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All Legendary Weapons and Armor Locations

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Baldurs Gate 3 - All Legendary Weapons and Armor Locations

Players can obtain powerful Legendary Weapons and Armor in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) by undertaking long and complicated quests that reward them with these mythical items. Read on for a complete list of all legendary weapons and armor locations in BG3, including info on how to get each legendary for your playthrough!

Notification IconHeads up! Spoilers ahead! The quests for a lot of the legendary weapons and armor in the game are tied to character lore and the main story of BG3. Proceed at your own risk, adventurer. You have been warned!

All Legendary Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3

All Act 3 Legendary Weapons
Balduran's Giantslayer
Crimson Mischief
Duellist's Prerogative
Gontr Mael
Orphic Hammer
Silver Sword of the Astral Plane
All Act 2 Legendary Weapons
Selune's Spear of Night
Shar's Spear of Evening
The Blood of Lathander
Unique Legendary Weapons
Devotee's Mace

As of writing, the Game8 team has confirmed the existence of 13 Legendary Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3. Click on any of the links above to learn how to get each of the legendary weapons during your playthrough.

List of All Weapons

Balduran's Giantslayer

Legendary Weapon Location
Dragon Sanctum

Balduran's Giantslayer is a greatsword that can be obtained by defeating Ansur the undead dragon and looting it from his body during Act 3.

To find this boss, players will need to discover the Wyrmway underneath Wyrm's Rock Fortress and complete the trials that unlock the way to the Dragon Sanctum.

How to Get Balduran's Giantslayer


Legendary Weapon Location
Temple of Bhaal

Bloodthirst is the signature dagger of Orin the Red, housing the Netherstone you need to obtain during the main story.

To obtain Bloodthirst, players will need to solve a string of murders in both Rivington and Baldur's Gate until they eventually reach the Temple of Bhaal deep in the Undercity Ruins. Defeat Orin in her slayer form in Act 3 and retrieve her Netherstone to get Bloodthirst.

How to Get Bloodthirst

Crimson Mischief

Legendary Weapon Location
Temple of Bhaal

Crimson Mischief is the legendary shortsword of Orin the Red.

Much like Bloodthirst, Crimson Mischief can only be obtained by following the string of murders in the city straight to the Temple of Bhaal deep in the Undercity Ruins. Defeat Orin in Act 3 and loot her body to get Crimson Mischief.

How to Get Crimson Mischief

Devotee's Mace

The Devotee's Mace is a legendary mace that can only be obtained if you have a Level 10 Cleric. Have them use their class action, Divine Intervention: Arm Thy Servant to receive this unique Legendary.

Do note that Divine Intervention can only be used once. You will no longer be able to use it during your save as soon as you cast it to get the mace.

How to Get the Devotee's Mace

Duellist's Prerogative

Legendary Weapon Location
Baldur's Gate

Duellist's Prerogative is a legendary rapier owned by Lora, a former pirate living in Baldur's Gate.

Save her daughter Vanra from Auntie Ethel during Act 3 to get this rapier as a reward for your troubles.

How to Get the Duellist's Prerogative

Gontr Mael

Legendary Weapon Location
Steel Watch Foundry

Gontr Mael is a legendary longbow that drops from the Steel Watcher Titan during Act 3.

Infiltrate the Steel Watch Foundry during the Disable the Steel Watch main quest and defeat the massive Steel Watcher Titan inside the Neurocitor Room to get this bow.

How to Get Gontr Mael


Legendary Weapon Location
Sorcerous Sundries

Markoheshkir is a spellcasting legendary quarterstaff that can be obtained from Ramazith's Tower during Act 3. Head to Sorcerous Sundries inside Baldur's Gate and secure an audience with Lorroakan.

Once in his study, head down a few floors and disable the arcane barriers you find to get this powerful quarterstaff.

How to Get Markoheshkir


Legendary Weapon Location
Circus of the Last Days

Nyrulna is a legendary trident that you can get during Act 3 by participating in Akabi the Djinni's Wheel of Wonders act.

This cheating djinni can be found scamming the crowd in the Circus of the Last Days in Rivington. Win the jackpot to get Nyrulna from jungle area you get teleported to.

How to Get Nyrulna

Orphic Hammer

Legendary Weapon Location
House of Hope

The Orphic Hammer is a legendary warhammer central to the Free Orpheus questline.

To obtain this powerful warhammer, players will need to either bargain with Raphael at the start of Act 3, or infiltrate his House of Hope in Avernus and steal it from under his nose.

How to Get the Orphic Hammer

Selune's Spear of Night

Legendary Weapon Location
Shadowfell (Gauntlet of Shar)

Selune's Spear of Night is a legendary spear that players can get during the end of Act 2.

Have Shadowheart spare the Nightsong when they first meet to receive the spear from Dame Aylin during the closing sequences of Act 2.

How to Get Selune's Spear of Night

Shar's Spear of Evening

Baldurs Gate 3 - Shars Spear of Evening

Legendary Weapon Location
Shadowfell (Gauntlet of Shar)

Shar's Spear of Evening is a legendary spear that players can get during the end of Act 2. Instead of sparing the Nightsong, have Shadowheart kill her to get this legendary spear from the Lady of Loss herself.

How to Get Shar's Spear of Evening

Silver Sword of the Astral Plane

Baldurs Gate 3 - Silver Sword of the Astral Plane

Legendary Weapon Location
Sharess' Caress (Rivington)

The Silver Sword of the Astral Plane is a legendary greatsword wielded by Kith'rak Voss.

