Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

School of Evocation Subclass Guide and Build

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The School of Evocation is a Wizard subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the School of Evocation subclass, its features, as well as the best build.

Wizard Subclasses
Wizard Class Guide
BaldurAbjuration BaldurConjuration BaldurDivination BaldurEnchantment
BaldurEvocation BaldurIllusion BaldurNecromancy BaldurTransmutation

Evocation Subclass Overview

Evocation Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur School of Evocation
Evocation spells focus elemental energy into powerful attacks and enchantments. Those who specialize in this school are known as Evokers.
Main Class Wizard
How to Unlock Reach Wizard Level 2.
Spellcasting Ability Intelligence
Starting Subclass Features
・Grants Evocation Savant Passive.
・Grants Sculpt Spells Passive.
・All Wizard Class Features and Proficiencies.

Evocation Wizards are powerful elemental casters that deal damage in large AoEs. Through a mastery of the arcane, they are able to spare their allies from the harmful effects of their spells, all while wielding some of the most powerful spells in Baldur's Gate 3.

How to Unlock the Evocation Subclass

Available Once Your Wizard Reaches Level 2

The School of Evocation subclass will become available once your Wizard reaches Level 2. In order to earn EXP and level up in Baldur's Gate 3, players will need to complete quests, discover new areas, or defeat enemies they find in the world.

Evocation Subclass Features

School of Evocation Features
Evocation Savant Sculpt Spells
Potent Cantrip Empowered Evocation
▼ Subclass Level Progression Table ▼

Evocation Savant

Upon unlocking the Evocation subclass at Level 2, your Wizard will get the Evocation Savant passive. With this active, learning Evocation spells from spell scrolls will only cost 25 Gold per spell level.

Spell Level Gold Cost
Level 1 25 Gold
Level 2 50 Gold
Level 3 75 Gold
Level 4 100 Gold
Level 5 125 Gold
Level 6 150 Gold

Sculpt Spells

Upon taking the Evocation subclass at Level 2, you will unlock the Sculpt Spells passive. Instead of having to worry about positioning when casting large AoE Evocation spells like Fireball, you can now sling it without having to worry about your allies since they will automatically succeed their saving throws against it (taking no damage in the process).

Potent Cantrip

At Level 6, your Wizard cantrips become more likely to hit with the Potent Cantrip passive active. Even if they do succeed their Saving Throw against your cantrip, enemies will still take half of the damage. However, they will suffer no additional effects afterwards.

One example of this is in action is when you use the Shocking Grasp cantrip. If your enemy succeeds in evading the cantrip, they will still take half of the intended damage but they do not suffer from the Shocking Grasp condition that prevents them from taking reactions.

Empowered Evocation

Once you hit Level 10, your Evocation spells are Empowered. When casting an Evocation spell, you can add your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll. At 20 Intelligence, your damage rolls get a +5 bonus.

Evocation Level Progression

Level Subclass Features Unlocked
Level 2 ・Evocation Savant (Passive)
・Sculpt Spells (Passive)
Level 6 ・Potent Cantrip (Passive)
Level 10 ・Empowered Evocation (Passive)

Best Evocation Builds

Fire Wizard Build Overview

Recommended Equipment
Helm Helldusk Helmet
Cloak Cloak of the Weave
Armor Obsidian-Laced Robe
Gloves Thermoarcanic Gloves
Boots Cinder Shoes
Recommended Weapons
Slot Main Hand Off-Hand
Melee Markoheshkir /
Incandescent Staff
Recommended Accessories
Amulet Spellcrux Amulet /
Ring 1 Ring of Fire
Ring 2 Player's Choice
The Fire Wizard uses a lot of offensive Fire spells to deal large amounts of damage against big groups of enemies. The equipment above enhances the damage you deal with your fire spells, and it also helps you cast your spells more frequently.

Equipment of Choice

Helldusk Helmet

Baldurs Gate 3 - Helldusk Helmet

The Helldusk Helmet grants you more survivability against other spellcasters since you gain a +2 bonus on Saving Throws against spells, and enemies cannot land a Critical Hit. Additionally, you cannot be be Blinded and can see through darkness, which lets you avoid disadvantages due to range.

Helldusk Helmet: Armor Guide and How to Get

Cloak of the Weave

Cloak of the Weave is a nice item to have because of its +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls which slightly boosts your offense and defense. Additionally, it also lets you absorb half the damage from elemental attacks and deal the same elemental damage on your next attack.

