Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

List of All Greataxes

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Greataxes are Slashing weapons in Baldur's Gate 3. Read on to learn more about all Greataxes in the game, their damage, effects and rarity, and more!

List of All Greataxes

Weapon Effect Rarity
Blooded Greataxe
Relentless Revenge: When the wielder has 50% Hit Points or less, they deal an additional 1d4 Slashing damage. Uncommon
Bloodsoaked Greataxe
- Uncommon
Defender Greataxe
Defensive Attack: When making your first attack of the round, you can reduce this weapon's enchantment by 1 to increase your Armour Class and Saving Throw bonus by 1.
Weapon Enchantment +2
Doom Axe
Edge of Terror: Each strike fills target with a chilling dread that prevents it from regaining hit points. Undead creatures also get disadvantage on attack rolls. Uncommon
Exterminator's Axe
Scourge of Pests: Deals an additional 1d6 Fire damage to Plants, Insects or Small Creatures. Uncommon
- Common
Hellfire Greataxe
Thermodynamo: Whenever you deal damage with this weapon, you gain 2 turns of Heat.
Weapon Enchantment +2
Very Rare
Rusty Greataxe
- Common
Weapon Enchantment +2 Very Rare
The Undead Bane
Slay the Wicked: This weapon deals an additional 1~6 Slashing damage against Fiends and Undead.
Weapon Enchantment +1
Very Heavy Greataxe
- Uncommon

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