Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

List of Skills

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Skills are rollable actions your character can do to aid your party through dialogue choices in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on for the complete list of skills, the stats tied to each skill, as well as the effects of each skill!

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List of Skills

All Skills and Related Stats

Skill Description Related Stat
Acrobatics Keep your balance. Land on your feet.
Helps you resist being shoved.
Animal Handling Influence animals. Pet all of the dogs Wisdom
Arcana Recognise magic. Interact with enchanted items. Intelligence
Athletics Stay fit. Perform physical stunts.
Helps you shove and resist being shoved.
Deception Lie and cheat. Manipulate the truth. Charisma
History Remember the past - of the world and its people. Intelligence
Insight Read people and situation. Detect lies. Wisdom
Intimidation Be a bully. Threaten and induce fear. Charisma
Investigation Analyse clues. Solve mysteries. Intelligence
Medicine Recognise symptoms. Diagnose disease. Wisdom
Nature Recognise plants and animals. Hug trees. Intelligence
Perception Observe your environment. Spot hidden details. Wisdom
Performance Entertain audiences. Command the stage. Charisma
Persuasion Turn on the charm. Coax and cajole. Charisma
Religion Recognise deities. Understand holy rites. Intelligence
Sleight of Hand Wield nimble fingers. Steal stuff.
Helps you pick locks and pockets, and disarm traps.
Stealth Stay out of sight. Melt into the shadows.
Helps you with hiding.
Survival Stay alive in the wilds. Track prey. Wisdom

What are Skills?

Actions That Help with Dialogue Choices and Exploration

Skills and proficiencies are rollable actions your character can do that can aid your party through dialogue choices and through world exploration.

For example, using the skill Deception, players can manipulate the truth when interacting with people to get what they want, whether it be information, an item, or access to an area.

Note that these Skills are obtained depending on a character's class, race, and background, and have a related stat tied to them, which can provide bonuses on top of your rolls.

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