Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Thief Subclass Guide and Build

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The Thief is a Rogue subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the Thief subclass, its features, as well as its best build.

Rogue Subclasses
Rogue Class Guide
BaldurArcane Trickster BaldurAssassin BaldurThief

Thief Subclass Overview

Thief Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur Thief
Thieves use their skills in stealth and larceny to acquire whatever they wish, whether from a third story window or the depths of long-forgotten ruins.
Main Class Rogue
How to Unlock Reach Rogue Level 3.
Starting Subclass Features
・ Grants the Fast Hands Passive.
・ Grants the Second-Story Work Passive.
・All Rogue Class Features and Proficiencies.

Thieves are the go-to subclass for players who want a sneaky combatant, capable breaker of locks, and expert of trap disarming. Utilizing the best skills that Dexterity tree has to offer and being a hit-and-run menace in combat, Thieves are probably the best Rogue subclass in the game as of writing.

How to Unlock the Thief Subclass

Available Once Your Rogue Reaches Level 3

The Thief subclass will become available once your Rogue reaches Level 3. In order to earn EXP and level up in Baldur's Gate 3, players will need to complete quests, discover new areas, or defeat enemies they find in the world.

Thief Subclass Features

Thief Features
Fast Hands Second-Story Work Supreme Sneak
▼ Subclass Level Progression ▼

Fast Hands

Baldurs Gate 3 - Fast Hands Extra Bonus Action

Upon picking the Thief subclass at Level 3, you will get the Fast Hands feature. This grants you an Extra Bonus Action (total of 2), perfect for using Cunning Actions, consuming potions, or simply attacking with your off-hand at the tail-end of your Rogue's turn in combat.

Second-Story Work

In addition to your extra Bonus Action, Level 3 Thieves also gain access to the Second-Story Word (Falling) passive. This grants your Rogue resistance to all types of Falling Damage in the game, allowing them to take riskier jumps to get to hard to reach places in the game.

Supreme Sneak

At Level 9 you unlock your very own Invisibility spell in the form of Supreme Sneak. In combat, you can spend an action to turn invisible for 10 turns. Your invisibility can only be broken if you attack, cast another spell, take an action, or take damage. To recharge Supreme Sneak, you will have to perform a Short Rest.

Thief Level Progression

Level Subclass Features Unlocked
Level 3 ・Fast Hands (Passive)
・Second-Story Work (Passive)
Level 9 ・Supreme Sneak (Class Action)

Best Thief Builds

Thief Build Overview

Recommended Equipment
Helm Helmet of Grit
Armor Graceful Cloth
Gloves Gloves of Power
Gloves of the Balanced Hands
Boots Boots of Speed
Disintegrating Night Walkers
Recommended Weapons
Slot Main Hand / Off-Hand
Melee Sussur Dagger
Justiciar's Scimitar
Range Darkfire Shortbow
Hellfire Hand Crossbow
Recommended Accessories
Amulet Moondrop Pendant
Ring 1 Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands
Ring 2 Killer's Sweetheart
This build focuses on infiltrating enemy camps through sneaking or talking. It will not fall short on damage as well if a scenario or your actions lead to combat.

Note: This build is subject to change as we're currently testing and searching for better gear in the game!

The items on this build are all scattered throughout all three acts. If you don't have them yet, it's best to buy a +1 equipment of the same type from a merchant until you get them.


Helmet of Grit

Helmet of Grit gives +1 Dexterity Saving Throws and has an effect called Grit where it gives an additional bonus action to the wearer. However, it requires you to have 50% HP or less for it to activate.

It's a good helmet to have if you have accepted the Illithid Powers and use the Psionic Overload.


The Graceful Cloth

The Graceful Cloth is recommended for Thieves as it gives the player an increase to their Dexterity score by 2, alongside Cat's Grace, as well as Nimble as a Cat, which adds a +1 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws and increases the player's Jump distance by 1.5m.

The Graceful Cloth: Armor Guide and How to Get


Gloves of Power

Gloves of Power can inflict damage penalty to your enemies when you hit them. It also gives a bonus +1 to Sleight of Hands, which helps if you want to steal an item from someone.

Gloves of Power: Armor Guide and How to Get

Gloves of the Balanced Hands

Gloves of the Balanced Hands is great for Thieves who dual-wield weapons. It can increase your damage by adding the Ability Modifier if you attack using your off-hand weapon, almost doubling the damage your off-hand weapon can inflict.


Boots of Speed

Boots of Speed gives an additional skill named Click Heel, which doubles your movement speed, and enemies receive Disadvantage on their Opportunity Attacks against you.

It's extremely useful if you already exhausted your Disengage and need to flee from nearby enemies.
Boots of Speed: Armor Guide and How to Get

Disintegrating Night Walkers

Disintegrating Night Walkers is a good replacement for the Boots of Speed. It has a Misty Step spell that you can use to teleport to the location your character can see. As a Thief, it will help you reposition yourself in combat, reach faraway places, and escape when necessary.

Disintegrating Night Walkers: Armor Guide and How to Get

Melee Weapons

Sussur Dagger

Sussur Dagger is a dagger that can silence enemies when attacking. It's a great weapon to get when you go to the Underdark as there are a lot of enemies who rely on spellcasting until the endgame.

Sussur Dagger Weapon Guide and How to Get

Justiciar's Scimitar

Justiciar's Scimitar is a weapon you can get in the later parts of Act 2. It gives a Weapon Action, Shadow-Blinding, which can blind your enemies if you attack them while you have the Advantage. Also, it won't remove your concealment or invisibility if you attack using that action.


