Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Karlach Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval

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Karlach is a playable Origin character and companion, in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about Karlach's romance and approval options, Quests, location, and builds in our guide!

Karlach Profile

Karlach Companion Info

Karlach Overview
Baldurs Gate 3 BG3 - Meeting Karlach
Class Barbarian
Race Zariel Tiefling
Background Outlander

Karlach's Ability Scores

17 13 15 8 12 10

As a Barbarian with a high starting Strength ability score, Karlach will mostly excel in melee combat. Make sure to prioritize raising her Strength and Constitution ability scores to maximize her potential as a tanky melee powerhouse while progressing the game.

Ability Scores Guide

Karlach's Skill Proficiencies

  • Athletics (Strength)
  • Animal Handling (Wisdom)
  • Survival (Wisdom)
  • Intimidation (Charisma)

Karlach's Equipment Proficiencies

  • Armor - Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
  • Simple Weapons - Club, Dagger, Greatclub, Handaxe, Javelins, Lightcrossbows, Light Hammers, Maces, Quarterstaffs, Shortbows, Sickles, Spears
  • Martial Weapons - Battleaxes, Flails, Glaives, Halberds, Greataxes, Greatswords, Halberds, Handcrossbows, Heavy Crossbows, Longbows, Longswords, Mauls, Morningstars, Pikes, Rapiers, Scimitars, Shortswords, Tridents, Warhammers, Warpicks

Who is Karlach?


Born and raised in Baldur's Gate, Karlach was an able fighter who was sold to slavery in the Nine Hells. Bound to the archdevil Zariel, her heart was replaced with an infernal engine, allowing her to become a monster in combat.

It was in the Blood War that Karlach earned her deadly reputation, and it was this same war that prompted her to escape the Nine Hells. Now running free in Faerun, Karlach is determined not only to rid herself of her machine-like heart, but also to take revenge on the man that sold her to Zariel.

How to Recruit Karlach

Found Along The Risen Road


Karlach can be found by a small river in The Risen Road. Approaching Karlach and speaking to her will begin the Hunt the Devil quest where you can decide to either recruit or kill her.

Where to Find Karlach and the Paladins of Tyr

During your conversation with Karlach, she will tell you that a few of Zariel's followers are after her, masquerading as the Paladins of Tyr. If you decide to recruit her, you will need to deal with the Paladin's found to the north of Karlach's location in order to progress her companion quest.

The Risen Road Maps and Points of Interest

Wyll Also Has a Quest to Hunt Karlach

Karlach's location is also hinted if you have recruited Wyll to your party. Wyll's initial objective will be to hunt and kill Karlach, but there are multiple ways this can be resolved peacefully.

Don't be afraid to recruit Wyll if you also plan to recruit Karlach to your party! However, do note that if you do manage to recruit Karlach before Wyll, he will disappear from the Hollows of the Druid Grove.

Wyll Companion Guide

Karlach's Companion Quest

Notification IconHeads up! Spoilers ahead for majority of BG3's main story beats. Proceed at your own risk, adventurer. You have been warned!

Our Fiery Friend Walkthrough

Baldurs Gate 3 BG3 - Karlach Our Fiery Friend

Our Fiery Friend mainly focuses on helping Karlach regain her sense of touch by finding a fix for her Infernal Engine. To progress her story, simply help her navigate the following objectives:

Our Fiery Friend Objectives

Deal with the Paladins of Tyr

Baldurs Gate 3 BG3 - Kill Zariels Followers

The Hunt the Devil side quest becomes available upon Karlach's recruitment. This quest requires you to confront the Paladins of Tyr, and eventually defeat them. You can find them sheltering in the building near the Risen Road Waypoint.

If you happen to stumble upon the paladins first, the quest objective will require you to hunt for Karlach instead. Though, you can still side with her once you recruit her.

Should You Kill Zariel's Followers?

Baldurs Gate 3 BG3 - Zariel

If you want to progress Karlach's story, you must force Anders and his companions to confess to their true nature. The easiest way to do this is to cast Speak with Dead on the corpse of one of the Paladins' fallen comrades (inside the building).

Once you do confront Anders, prepare for a fight as he will drop all pretenses and proudly claim to be a follower of Zariel. However, if for some reason you decide to protect the paladins and prevent Karlach from killing them, Karlach will go against you and leave your party.

Fix Karlach's Infernal Engine

The Hellion's Heart triggers after you complete the Hunt the Devil quest. This quest requires you to speak with Dammon and help him find Infernal Iron to find a cure for Karlach's Engine. You can find him tending to a small forge in the Hollows area of the Druid Grove.

