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Sorcerer Class Guide: Best Builds and Subclasses

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The Sorcerer is one of the 12 available main classes in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for an overview of the Sorcerer class, including its related subclasses, class features, best races to use, and best builds.

Sorcerer Class Overview

Sorcerer Basic Information

Class Overview
Baldur Sorcerer
Sorcerers are natural spellcasters, drawing on inherent magic from a gift or bloodline.
Hit Die d6
Primary Ability Charisma
Saving Throw Proficiencies Constitution and Charisma
Starting Class Features
Dagger Proficiency
Quarterstaff Proficiency
Light Crossbow Proficiency
・Access to Subclasses during Character Creation

Sorcerers have an innate connection with the arcane, allowing them to manipulate the nature of their magic and spellcasting to suit their needs. When playing as a Sorcerer, slinging spells and cantrips will be second nature to you. By extension, your Sorcerous Origin will dictate just how effective (or random) some of your spell effects are in battle.

Sorcerer Skills with Proficiency

As a Sorcerer, your character can choose 2 out of the 6 skills below to be Proficient in. When you are Proficient with a skill, you get a bonus to any Checks tied to that skill. Proficiency bonuses increase as you gain levels for your chosen class.

Available Skills (Pick 2 of the 6)

What is a Proficiency Bonus?

All Sorcerer Subclasses

Sorcerer subclasses will be available during Character Creation in the form of your Sorcerous Origin. In Baldur's Gate 3, you will have 3 Sorcerous Origins to choose from: Wild Magic, Draconic Bloodline, or Storm Sorcery.

Subclass Subclass Description
BaldurWild Magic Your powers come from ancient forces of chaos. They churn within you - waiting to burst free at any time.
Sublcass Starting Features:
・Grants Tides of Chaos
・Grants Wild Magic
BaldurDraconic Bloodline Your veins carry draconic magic, the result of a powerful dragon ancestor.
Subclass Starting Features:
・Access to Dragon Ancestry
・Grants Draconic Resilience: Hit Points
・Grants Draconic Resilience
BaldurStorm Sorcery Whether crackling with the energy of ancient deluges or pierced by gales and hurricanes, you lineage is a strange tapestry scrawled by a tempest.
Subclass Starting Features:
・Grants Tempestuous Magic.

All Sorcerer Features

Sorcerer Features
Spellcasting Sorcerous Origins Sorcery Points
▼ Level Progression and Features Chart ▼

Spellcasting Will Unlock at Level 1

Being a Sorcerer means you have an innate connection to the arcane. Magic is your birthright and your entire class background stems from this concept. As such, the Sorcerer's entire class identity will revolve around Spellcasting which you unlock as soon as you create this class.

Your spellcasting ability as a Sorcerer will be Charisma. It will dictate everything related to spellcasting from spells saves down to how much damage you deal with your magic. When playing this class, make sure to prioritize this ability to improve your spells.

However, unlike some of the other spellcasting classes, Sorcerers do not prepare their spells. This means you cannot edit your list of spells while adventuring. The only way to change it would be to use the Spell Replacement feature whenever you level up.

Cantrips Function as Spells That Only Cost Actions

Again, being a natural spellcaster, the Sorcerer will have access to 4 Cantrips from the Sorcerer Spell List as early as Level 1. Cantrips, unlike Spells, will not use up a Spell Slot when cast. Instead, they function the same as a regular attack, costing only an action to cast.

This means that for the majority of your playthrough as a Sorcerer, you'll mostly be casting offensive cantrips and your arsenal of spells, rather than swinging your Quarterstaff around in combat.

Higher Levels Increase Your Number of Known Spells and Cantrips

As your Sorcerer levels up, the number of Spells and Cantrips you can know and wield will also increase. Check out the table below to see the number of spells and cantrips known per level, as well as the number and level of spell slots you unlock per character level up.

