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List of All Conjuration Spells

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Conjuration Spells are spells that specialize in the summoning, creation, or transportation of objects from one point to another in Baldur's Gate 3. Read on to learn more about each Conjuration Spell, their effects, levels, and more!

List of All Conjuration Spells

Conjuration Cantrips

Spell Description Class
Acid Splash Throw a bubble of acid that damages each creature it hits. Cleric
Eldritch Knight
Githyanki Psionics: Mage Hand Create an invisible spectral hand that can manipulate and interact with objects. Fighter
Howl of the Dead Let out a bone-chilling howl that Numbs all nearby creatures. -
Mage Hand Create a spectral hand that can manipulate and interact with objects. Wizard
Eldritch Knight
Poison Spray Project a puff of noxious gas. Warlock
Eldritch Knight
Produce Flame A flame in your hand sheds a light in a 9m radius and deals 1-8 Fire damage when thrown. Druid
Shadow Teleportation Teleport to an unoccupied, obscured spot. -

Level 1 Conjuration Spells

Spell Description Class
Arms of Hadar Call forth tendrils of dark energy that prevent targets from taking reactions. Warlock
Ensnaring Strands Your attack conjures thick sticky webbing that possibly Enwebs your target(s). -
Ensnaring Strike (Ranged) Your attack summons thorny vines that possibly Ensnare your target. Ranger
Oath of the Ancients
Entangle Create a vine surface, slowing down creatures, possibly Entangling them. Druid
Find Familiar Summon a familiar, a fey spirit that takes an animal form of your choosing. Wizard
Find Familiar: Imp Summon a familiar with the form of an imp that can fly, turn Invisible, and Sting enemies. Warlock
Find Familiar: Quasit Summon a familiar with the form of a quasit that can turn Invisible and Scare enemies. Warlock
Find Familiar: Scratch Summon the best boy. Scratch's keen nose can discover many things hidden around the world. Cleric
Fog Cloud The cloud Blinds and Heavily Obscures creatures within it. Wizard
Grease Cover the ground in grease, slowing creatures within and possibly making them fall Prone. Wizard
Eldritch Knight
Hail of Thorns The thorns deal 1d6 damage to the target and then explode. The explosion deals an additional 1d10 Piercing damage to the target and surrounding enemies. Ranger
Ice Knife Throw a shard of ice that deals 1-10 Piercing damage. It explodes and deals 2-12 Cold damage to anyone nearby. It leaves an ice surface. Wizard
Woad's Ensnaring Strike Your attack summons thorny vines that possibly Ensnare your target. -

Level 2 Conjuration Spells

Spell Description Class
Cloud of Daggers Conjure a cloud of spinning daggers that attack anyone inside. Wizard
Flaming Sphere Summon a flaming sphere that damages nearby enemies and objects. You can move the sphere. It emits a bright light. Wizard
Misty Step Surrounded by silver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see. Wizard
Web Cover an area in thick, flammable webbing that slows creatures within and possibly Enwebs them. Wizard

Level 3 Conjuration Spells

Spell Description Class
Conjure Barrage Channel your weapon's essence into a destructive, widespread volley. Ranger
Hunger of Hadar Creatures within this black sphere are Blinded and take damage at the end of their turn and the start of their turn. Creatures starting their turn in the area take 2~12 Cold damage. Creatures ending their turn in the area possibly take 2~12 Acid damage. The area is Difficult Terrain. Warlock
Sleet Storm Call forth a storm that disrupts the Concentration of spellcasters, douses fires, and creates an ice surface. Wizard
Spirit Guardians Call forth spirits to protect you. Nearby enemies take 3~24 Radiant damage or 3~24 Necrotic damage per turn, and their movement speed is halved. Cleric
Stinking Cloud Create a cloud of gas so nauseating it prevents creatures from taking actions. Wizard
Summon Quothe the Raven Summon a raven familiar that can Blind enemies with its beak. ^ When a hostile creature kills the raven familiar, they must succeed a Dexterity Saving Throw or become Ensnared -

Level 4 Conjuration Spells

Spell Description Class
Call Lightning Lightning strikes all targets within range. Then for 10 turns, you can call down lightning again without expending a spell slot. Cleric
Conjure Minor Elemental Conjure a minor elemental to fight alongside you. Druid
Conjure Woodland Being Conjure a dryad to fight alongside you. She can use Nature's Step, Entangle enemies, and Summon a wood woad. Druid
Dimension Door Teleport yourself and up to 1 adjacent ally to a place you can see. The ally cannot be larger than medium. Cleric
Evard's Black Tentacles Tentacles sprout from the ground, turning the area into Difficult Terrain, attacking and Smothering creatures within. Wizard
Guardian of Faith Call forth a divine guardian that attacks nearby enemies. Every time it deals damage, the guardian loses an equal amount of hit points. Cleric

Level 5 Conjuration Spells

Spell Description Class
Cloudkill Craft a large cloud that inflicts 5~40 Poison damage per turn. You can reposition the cloud every turn. The cloud heavily Obscures everything within it. Sorcerer
Conjure Elemental Bend the barrier between the Planes until they disgorge an elemental ally to follow and fight for you. Bard
Grasping Vine Summon a giant vine capable of dragging creatures toward itself. Druid
Insect Plague Locusts attack everyone within range, make the area Difficult Terrain, and impose Disadvantage on Perception Checks. Druid

Level 6 Conjuration Spells

Spell Description Class
Arcane Gate Create two linked teleportation portals. Sorcerer
Heroes' Feast You and everyone around can't be poisoned, diseased, or frightened. Your HP increases, and you make Wisdom Saves with Advantage. Cleric
Planar Ally Beseech one of these otherworldly entities for aid. Cleric
Planar Ally: Cambion Conjure a fiendish cambion to fight alongside you. It can cast Fiendish Charm, Draining Kiss, and Rays of Fire. -
Wall of Thorns Create a wall of pliable, twisted thorns surrounded by Entangling vines. Druid

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List of All Spells

All Spell Types

All Schools of Spells
BaldurAbjuration BaldurConjuration BaldurDivination BaldurEnchantment
BaldurEvocation BaldurIllusion BaldurNecromancy BaldurTransmutation

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