Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

School of Necromancy Subclass Guide and Build

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The School of Necromancy is a Wizard subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the School of Necromancy subclass, its features, as well as the best build.

Wizard Subclasses
Wizard Class Guide
BaldurAbjuration BaldurConjuration BaldurDivination BaldurEnchantment
BaldurEvocation BaldurIllusion BaldurNecromancy BaldurTransmutation

Necromancy Subclass Overview

Necromancy Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur School of Necromancy
You walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and make lots of friends there.
Main Class Wizard
How to Unlock Reach Wizard Level 2.
Spellcasting Ability Intelligence
Starting Subclass Features
・Grants the Necromancy Savant Passive.
・Grants the Grim Harvest Passive.
・All Wizard Class Features and Proficiencies.

Necromancers use spells that alter life and reanimate the dead. In battle they can summon undead thralls to aid them, all while they heal themselves using the damage dealt by their Necromancy spells.

How to Unlock the Necromancy Subclass

Available Once Your Wizard Reaches Level 2

The School of Necromancy subclass will become available once your Wizard reaches Level 2. In order to earn EXP and level up in Baldur's Gate 3, players will need to complete quests, discover new areas, or defeat enemies they find in the world.

Necromancy Subclass Features

School of Necromancy Features
Necromancy Savant Grim Harvest
Undead Thralls
Additional Undead
Undead Thralls
Better Summons
Animate Dead Inured to Undeath
▼ Subclass Level Progression Table ▼

Necromancy Savant

Upon unlocking the Necromancy subclass at Level 2, your Wizard will get the Necromancy Savant passive. With this active, learning Necromancy spells from spell scrolls will only cost 25 Gold per spell level.

Spell Level Gold Cost
Level 1 25 Gold
Level 2 50 Gold
Level 3 75 Gold
Level 4 100 Gold
Level 5 125 Gold
Level 6 150 Gold

Grim Harvest

Upon picking the Necromancy subclass at Level 2, you will gain access to the Grim Harvest passive feature. When active, killing enemies with a spell will heal you. The healing amount will be double the spell level of the spell used to deal the killing blow; triple if the spell was a Necromancy spell.

Spell Level HP Healed
Regular Spell Necromancy Spell
1 2 HP 3 HP
2 4 HP 6 HP
3 6 HP 9 HP
4 8 HP 12 HP
5 10 HP 15 HP
6 12 HP 18 HP

Undead Thralls: Additional Undead

At Level 6, your Necromancer will gain a passive called Undead Thralls: Additional Undead. Once active, using Animate Dead to raise a zombie or skeleton will give you one extra zombie or skeleton.

Undead Thralls: Better Summons

On top of the additional summon, Undead Thralls: Better Summons will also be available at Level 6. Once active, this passive will grant your re-animated thralls extra HP equal to your Wizard's level. Your Proficiency Bonus will also be added to their damage when this is active.

Level Bonus HP Bonus Damage
6 6 HP +3 Damage
12 12 HP +4 Damage

Animate Dead

Once you hit Level 6, you will get the Level 3 Animate Dead spell for free (that is, if you had not learned it beforehand). Do note that you will still need to expend a Level 3 Spell Slot to cast it.

Inured to Undeath

At Level 10 you gain the Inured to Undeath passive feature. Once obtained, your Wizard will become more resistant to Necrotic damage. Additionally, you become immune to any effects that reduce your Hit Point maximum.

Necromancy Level Progression

Level Subclass Features Unlocked
Level 2 ・Necromancy Savant (Passive)
・Grim Harvest (Passive)
Level 6 ・Animate Dead (Spell)
・Undead Thralls: Additional Undead (Passive)
・Undead Thralls: Better Summons (Passive)
Level 10 ・Inured to Undeath (Passive)

Best Necromancy Build

School of Necromancy Build Overview

Recommended Equipment
Helm Circle of Bones
Armor -
Gloves Hr'a'cknir Bracers
Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers
Recommended Weapons
Melee Staff of Cherished Necromancy
Ranged -
Recommended Accessories
Amulet Spellcrux Amulet
Ring 1 Crypt Lord Ring
Ring 2 Keepsake Ring

Note: This build is subject to change as we're currently testing and searching for better gear in the game!

The items on this build are all scattered throughout all three acts. If you don't have them yet, it's best to buy a +1 equipment of the same type from a merchant until you get them.