To obtain this weapon, players will need to get the Orphic Hammer during Act 3 and present it to Kith'rak Voss in the taproom of Sharess' Caress.

How to Get the Silver Sword of the Astral Plane

The Blood of Lathander


Legendary Weapon Location
Secret Chamber (Githyanki Creche)

The Blood of Lathander is a legendary mace that can be obtained during the Githyanki Creche questline of Lae'zel.

Head over to the Rosymorn Monastery at the Mountain Pass and disable the traps of its secret chamber to get this mace.

How to Get the Blood of Lathander

All Legendary Armor in Baldur's Gate 3

All Act 3 Legendary Armor
Gloves of Soul Catching
Helldusk Armor
(Chest Armor)
Helm of Balduran
Viconia's Walking Fortress
Deluxe Edition Legendary Armor
Mask of the Shapeshifter

As of writing, the Game8 team has confirmed the existence of 5 Legendary Armor pieces in Baldur's Gate 3. Click on any of the links above to learn how to get each of the legendary armor pieces during your playthrough.

List of All Armor

Gloves of Soul Catching

Legendary Armor Location
House of Hope

The Gloves of Soul Catching are a pair of legendary gloves that can be obtained during Act 3 by rescuing Hope from the House of Hope and defeating Raphael.

Hope will need to live through the Raphael boss battle in order to reward you with the gloves.

How to Get the Gloves of Soul Catching

Helldusk Armor

Legendary Armor Location
House of Hope

The Helldusk Armor is a legendary heavy chest armor piece that can be obtained by defeating Raphael in the House of Hope.

Players will need to steal the Orphic Hammer in order to unlock this boss battle during Act 3.

How to Get the Helldusk Armor

Helm of Balduran

Legendary Armor Location
Dragon Sanctum

The Helm of Balduran is a legendary helm obtainable in Act 3 that is guarded by the ancient dragon Ansur, deep below Wyrm's Rock Fortress.

Players will need to brave the hidden Wyrmway and solve its puzzles to unlock the Dragon Sanctum that houses the undead remains of this once majestic dragon.

How to Get the Helm of Balduran

Mask of the Shapeshifter

Legendary Armor Location

The Mask of the Shapeshifter is a unique legendary helm that gives players the Shapeshift action once equipped, and is available for taking as soon as the player reaches their camp.

To obtain this legendary helmet, players will need to purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition of Baldur's Gate 3 and search their Traveler's Stash in camp to find the helmet.

How to Get the Mask of the Shapeshifter

Viconia's Walking Fortress

Legendary Armor Location
Cloister of Sombre Embrace (House of Grief)

Viconia's Walking Fortress is the legendary shield of the potential boss Viconia DeVir, the Mother Superior of the Sharran cult in Baldur's Gate.

Search for her in the House of Grief during Act 3 and defeat her to get this legendary shield from her corpse.

How to Get Viconia's Walking Fortress

All Legendary Books in Baldur's Gate 3

All Act 3 Legendary Books
Caution Before the Seelie
The Annals of Karsus
The Red Knight's Final Strategem
The Tharchiate Codex

All of the Legendary Books in Baldur's Gate 3 can only be obtained from Lorroakan's Sorcerous Sundries vault inside Ramazith's Tower.

While not technically weapons or armor, these books will reward players with powerful spell scrolls and a permanent HP buff once read.

Caution Before the Seelie

Caution Before the Seelie is a legendary book that can be found behind an illusionary wall, just before the Ramazith Door of the Sorcerous Sundries vault.

Players will be able to access this location after they meet Lorroakan in the Sorcerous Sundries of Baldur's Gate during Act 3.

How to Get Caution Before the Seelie

The Annals of Karsus

The Annals of Karsus is a legendary book that can be found in the Restricted Area of Lorroakan's Sorcerous Sundries vault during Act 3.

Solve the door puzzle to unlock the Karsus Vault and enter it to loot the Annals of Karsus from one of the shelves.

How to Get the Annals of Karsus

The Red Knight's Final Strategem

The Red Knight's Final Strategem is a legendary book that you can get as soon as you reach Lorroakan's Sorcerous Sundries vault during Act 3. Unlock the DC20 display case via lockpicking to get this book and the powerful spell scroll it houses within it.

You can improve your lockpicking skill check through the Dexterity skill Sleight of Hand, proficiency bonuses, and other means such as the Guidance spell.

How to Get the Red Knight's Final Strategem

The Tharchiate Codex

The Tharchiate Codex is a legendary book that can be found in the Restricted Area of Lorroakan's Sorcerous Sundries vault during Act 3.

Solve the door puzzle to unlock the Elminster Vault, enter it, and lockpick the DC20 display case to get the Tharchiate Codex.

How to Get the Tharchiate Codex

What Are Legendary Items?

Powerful Endgame Item Rewards

Legendary items, such as legendary weapons, armor, and books, in Baldur's Gate 3 are usually rewards for completing long and complicated questlines during the different Acts of the main story.

Most of them are situated in Acts 2 and 3, and will require you to take down powerful bosses, complete series of side quests, or solve intricate puzzles in order to be obtained.

All Main Quest Walkthroughs

Grants Players Different Spells and Actions

The Blood of Lathander grants anyone who wields it the ability cast Sunbeam, a Sorcerer's and Cleric's spell.

Legendaries fly outside the norm when granting players extra class actions, weapon abilities, or spells. Some allow you to disguise yourself for the entirety of the game, while others give you free spells to sling after every long rest.

Others still will allow you to influence the outcome of the main story, from defeating a demon in hell to freeing a long lost Githyanki prince.

Combat Guide: Basics of Combat Explained

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