Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Should You Buy Oskar Fevras?

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Oskar Fevras is an artist that is captured by the Zhentarim in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to know if you should buy Oskar Fevras, guide to freeing him, and the benefits of buying Oskar Fevras from the Zhentarim!

Side Quest Details

Journal Entry
Free the Artist
Reward Self Portrait
Zhentarim Hideout

How to Free Oskar Fevras

How to Free Oskar Fevras Summary

Go to Waukeen's Rest Waypoint

Oskar and the Zhentarim Hideout are located northwest from the Waukeen's Rest waypoint, so teleport or proceed towards this waypoint.

Players who have not yet reached this Waypoint can instead teleport to the Blighted Village waypoint and travel north until they reach a broken stone bridge.

Once at the bridge, simply jump to the otherside and follow the road north/northwest until you find the Waukeen's Rest waypoint.

Locate The Zhentarim Hideout

The entrance to the hideout is hidden in a room that is accessible through a floor hatch found in this building.

You will know you've got the correct building by looking around for a dead ox and a door barricaded by some wooden boxes.

Encounter Salazon

Upon entering the building where the Zhentarim Hideout is hidden, players will be forced into dialogue with Salazon.

Salazon Dialogue
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[DEXTERITY (DC10)] Wait - listen! Success:Unlocks [INTIMIDATION] and [PERSUASION] skill checks.
Failure: Salazon ignites the nearby oil barrel and deals a large amount of damage to the player and any nearby creatures.
[DETECT THOUGHTS (DC11)] Read his mind.
Success: Unlocks a new dialogue option: “I know the pass-phrase: 'Little serpent, long shadow'.”

Selecting the new option prompts Salazon to reveal the hideout entrance and give the player a the key.
Prepare to attack.
Salazon ignites the nearby oil barrel and deals a large amount of damage to the player and any nearby creatures.
Unlocked Dialogue
[INTIMIDATION (DC15)] Careful. You won't kill me, but you will make me mad. Success: Salazon reveals the location of the Zhentarim Hideout entrance and hands the player the key.
Failure: Salazon ignites the nearby oil barrel and deals a large amount of damage to the player and any nearby creatures.
[PERSUASION (DC15)] Just calm down - I'm not here to fight.

Learn the Pass-Phrase

You could alternatively progress through the Missing Shipment side quest to potentially learn the pass-phrase. This will unlock a pass-phrase related dialogue option when speaking to Salazon, granting you access to the hideout without the need to pass any skill checks.

Find the Missing Shipment Guide

Enter The Zhentarim Hideout

Located in the same building you meet Salazon in is a hatch that leads to the Zhentarim Hideout. Interact with it to transition your party to what appears to be a storage area filled with various vases and crates.

The entrance to the Zhentarim Hideout is located behind a Wardrobe that can be destroyed, picked, or unlocked using the key Salazon provided.

Encounter Zarys

Walking towards the iron gate will force your character into dialogue with Zarys, the leader of the Zhentarim group.

Try to succeed in any of the following skill checks since allowing Zarys to arm the traps causes all the oil barrels in the hideout to explode.

Zarys Dialogue
That's far enough. What's your business down here? Answer honestly and maybe we'll kill you clean.
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
Relax - your guard at the door let me in.
No notable results. Dialogue will continue and player is free to choose one of the following skill checks.
[STEALTH (DC10)] Slip back into the shadows. Success: Zarys arms the traps in the passage leading to her hideout.
Failure: Unlocks [BARBARIAN][INTIMIDATION] and [PERSUASION] skill checks.
[[BARBARIAN][INTIMIDATION] (DC10)] Try and I will take your skulls as trophies. Success: Zarys disarms the traps in the passage leading to her hideout.
Failure: Zarys arms the traps in the passage leading to her hideout.
[PERSUASION (DC10)] I don't want trouble - I just want to trade.
[DETECT THOUGHTS (DC12)] Read her mind.
Success: Unlocks a [PERSUASION] option as well as a new dialogue option: “I'm here to help you find your missing cargo.”