Stillmaker is a weapon you can in the early part of Act 3. It gives a level 3 Enchantment Spell, Hold Person, which you can use to hold a target in place. It's not the best in terms of effect since it's more suitable for spellcasters, but it still have a better base damage compare to other Daggers.

Ranged Weapons

Darkfire Shortbow

Darkfire Shortbow gives a Haste Spell to the wearer, where it gains extra movement, becomes harder to hit, and gain an extra action. It is generally good for all classes that are proficient with Shortbows, but it's best used to Thieves to maximize their movement or damage in combat.

You can use Darkfire Shorbow as a replacement for the Joltshooter or Bow of the Banshee once you get it.

Hellfire Hand Crossbow

Hellfire Hand Crossbow has an effect, named Hellstalker, where you can inflict additional fire damage to a target if you're invisible or out of sight. It also gives an additional spell, Scorching Ray, but you won't be able to use it as much as Thieves mostly focus on attacking with their weapons and not spells.
Hellfire Hand Crossbow Weapon Guide and How to Get


Moondrop Pendant (Amulet)

Moondrop Pendant is good for Thieves, especially if they're in a sticky situation. Its effect will allow the user to safely pass an enemy without provoking an Opportunity Attack once its HP is below 50%.

Moondrop Pendant: Accessory Guide and How to Get

Fetish of Callarduan Smoothhands (Ring)

You can get Invisibility from the Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands, helping you sneak through different scenarios, in and outside of combat. It lasts ten turns, but it will require you to do a Long Rest before you can do it again.

You can dump this ring and look for something else once you get to level 9 since you will be getting a better Invisibility skill named Supreme Sneak.

Killer's Sweetheart (Ring)

The best Ring accessory for a Thief is the Killer's Sweetheart, as it has a reaction effect called Executioner, which lets you inflict a critical hit on your next attack after killing an enemy. You can activate this immediately, as Thieves can attack twice in battle, assuming you kill an enemy on your first attack.

However, you will need to take a Long Rest before you can use it again!

Best Races to Use As a Thief

Wood Elf

Movement Speed is very important for a Thief so setting its race to Wood Elves would help you with that as they have the highest base movement speed. It would help your Thief character escape or get into an advantageous position anytime in battle.

  • Elven Weapon Training grants Proficiency with Longswords, Shortswords, Longbows, and Shortbows.
  • Darkvision allows you to see an extra 12m in Dark Areas. For a Thief, you will be able to take advantage of this, as you will be sneaking a lot of times.
  • Fey Ancenstry helps you resist being Charmed and grant you immunity to be put to Sleep.

Wood Elf Subrace Guide and Best Classes

High Elf

High Elf have the same race features as the Wood Elf. The only difference is that you won't get the speed bonus, but you can get a Cantrip of your choice. The best Cantrips you can choose for your Thief are Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, True Strike, or Blade Ward.

  • Mage Hand can be used to move objects and investigate unknown areas. It's also invisible when you summon it, so it won't be hard to sneak past strict areas.
  • Minor Illusion can help distract enemies inside or outside of combat.
  • True Strike increases your chances of hitting your enemies. It's best used before combat so you can use the effect on the same turn.
  • Blade Ward is a defensive spell that reduces melee damage taken (Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing) by 50%.

High Elf Subrace Guide and Best Classes


Drows are also similar to Elves, specifically Wood Elves, because of their Racial Features. The only difference between them is their weapon proficiencies, but it shouldn't be a big factor if you're playing as a Thief as you won't be using mostly Shortswords and Daggers.

  • Drow Weapon Training grants Proficiency with Rapiers, Shortswords, and Hand Crossbows.
  • Superior Darkvision allows you to see an extra 24m in Dark Areas. This is would help you navigate through the darkest areas easily and take your enemies by surprise in the dark.
  • Fey Ancenstry helps you resist being Charmed and grants you immunity to spells that can put you to Sleep.

Drow Race Guide and Best Classes

Best Ability Score for Thief

Ability Score Overview

8 17 (+2) 15 (+1) 8 12 14

Dexterity is the primary ability for Thieves. Maxing it out will get you the highest possible damage you can inflict in battle.

Constitution and Charisma should be prioritzed after Dexterity. Having a high Constitution stat will help compensate the low defense and Charisma will help you mostly with conversations.

You can increase Wisdom a bit mostly to help you with Insight and Perception checks.

Strength and Intelligence can be your dump stats as you won't be fighting enemies head on and you won't be casting any spells.

Best Assassin Feats


Sharpshooter feat maximizes your ranged weapon's damage in the game. Also, you won't have to constantly look for a high ground as you won't receive a penalty when hitting enemies on a high place.

It's best to have if you want your Thief to excel mostly in ranged encounters.

Sharpshooter Feat Guide and Effects


You can move more with the Mobile feat as it increases your movement speed, lets you pass rugged terrains without slowing down when using Dash, and won't trigger an Opportunity Attack from your targets if you move out. Its effects are all beneficial for a Thief so consider picking this one!

Mobile Feat Guide and Effects

Savage Attacker

Savage Attacker feat lets you roll dice twice and use the higher result as the damage. It's a good feat for Thieves as it will increase their chances of rolling a higher number, resulting in more damage.

Savage Attacker Feat Guide and Effects

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All Rogue Subclasses
BaldurArcane Trickster BaldurAssassin BaldurThief


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