Lvl Cantrips Known
Spells Known
Spell Slots Per Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 4 Cantrips
2 Spells
2 4 Cantrips
3 Spells
3 4 Cantrips
4 Spells
4 2
4 5 Cantrips
5 Spells
4 3
5 5 Cantrips
6 Spells
4 3 2
6 5 Cantrips
7 Spells
4 3 3
7 5 Cantrips
8 Spells
4 3 3 1
8 5 Cantrips
9 Spells
4 3 3 2
9 5 Cantrips
10 Spells
4 3 3 3 1
10 6 Cantrips
11 Spells
4 3 3 3 2
11 6 Cantrips
12 Spells
4 3 3 3 2 1
12 6 Cantrips
12 Spells
4 3 3 3 2 1

Sorcerous Origin Subclasses Influence Your Spellcasting

During character creation, Sorcerers will also be asked to immediately pick out their Subclass called their Sorcerous Origin. These origins will determine the nature of your spellcasting, often adding extra effects, affinities, and resistances depending on where your innate magic comes from.

In Baldur's Gate 3, you have 3 Sorcerous Origins to choose from: Wild Magic, Draconic Bloodline, and Storm Sorcery.

Sorcery Points Allow for Extra Spell Slots

Upon reaching Level 2, Sorcerers will unlock the Sorcery Point system. Simply put, you can spend these Sorcery Points to do either of the following:

  • Create a Spell Slot: This allows you to cast one more spell (or more if you have enough points) once you've run out of spell slots during combat.
  • Use Metamagic Modifiers: This allows you to modify one of your spellcasts using one of the Metamagic modifiers available at your level.

As you level up, you will get more Sorcery Points to spend. To replenish your Sorcery Points, you will need to complete a Long Rest back at the camp.

Spend Spell Slots to Get Sorcery Points

Alternatively, if you're in dire need of Sorcery Points and have a surplus of unused Spell Slots, then you're in luck. The point system allows you to expend some of your unused Spell Slots to gain more Sorcery Points to spend.

While at first glance this seems like a bad tradeoff, do note that Sorcery Points can be used to create the highest tier spell slot you have. This means, at lower levels, you'll be able to trade your unused, level 1 spell slots, for something like 2 casts of a Level 3 Fireball spell.

Metamagic Modifies Your Spellcasting

Metamagic is a feature you unlock at Sorcerer Level 2. As mentioned previously, this feature is also tied to Sorcery Points, allowing you to spend your points to add the following modifiers to your spells (these also work with your cantrips).

Note: Metamagic modifiers are toggleable passives. At Level 2 you will be able to pick 2 Metamagic modifiers for your class. At Level 4 you will be able to modify the list, adding 1 extra modifier to your final Metamagic passive list.

Metamagic Effect
Careful Spell
(Level 2)
Sorcery Point Cost: 1 per Spell
Effect: Allies automatically succeed Saving Throws against spells that require them. Perfect for when you want to cast an area-of-effect spell while allies are caught in the AoE.
Distant Spell
(Level 2)
Effect: Increases the range of spells by 50%. Melee spells get a range of 9m. Allows you to maintain distance at all ranges especially against powerful melee enemies.
Extended Spell
(Level 2)
Effect: Double the duration of Conditions, summons, and surfaces caused by spells. Allows you to get more mileage out of some of the area effect spells.
Twinned Spell
(Level 2)
Sorcery Point Cost:
・1 Sorcery Point per Spell Slot level
・Cantrips only cost 1 Sorcery Point[
Effect: Spells that only target 1 creature can target an additional creature. For spells that don't shoot a projectile, the targets need to be close enough together.
Heightened Spell
(Level 3)
Sorcery Point Cost: 3 per Spell
Effect: Targets of spells that require Saving Throws have Disadvantage on their first Saving Throw.
Quickened Spell
(Level 3)
Sorcery Point Cost: 3 per Spell
Effect: Spells that cost an action cost a bonus action instead.
Subtle Spell
(Level 3)
Sorcery Point Cost: 1 per Spell
Effect: You can cast spells while Silenced.

Sorcerer Class Level Progression

Lvl Features Unlocked Sorcery Points Proficiency Bonus
1 Spellcasting
Subclass (Sorcerous Origin)
・Wild Magic
・Draconic Bloodline
・Storm Sorcery
2 Sorcery Points System
Metamagic System
2 +2
3 Metamagic (2) 3 +2
4 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. 4 +2
5 No New Unlocks 5 +3
6 Subclass (Sorcerous Origin) Feature TBD +3
7 No New Unlocks TBD +3
8 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. TBD +3
9 No New Unlocks TBD +4
10 Metamagic (3) TBD +4
11 No New Unlocks TBD +4
12 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. TBD +4

Best Sorcerer Builds

Best Ability Scores for Sorcerers

8 13 15(+1) 10 or 12 10 or 12 17(+2)

Strength is a dump stat for Sorcerers. Leave this as the lowest.