Selecting the new option prompts Zarys to disarm the traps in the passage leading to her hideout.
Failure: Zarys arms the traps in the passage leading to her hideout.
Unlocked Dialogue
[[BARBARIAN][INTIMIDATION] (DC15)] I want you to know the face of your killer. Or you can let me in. Success: Zarys disarms the traps in the passage leading to her hideout.
Failure: Zarys arms the traps in the passage leading to her hideout.
[PERSUASION (DC15)] I truly don't want to fight - just to trade.

Encountering Zharys After Opening the Flask

If you have already opened the shipment, encountering Zarys here will show a scene with the Zhentarim punishing Rugan for giving away the Shipment. There will be a dialogue option which decides whether you end up progressing through the questline of the Shipment or ending up in a battle with the Zhentarim.

Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
Unlocked Dialogue
[PERSUASION] (DC15)]I've already shown I've got more wits than Rugan. Let's work together. Success: Zarys' hostility disappears and asks you to deliver the item to Baldur's Gate.
Failure: Proceeds to battle with the Zhentarim.
[INTIMIDATION (DC20)] I'm going to walk out of here alive. Play it right and so will you.
Unlocked Dialogue
Can we just skip to the killing? Immediately goes to battle with the Zhentarim.

If you succeed in convincing Zarys, she'll have an additional request to prove your loyalty which is to kill Rugan. In summary, refusing to kill Rugan will put you on hostile terms with the Zhentarim.

Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
Obey - Kill Rugan.
The questline continues, Rugan dies and you can now explore the Zhentarim hideout.
I won't do that. You proceed to fight the Zhentarim.

Rescue Oskar

Neutral Zarys

If you passed the skill checks during your dialogue with Zarys, simply open the Iron Gate and walk through the passageway until you reach the main hideout.

Once inside, Oskar can be found working amongst the paintings. Conversing with him will prompt Oskar to ask the player to buy him from a nearby NPC named Brem.

Brem can be found right beside Oskar. Speaking to him will prompt the following dialogue.

Brem Dialogue
If you have the gold, my pet artist will make you a most heroical likeness.
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
It's not the art I want to buy - it's the artist. The player can pay 1,000 gold to purchase Oskar.
Persuasion/Intimidate to lower his asking price to 600.
He's not a pet, he's a prisoner - let him go. Player can ask how much Oskar costs, which leads to the same dialogue segment above.
Intimidate/Persuade to free Oskar without paying. Failure will force the player to pay for Oskar's freedom.
I do cut a fine figure. I'll take one. No notable results. Brem just tells the player to speak to Oskar, ending this dialogue.
No thanks - I just want to trade. Selecting this option will initiate a trade window with Brem.

Note: Brem will have a limited inventory until you're on friendlier terms with Zarys. Progress the Missing Shipment quest to see Brem's full inventory.

Once Oskar's freedom has been secured, speak to him again to update the journal entry. He will then ask the player for 200 gold to help him on the road towards Baldur's Gate.

Whether or not the player gives Oskar the 200 he is requesting, finishing this dialogue will prompt Oskar to leave the area.

Hostile Zarys

If you failed the skill checks with Zarys, we recommend using Misty Step or jumping off the cliff towards Oskar. Make sure to use Feather Fall on your party before using the jumping method.

Once you've reached Oskar, engage in dialogue with him to have him escape the hideout and progress the Journal Entry. Oskar will then flee and stop in front of a closed gate.

We aren't certain yet if you need to open the gate for him, or if its fine to leave it closed, but the Free the Artist journal entry should have updated itself at this point. To be safe, make sure to open the gate for him if he stops in front of it.

If you decide to walk through the iron gate and through the passageway while the traps are armed, Zarys will signal her men to retreat and cause all the oil barrels scattered throughout the hideout to ignite and explode.

The multiple explosions usually kills Oskar, but if he manages to survive, he will run away. This means we cannot engage in dialogue with him, which may lead to getting locked out of his future questline.

Should You Buy Oskar Fevras?

Buying Oskar Fevras Gives you a Quest in Act III

Purchasing Oskar Fevras keeps you from getting locked out of his side quest that happens much later, during Act III of the game.

Oskar will then gift the player a portrait of themselves when you meet Oskar again in Baldur's Gate.

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