Cloak of the Weave: Armor Guide and How to Get

Obsidian Laced Robe

Obsidian Laced Robe - Baldur

The Obsidian Laced Robe allows you to deal Fire damage whenever you succesfully pass a saving throw against an enemy spell. This is excellent as you fight against other spellcasters since it allows you to constantly deal Fire damage even when it's not your turn.

Cinder Shoes

The Cinder Shoes grants you 2 turns of Heat whenever you Burn an enemy. Since you'll be casting fire spells most of the time, you will also be burning them frequently. This is beneficial since having Heat lets you deal more damage on your next fire spell.

Cinder Shoes: Armor Guide and How to Get

Markoheshkir or Incandescent Staff

Baldurs Gate 3 - Markoheshkir

The Markoheshkir staff is the ideal weapon for this build since the next spell you cast will not use up a spell slot. This means you can use very high level spells more frequently without running out of spell slots.

Markoheshkir: Weapon Guide and How to Get

An alternative weapon you could equip is the Incandescent Staff. It gives you the Fire Bolt cantrip and Fireball spell, allowing you to cast these spells without needing to use a spell slot.

Spellcrux Amulet or Fireheart

Spellcrux Amulet - Baldur

The Spellcrux Amulet grants you a Spell Slot Restoration which lets you restore any spell slot level you prefer. This is crucial when you want to use high level spells multiple times without having to take a long rest, especially when Arcane Recovery can only restore spell slots up to level 5.

Spellcrux Amulet: Accessory Guide and How to Get

Fireheart, on the other hand, allows you to gain 2 turns of Heat whenever you take Fire damage from an enemy. This allows you to stack up as much Heat as possible to boost your next Fire spell's damage.

Ring of Fire

Ring of Fire grants you an additional +1 Fire damage whenever you deal Fire damage with your spells. This is a nice little damage boost for the build since it lets adds extra damage to all the fire damage you deal.

Best Races to Use As an Evocation Wizard


Dragonborns are good Evocation Wizards since they can use Elemental Breath attacks that you can add to your offensive arsenal. They are also naturally resistant to an element which lets you take less damage from your own elemental spells.

  • Draconic Ancestry grants you resistance to an element associated with the color of the Dragonborn.

Dragonborn Race Guide and Best Classes


High-Elves can be great Evocation Wizards since they have access to another additional cantrip. This allows you to use these spells frequently without having to waste spell slots on it.

  • Darkvision allows you to see an extra 12m in Dark Areas. This can be helpful for ranged classes that want to see threats and targets as soon as possible.
  • Elven Weapon Training lets you use Longswords, Shortswords, Longbows, and Shortbows with proficiency.
  • Fey Ancestry grants you advantage on saving throws from being Charmed, and you can't be put to sleep with magic.

High-Elf Race Guide and Best Classes

Asmodeus Tiefling

Asmodeus Tieflings are excellent Evocation Wizards since they can use the Produce Flame cantrip that lets you shine light to gain advantage whenever you are fighting in the dark. It also grants you Fire resistance which is a very common elemental damage you'll encounter in the game.

  • Darkvision allows you to see an extra 12m in Dark Areas. This can be helpful for ranged classes that want to see threats and targets as soon as possible.
  • Hellish Resistance halves the Fire damage you take thanks to your natural Fire resistance.

Asmodeus Tiefling Race Guide and Best Classes

Best Evocation Wizard Ability Scores

8 14 15(+1) 17(+2) 10 10

Intelligence will be your primary ability as a Wizard. Make sure this is your highest ability score as it affects how strong your spells are.

Constitution gets the next big investment at 15 since it affects your HP. This ability also improves your Concentration Saving Throws.

Dexterity gets 14 for the +2 AC bonus. Since High Half-Elves get to equip Light Armor, the AC bonus from DEX will work wonders for your survivability.

Wisdom and Charisma both enjoy a flat 10 so that Skill Checks related to them will have no penalties.

Strength is your dump stat for the Wizard. It serves no purpose since most of your damage will come from spells and cantrips.

Best Evocation Wizard Feats

Elemental Adept

Elemental Adept allows you to ignore an enemy's resistance to an element, allowing you to deal more damage. It also ensures that you cannot roll a 1 with the element you choose. This is the most beneficial feat since most of the Evocation spells are elemental spells.

Elemental Adept Feat Guide and Effects

Spell Sniper

As an Evocation Wizard, your damage will primarily be coming from your spells. With that said, Spell Sniper allows you to land a critical hit with your spells more often, while also learning an additional cantrip to help you manage your spell slots.

Spell Sniper Feat Guide and Effects

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