Circle of Bones

Item Type Effect
Circle of Bones Helmet Undead Ward: Allied undead within 6m are Resistant to Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing damage.

Circle of Bones can passively protect your thralls that are within 6m of range, giving them resistance to Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing damage.

How to Get the Circle of Bones


Hr'a'cknir Bracers

Item Type Effect
Hr'a'cknir Bracers Gloves Quickened Mage Hand: You can cast Mage Hand as a bonus action.
Strength Saving Throws +1

Equipping Hr'a'cknir Bracers allows you to use Mage Hand as a bonus action. It also grants you the ability to use Telekinesis which allows you to throw creatures and objects without using spell slots.

How to Get Hr'a'cknir Bracers


Disintegrating Night Walkers

Item Type Effect
Disintegrating Night Walkers Boots Night Walker: Can't be Enwebbed, Entangled, or Ensnared and can't slip on grease or ice.

Disintegrating Night Walkers is the recommended boots for Necromancers as it allows you to use Misty Step. This spell allows you to teleport to any nearby location to gain positional advantage.

How to Get the Disintegrating Night Walkers

Melee Weapons

Staff of Cherished Necromancy

Item Type Effect
Staff of Cherished Necromancy Quarterstaff Heightened Necromancy: Creatures have Disadvantage on Saving Throws against your Necromancy spells.
Life Essence Harvest: When the wielder kills a hostile creature with a spell, they greedily absorb its energy and gain Life Essence until their next Long Rest.
Weapon Enchantment +2

Staff of Cherished Necromancy applies saving throw disadvantage on enemies when using Necromancy Spells. It also provides Life Essence when an enemy falls after using a spell, allowing you to use Necromancy Spells without using spell slots.

How to Get the Staff of Cherished Necromancy


Spellcrux Amulet

Item Type Effect
Spellcrux Amulet Amulet Grants Spell Slot Restoration Class Action

Spellcrux Amulet can help you restore any missing spell slots as it grants you an extra Spell Slot Restoration when equipped.

How to Get the Spellcrux Amulet

Crypt Lord Ring (Ring)

Item Type Effect
Crypt Lord Ring Ring Grants Create Undead Class Action

Crypt Lord Ring allows you to use Create Undead without using your spell slots. Equip this if you want to use more thralls during battles.

How to Get the Crypt Lord Ring

Keepsake Ring (Ring)

Item Type Effect
Keepsake Ring Ring Grants Dominate Beast Class Action

Equipping the Keepsake Ring allows you to control any nearby beasts by using the Dominate Beast Class Action, making them fight alongside you.

How to Get the Keepsake Ring

Best Races to Use for School of Necromancy


If you're planning to rely on your summoned thralls during combat, you can choose Githyanki as your main race. Githyanki can learn a lot of movement spells that can help navigate the area safely.

Githyanki Race Guide and Best Classes

Wood Elf

Wood Elf provides movement speed, allowing you to reach advantageous positions when casting spells.

Wood Half-Elf Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Asmodeus Tiefling

Asmodeus Tiefling is also one of the recommended races for Necromancers. It provides fire resistance and allows you to learn more spells as cantrips.

  • Darkvision allows you to see in the dark up to 12m.
  • Hellish Resistance allows your character to only take half damage from Fire-based attacks.
  • Produce Flame lights up surroundings in a 9m radius and deals 1-8 Fire damage when thrown.

Asmodeus Tiefling Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Best Ability Score for School of Necromancy

Ability Score Overview

8 15 (+1) 14 16(+2) 10 10

As a Necromancer, you still need to focus on maximizing your Intelligence as this is the primary ability for all Wizards.

Dexterity should also be prioritized next to Intelligence as this can help you land your spells more efficiently.

Best School of Necromancy Feats

War Caster

War Caster is a good feat to choose when using necrotic spells that needs concentration like Vampiric Touch.

War Caster Feat Guide and Effects

Ability Improvements

Ability Improvements is one of the best go-to feats for Wizards as it can enhance your Intelligence further.

Ability Improvements Feat Guide and Effects


Like Ability Improvements, Resilient can also maximize your Intelligence further. You also gain Saving Throw Proficiency for Intelligence once you select this as one of your feats.

Resilient Feat Guide and Effects

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BaldurNecromancy BaldurTransmutation


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