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Druid Class Guide: Best Builds and Subclasses

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The Druid is one of the 12 available main classes in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for an overview of the Druid class, including its related subclasses, class features, best races to use, and best builds.

Druid Class Overview

Druid Basic Information

Class Overview
Baldur Druid
Druids channel the elemental forces of nature and share a deep kinship with animals. Mastery of Wild Shape allows them to transform into beasts from all over the Realms.
Hit Die d8
Primary Ability Wisdom
Saving Throw Proficiencies Intelligence and Wisdom
Starting Class Features
・Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked
Light and Medium Armor Proficiency
Shield Proficiency
Club Proficiency
Dagger Proficiency
Javelin Proficiency
Mace Proficiency
Quarterstaff Proficiency
Scimitar Proficiency
Sickle Proficiency
Spear Proficiency

The Druid is a spellcasting class whose playstyle revolves around their Wild Shape mechanic. When Wild Shaped, Druids have a separate HP pool and are able to perform unique actions related to their chosen form. This sets them apart from other casting classes as they can act both as a tanky melee combatant and a powerful spellcaster whenever the situation calls for it.

Druid Skills with Proficiency

As a Druid, your character can choose 2 out of the 8 skills below to be Proficient in. When you are Proficient with a skill, you get a bonus to any Checks tied to that skill. Proficiency bonuses increase as you gain levels for your chosen class.

Available Skills (Pick 2 of the 8)
Animal Handling

What is a Proficiency Bonus?

All Druid Subclasses

Druid Subclasses will unlock once you hit Level 2. In Baldur's Gate 3, you will have 3 different Druid Circles (Subclasses) to choose from: the Circle of the Land, the Circle of the Moon, and the Circle of Spores.

Subclass Subclass Description
BaldurCircle of the Land Druids of this circle connect to powerful magic that flows through the earth and binds all living things together.
Subclass Starting Features:
・Access to the Wildshape Class Action
 ┣ Spider Form
 ┣ Badger Form
 ┣ Cat Form
 ┗ Wolf Form
・Access to Natural Recovery.
・Learn 1 Druid Cantrip
BaldurCircle of the Moon Druids sworn to the moon draw on its mercurial nature to transform into massive creature and prime elementals.
Subclass Starting Features:
・Access to Wildshape
 ┣ Spider Form
 ┣ Badger Form
 ┣ Cat Form
 ┣ Wolf Form
 ┗ Bear Form
・Access to Lunar Mend
BaldurCircle of Spores Druids of the Circle of Spores find beauty in decay. They see within mold and other fungi the ability to transform lifeless material into abundant, albeit somewhat strange, life.
Subclass Starting Features:
・Access to Halo of Spores
・Access to the Wildshape Class Action
 ┣ Spider Form
 ┣ Badger Form
 ┣ Cat Form
 ┗ Wolf Form
・Access to Symbiotic Entity
・Access to Fungal Infestation
・Access to Spreading Spores

All Druid Features

Druid Features
Spellcasting Wild Shape Druid Circles
▼ Level Progression and Features Chart ▼

Spellcasting Available at Level 1

Druids, like other spellcasting classes, will have access to level 1 spell slots, an array of level 1 Druid spells, and 1 Druid cantrip when they first start the game. The number of spell slots and cantrips you know and use will increase as your Druid levels up.

However, unlike classes like the Sorcerer or the Warlock, the Druid can Prepare their spells. This means you can edit your spell list any time you are outside of combat, making Druids some of the more versatile and varied spellcasting classes in BG3.

Your spellcasting ability as a Druid will be Wisdom. It will dictate everything related to spellcasting from spells saves down to how much damage you deal with your magic. When playing this class, make sure to prioritize this ability to improve your spells.

Druid Spell Slots and Known Cantrips Per Level

Lvl Cantrips Known Spell Slots Per Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 2 2
2 2 3
3 2 4 2
4 3 4 3
5 3 4 3 2
6 3 4 3 2
7 3 4 3 3 1
8 3 4 3 3 2
9 3 4 3 3 3 1
10 4 4 3 3 3 2
11 4 4 3 3 3 2 1
12 4 4 3 3 3 2 1

Wild Shape Allows You to Take the Form of a Beast

Once your Druid hits Level 2, they will gain access to Wild Shape, allowing them to take the form of a beast at the cost of a Wild Shape Charge. The forms you can take will depend on your Druid Circle (Subclass) and you will unlock more forms at higher levels. To replenish your Wild Shape Charges, you will need to take either a Short or Long Rest.

