Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Save Mirkon: Harpy Battle Guide

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This is a walkthrough on saving the young Tiefling Mirkon from the harpies in Baldur's Gate 3. Learn where you can find Mirkon, how to fight the harpies, and how to stop them from luring Mirkon.

Side Quest Details

Journal Entry
Investigate the Beach
Recommended Level Lv. 3
Result Success:
• Tiefling Hideout password.
• Mirkon's Story Item
Mirkon dies.
Secluded Cove
X: 327, Y: 549

Where to Find Mirkon

Shore of the Secluded Cove


Mirkon at the Shore

Mirkon is found at the shore of the Secluded Cove, which is located to the east of The Hollow. From The Hollow, go down the steps to the Sacred Pool of the Emerald Grove.

From the Sacred Pool, follow the path to the northeast until you come across a cove. Head down the cove to find Mirkon standing on the shore listening to a song.

Going Past the Sacred Pool


If you are going to the Sacred Pool from The Hollow for the first time, you will be stopped momentarily by the druids of Kagha. Choose any non-violent dialogue option for requesting to pass. At the end of the dialogue, they will ask you to see Kagha.

At this point, you are free to go past them and head straight for the Secluded Cove. Seeing Kagha can wait and you can passly freely through the Sacred Pool at any time.

Keep in mind that attacking the druids and refusing detainment will trigger a large-scale combat encounter in The Hollow between the druids and the refugees. If you are just after the side quest at the moment, do not do this!

Save the Refugees Walkthrough

Do Not Listen to the Harpies


NPC Dialogue
Narrator: A sweet melody beckons you. It vibrates with magic - a harpy's charm.
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
Close your eyes and listen to the song.
Causes Lure to the listening character for the first turn. Battle starts.
[WISDOM (DC5)] Struggle against the music's pull.
Resists Lure of the harpies. Battle starts.
Causes Lure to the listening character for the first turn. Battle starts.

If you choose to listen to the song, the above dialogue options appear.

Interacting with Mirkon will give you some dialogue options about the harpies. You can bypass the dialogue and engage in battle with the harpies by walking into the water past Mirkon.

If you are talking to Mirkon, do not pick the dialogue option that lets you character listen to the song since this will lead to your character getting Lured.

A Nature Check will occur when trying to listen to the song. Succeeding this check will reveal that a harpy is singing, and failing it will only produce more text about the song. Either outcome leads to the battle of the harpies.

Hiding Reveals Harpy Search Area


Using Hide in the area will reveal a highlighted area in front of Mirkon. This reveals where the harpy will detect you and start a battle.

Attempting a Surprise entry into this fight is tricky, since the harpies' Lure skill range is far enough to affect everyone in the cove. Those who fail the Saving Throws will also have their positions revealed.

Those who have not yet joined the fight can still be affected by Lure if they come close to the combat area.

Harpy Battle Guide

Dealing with the Harpies

Defeat the Harpies


Enemies Present
x4 Harpy
Harpy Starting Positions

During the Initiative Check, 3 harpies are positioned at the rock formation in front of Mirkon. 1 harpy will be found perched on the cliffside.

Split Your Team for Advantage


This fight can get tricky due to the immediate disadvantage you have when you are all positioned at Mirkon's level. All of the harpies start on elevated terrain.

If you are the first to act (it may often be Astarion, since he has high Dexterity), good positioning will give you high ground and advantage.

You can split your party into two pairs, each having least one for close-combat and one for attacking at ranged. The Wizard or any class with a bow, will help with this.

Focus on the Singing Harpy


At least one of the harpies will attempt to use the Lure skill. Lure is a passive skill toggled by a harpy. While the harpy is singing, your party members and Mirkon will have to pass a Saving Throw every round to resist it.

Lure causes an affected character to automatically move towards the singing harpy. Those affected by the Lure are susceptible to multi-attacks from harpies, making the harpies dangerous when they attack a Lured target together.

One successful attack to the singing harpy will cancel the skill. As soon as a harpy starts singing, make sure to deal with it immediately at least with a ranged attack if the target is too far.

Protect Mirkon at All Costs

Mirkon is the most vulnerable in this battle given that he is clearly defenseless, unarmored, and will always disengage.

One harpy is capable of killing him in one-to-two hits, so make sure that he is protected from Lure and from any Opportunity Attacks (since harpies can flank with Fly.)

You can use spells that can force the harpies to target you, or spells like Sleep which can be very effective in keeping them down.

Why Keep Mirkon Alive?

To Access the Tiefling Hideout


If your belongings have been taken by the Tiefling pickpockets at The Hollow, saving Mirkon from the harpies will allow you an option to acces the Tiefling Hideout without angering Mol.

When on good terms with Mol, you can ask her if she needs any help. She will offer you a request to steal the Sacred Idol.

Mol remembers the young Tieflings you save in the Druid Grove, so keep an eye out whenever you see her throughout your adventure.

How to Avoid Tiefling Pickpockets

Gives You His Story at the Hideout


If you talk to Mirkon at the Tiefling Hideout after saving him, he will thank you and he can give you his handwritten story about the encounter!

You can keep this item as a way as a reminder that you saved him from the harpies.

Secluded Cove Treasure

Find a Path the Rock Formation


Secluded Cove Treasure Chest
Secluded Cove
X: 357, Y: 534

After the encounter with the harpies, go across the shallow water and then navigate to the back of rock formation where the harpies used to perch.

This will show a path to the Harpy's Nest housing the Ring of Colour Spray. But first, open the chest for some valuable items.

Ring of Colour Spray at the Harpy's Nest


Secluded Cove Harpy Nest
Secluded Cove
X: 323, Y: 493

Follow the path of shallow water until you see some elevated steps. Use a character's Jump to scale the terrain.

Once you are the Harpy's Nest, feel free to open it in grab the Ring of Colour Spray and some valuable items.

You can also pick up the letter in the nest titled I'm Sorry by Edmund for reading.

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1 going2BGover 1 year

an easy way to protect Mirkon, use a sleep spell on Mirkon. As long as he is asleep, he can't be lured towards the harpies.


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