involves convincing/threatening/ or fighting the first treasure hunter group just outside the chapel. Succeeding opens up two possible paths forward which involves convincing the remaining treasure hunters to let you in, or destroying the brittle floor.

Tricking the Guard at the Door

NPC Dialogue Trick the Guard Door - Baldur
''That you, Gimblebock? Everything all right out there?''
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
Yes, it's me. Let me in.
The Guard opens the door
The Guard keeps the door locked
Gimblebock triggered some trap. He needs help now!

After getting rid of the treasure hunters, there is a guard on the other side of a locked door at the end of the chapel ruins. Persuade him into opening it for you so you can go inside the Refectory.

Enter Through the Broken Floor

Go Down the Broken Floor - Baldur

You can also enter the Refectory by going back to the center of the chapel and shoot the rope holding a pillar. This will make the pillar fall and create a hole for you to enter, but there will be hostile enemies the moment you go down. While this option doesn't require any skillchecks, this puts you at an immediate disadvantage in battle.

Lockpick the Hatch

Hatch Map Location
[Sleight of Hand (DC20)]
Unlocks the hatch.
Hatch remains locked.

The easiest way to enter the Dank Crypt and find Withers is by going to the chapel and lockpicking the Hatch with a Thieves' Tool. This leads you to the river cave area inside the Dank Crypt, and you gain access to the skeleton fights right before entering Wither's sarcopaghus' room.

How to Get Thieves' Tool

Lockpick the Ancient Door

Ancient Door Map Location
[Sleight of Hand (DC20)]
Unlock the Ancient Door
Door remains locked.

You can find the Locked Ancient Door near the Overgrown Ruins Ancient Sigil Circle. You can also find Shadowheart banging the door if you do not help her escape the mindflayer pod while in the Nautiloid. Successfully lockpicking the door will grant you entry to the Dank Crypt without the need to confront the Treasure Hunters at the chapel ruins.

Shadowheart Companion Guide

Dank Crypt Guide and How to Clear

Entering from Refectory

If you have entered from the Refectory, you'll have to battle the rest of the treasure hunters inside.

Entering Via Persuasion

Kill the Enemies in Refectory - Baldur

If you enter the front door from the chapel via persuasion, you'll only need to quickly eliminate Andorn. Once the fight is over, you can head over the central area of the Refectory and defeat the person that's patrolling the area. However, if you engage the battle with her on high alert, she'll run towards the inner Refectory to call for reinforcements. It is highly recommended to sneak and wait for her to turn her back to avoid alerting the others before fighting the rest as a group.

Entering Via the Broken Floor

Battling Inside the Refectory - Baldur

If you enter from the Broken Floor, the Treasure Hunters will be on high alert and will all be clumped outside the room you fell from. Prepare your positions and you can also detonate the barrel bomb just outside the room for preemptive damage!

Light the Candles Next to the Locked Door

Open the Door to the Dank Crypt - Baldur

After getting past the treasure hunters, head to the locked door and light the candles next to it. This will open the door so that you could access the Dank Crypt.

Clearing the Dank Crypt

button in sarcophagus room
If you entered through the Ancient Door, you'll immediately go to the Sarcophagus room which contains several sarcophagi and items that can be looted inside. However, the central Sarcophagus is trapped. You'll require an insight check to find the traps and the necessary disarming tool to disarm these if you do not want to trigger the trap.

The easiest way to clear this area is to ungroup your team members and have one member stand near the pillar with the button that can deactivate the trap. The pillar is the 2nd pillar to the right while facing backward from the Ancient Door you entered with.

Block the Sarcophagus Traps

Throw Items on Vent - Baldur

Alternatively, you can also throw items on the floor vents to block the trap vents. Then, enter turn-based mode so you can open the coffin in the center to loot the key you need to open the door before the trap activates. After taking the key and other items, make sure to quickly leave the room before deactivating turn-based mode.

Battling the Entombed Scribes

Press the Button on the Wall - Baldur

Once you have the key, open the door across the sarcophagus room. The final part of the Dank Crypt involves the Entombed Scribes. Once you interact with the button that unlocks Withers's room or damage any of the skeletal scribes on the ground then a battle will begin.

Its better to loot the scribes of their weapons and armor so that they will not have any items equipped during battle. It's also advised to defeat the scribes by ungrouping your party members and having one character be ready to eliminate the scattered scribes on the outer perimiter of the area.

Who is Withers?

A Friendly NPC

Withers - Baldur

Withers is a friendly NPC that visits your camp when you finish this side quest. He offers useful services for the player that could make their playthrough more manageable.

Revives Fallen Companions

If your companions die during combat you can revive them by talking to Withers at the camp. Although, reviving allies comes at a hefty price, so it's still recommended to try and keep your allies alive as much as possible.

Recruit Hirelings

You can also recruit Hirelings as companions through Withers. He will summon a hireling to help throughout your playthrough like any other companion, but it will come at a cost and it will take up a party slot. You can also dismiss the hireling from the party whenever you want by talking again to Withers.

How to Recruit Hirelings

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