When a Druid is Wild Shaped into their beast form they will have a separate HP pool than their druid form. This means your Wild Shape form's HP will function like extra HP for your Druid form, almost like a Beast Form overshield for your character. If your Wild Shape runs out of HP, you immediately revert back to your Druid form.

Residual Damage Carries Over to Your Druid Form

If your Wild Shape takes damage more than its remaining HP, the residual damage will carry over to your Druid form. For example, if you transform into a cat with 2 HP and the enemy hits you for 6 damage, your Druid form will take the residual 4 damage from the hit.

Druid Circle Subclasses Determine Your Playstyle

In Baldur's Gate 3, Druid Circles function as your Druid's subclass, offering 3 different options to choose from as soon as you hit Level 2. Once you hit this level, you will have to pick between becoming a Druid from either the Circle of the Land, the Circle of the Moon, or the Circle of Spores.

When choosing a subclass, do note that they will immediately impact your playstyle. One major example of this is that Druids of the Land (the spellcasting subclass) do not get access to the Bear Form, meaning they have less tankier Wild Shape options compared to Druids of the Moon (who rely on Wild Shape to get things done).

Druid Class Level Progression

Lvl Features Unlocked Proficiency Bonus
1 Spellcasting +2
2 Gain Access to Wild Shape
Subclass (Druid Circle)
・Circle of the Land
・Circle of the Moon
・Circle of Spores
3 No New Unlocks +2
4 Wild Shape Improvement
Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice.
5 No New Unlocks +3
6 Subclass (Druid Circle) Feature +3
7 No New Unlocks +3
8 Wild Shape Improvement
Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice.
9 No New Unlocks +4
10 Subclass (Druid Circle) Feature +4
11 No New Unlocks +4
12 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. +4

Best Druid Builds

Best Ability Scores for Druids

10 14 14(+1) 8 17(+2) 12

Strength should be one of the lower ability scores for your Druid since Wild Shape uses a separate Strength ability count when transformed.

Dexterity can help you improve AC and Initiative. Setting it at 14 should be advantageous enough for your Druids regardless of any subclass you plan to take.

Constitution set at 14 can help you lessen the chances of breaking your Concentration when using spells.

Intelligence is a dump stat for Druids as you will be using more of your Wisdom when casting spells and for open world interactions.

Wisdom should be the highest ability score for Druids. Keeping this at 17 will greatly improve your casting abilities.

Charisma at 12 should be enough to help you pass medium difficulty Skill Checks related to speech skills.

Best Subclasses for Druid

Circle of the Moon for Wild Shape Combat

Druids are typically counted as spellcasters, but what differentiates them from Warlocks, Wizards, and Sorcerers is their ability to shapeshift into primal forms. As such, it is only fitting that our pick for the Druid's best subclass is the one that grants various benefits to the Wild Shape class action, Circle of the Moon. Most notably, Druids who belong to the Circle of the Moon have a modified Combat Wild Shape, changing the casting cost from an Action to a Bonus Action. This small but significant change allows the Druid to transform and attack on the same turn.

In addition to the various benefits this subclass grants the Wild Shape class action, Circle of the Moon Druids are also granted access to unique Wild Shapes. Wild Shape: Bear allows the Druid to take up the mantle of your party's tank, while the various versions of Wild Shape: Myrmidon grant your Druid elemental advantages against most enemies.

Circle of the Moon Subclass Guide and Build

Best Druid Equipment

  • Armor: Medium Armor with Nature Equipment Features like the The Oak Father's Embrace are great armor pieces for Druids.
  • Amulet and Rings: The Absolute's Talisman is an Amulet that heals the wearer whenever they are below 25% HP and perform a melee attack. This effect can greatly extend the number of turns a Druid stays shapeshifted, as Wild Shape ends prematurely if the Druid loses all their HP while shapeshifted.
  • Weapons: Quarterstaves are weapons that Druids are proficient with. Some notable Quarterstaves in the game include Nature's Snare and Paleoak, both of which can be acquired fairly early into the game. It's also worth noting that Quarterstaves are Versatile, meaning they can be wielded with one or two hands. This allows the Druid to equip a Shield if they find themselves playing on the frontlines.

Best Races to Use As a Druid

Gold Dwarf

Gold Dwarf is a great race option for Druids since it provides the racial trait Dwarven Toughness which increases hit points by one after leveling up.

  • Dwarven Toughness helps you gain more hit points every time you level.
  • Dwarven Resilience gives poison resistance and provides saving throw advantages against poison.
  • Dark Vision grants vision when navigating dark places.

Gold Dwarf Subrace Guide and Best Classes

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