Charisma should be the highest ability score for your Sorcerer since it directly affects your spell damage.

Dexterity will primarlily influence the Armor Class (AC) of your squishy Sorcerer. 13 DEX is fine since it allows you to benefit from items that add at least 1 DEX, giving you the +2 Proficiency Bonus easily. The +1 to Initiative isn't too bad either.

Constitution is very important for a class that only uses a d6 hit die. Making sure that your CON sits at 15 allows you to easily add +1 using items or Ability Score Improvements to get it to 16. This nets you a bigger bonus (+2), granting you more HP at higher levels.

Intelligence can be 10 or 12. Since INT usually helps you know about the things you find and hear about in the world, pump it up to 12 if you want a small boost for your Arcana, History, Investigation skill checks.

Wisdom can be 10 or 12. Since WIS helps you notice things while exploring, pump it up to 12 if you want a small boost for your Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, and Survival skill checks.

Best Subclasses for Sorcerer

Draconic Bloodline for Damage and Survivability

Draconic Bloodline is the best subclass for min-maxing your Sorcerer since it allows you to pick out which elemental damage type you'll have an affinity for once you hit level 6 (Dragon Ancestor). Any early game problems are easily smoothed over by the bonus HP and AC (when unarmored) granted by Draconic Resilence.

Storm Sorcery for Damage and Mobility

Storm Sorcerers are easily the most mobile of the 3 subclasses since its primary feature grants you Fly as bonus action after casting a level 1 spell or higher. While the reposition mechanic is great, do note that you will only have an affinity for Lightning damage at higher levels compared to more diverse setups offered by Draconic Bloodline.

Wild Magic for a Fun Time

Wild Magic is the most chaotic of three, triggering a Wild Magic Surge whenever they succumb to the Tides of Chaos passive. This class is harder to min-max but does offer a fun playthrough especially when playing with a party of friends.

Best Sorcerer Equipment

  • Armor: No Armor or Light Armor if you have the proficiency for it. Just remember that equipping armor you are not proficient in will prevent you from casting spells.
  • Amulet and Rings: Preferably trinkets that grant bonus AC or Ability scores. Either that or jewelry pieces that give you access to bonus cantrips and spells that you can cast without using a spell slot.
  • Weapons: Preferably weapons that give bonus damage to your spells via effects like Lightning Charges, or ones that give you access to other cantrips or spells that you can cast without using a spell slot.

Best Races to Use As a Sorcerer


Half-Elves make for the best Sorcerers in Baldur's Gate 3 simply because their traits ease any growing pains you may have while leveling up. With access to Light Armor, Darkvision, and Fey Ancestry, the Half Elf race offers you a great foundation for your future Sorcerer build.

  • Civil Militia grants you proficiency with Light Armor, allowing for better AC values during the early game when your HP pool is a puddle. The weapon proficiencies are nice bonus too.
  • Dark Vision allows you to see in the dark. Helps with exploration (since they dialed up darkness in the final release) and helps you actually land your spells when fighting in dark places (like the Underdark).
  • Fey Ancestry grants resistance to being Charmed and gives you immunity to sleep.
  • Fleet of Foot (Wood Half-Elf) grants you an extra 1.5m of movement speed on top of your 9m base speed.

Half-Elf Race Guide and Info


Tieflings are another great option for Sorcerers since they start off by knowing one extra cantrip. At later levels, they will also get a few extra spells to cast as part of their racial identity. If going the way of the Draconic Bloodline origin, the innate Fire resistance of Tieflings will allow you have 2 elemental resistances by virtue of Draconic Resilience.

  • Dark Vision allows you to see in the dark. Helps with exploration (since they dialed up darkness in the final release) and helps you actually land your spells when fighting in dark places (like the Underdark).
  • Hellish Resistance grants resistance to Fire, allowing you to only take half the damage when hit with fire-based attacks or hazards.

Tiefling Race Guide and Info

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