Giving him the first piece of Infernal Iron will allow him to make a temporary fix for Karlach's Infernal Engine. Dammon suggests that he might be able to provide a better answer if you give him more time. He'll ask you to meet him at his forge in Baldur's Gate, requiring you to find more Infernal Iron throughout Acts 1 and 2.

Note: Although Karlach fights with you during the goblin ambush led by Minthara against the druid grove, she will leave your party permanently after the battle. Make sure to go against the Absolute Leaders if you want to keep her around. This will also make Dammon unavailable moving forward.

All Infernal Iron Locations

Upgrade Karlach's Infernal Engine

Baldurs Gate 3 BG3 - Karlach

The next (and earliest) time you can upgrade Karlach's Infernal Engine will be in Act 2. Find Dammon working the forge of the Last Light Inn and bring him a second piece of Infernal Iron so that he can upgrade Karlach's engine.

With this new upgrade, Karlach will now be able to touch people. Of course, it isn't all good news. Dammon will eventually tell you that the only way to really stabilize the Infernal Engine is if Karlach returns to Avernus.

Note: Don't worry if you miss Dammon at the Last Light Inn. He (along with the upgrade) will still be available at the Forge of the Nine in Baldur's Gate during Act 3.

Where to Find Dammon

Confront Enver Gortash

Baldurs Gate 3 BG3 - Confront Gortash

After witnessing who the Dead Three are underneath Moonrise Towers, Karlach's next big objective will be to confront Enver Gortash in Baldur's Gate. Attend his ordination ceremony inside Wyrm's Rock Fortress during Act 3 and allow Karlach to confront her former boss inside the Audience Chamber.

Should You Accept Gortash's Bargain?


During Gortash's ordination, Karlach will immediately ambush him upon entering the Audience Chamber if you have her in your party (without Wyll). You will need to pass a DC 18 Persuasion check to stop her and convince her to stand down. This will also prevent her from getting arrested by the Steel Watchers.

Accepting Gortash's bargain will prevent any hostility from him and his parties. This will make it easier for you to progress the game, especially when going against Orin. However, Karlach's approval will intensely drop, preventing you from romancing her moving forward.

If you refuse to make any pact with Gortash, a fight will break out. This is a fairly difficult battle, so make sure to prepare first!

Keep in mind that if you impulsively allow Karlach to attack Gortash before the confrontation, she will be dragged away by a Steel Watcher and jailed. It is recommended to let Gortash finish his piece before making any move when confronting him.

How to Beat Gortash

This list is currently being updated! Stay tuned as we furnish both lists with more entries as we progress through the game.

Karlach Romance and Approval Guide

Increase Karlach's Approval by Being Nice and Heroic

Karlach appreciates kind gestures, especially when you do it to other people you encounter during your adventure. She likes it when you stand up to bullies, protect the innocent, and make bold and heroic actions. She also has a soft spot for children, so make sure to always be nice around them to earn her approval.

As a Tiefling, Karlach also likes it when you appreciate her heritage and show acts of kindness to her fellow Tieflings.

Actions that Give Approval

Karlach prefers actions that show kindness and compassion towards the innocent. Always pick dialogue options and actions that show goodwill to earn her approval.

Act 1 Approval Options

All Approval Options by Act
Act 1 Act 2 Act 3
  • Approves if you punch Aradin after the first Goblin fight.
  • Approves if you tell Zevlor that you'll talk to Kahga.
  • Approves if you try to protect Karlach from Mizora.
  • Approves if you put your trust in her when confronting Anders.
  • Approves if you let her attack Anders.
  • Approves if you call her hot after the fight with Zariel's followers.
  • Approves if you say that you like the way she looked after the fight with Zariel's followers.
  • Approves if you convince Arka to not kill Sazza.
  • Approves if you agree to free Sazza.
  • Approves if you invite Scratch to your camp.
  • Approves if you tell Ellyka that you do not care about the Githyanki Patrols.
  • Approves if you pet Scratch near her.
  • Approves if you let Lae'zel speak with Kith'rak Voss.
  • Approves if you choose to protect Auntie Ethel from Mayrina's brothers.
  • Approves if you decided to not reveal anything to Gandrel.
  • Approves if you choose to not get angry at Silfy after failing to pickpocket you.
  • Approves if you tell Arabella's parents that you'll save her.
  • Approves if you managed to persuade Kahga to release Arabella.
  • Approves if you accept Zevlor's mission to hunt for the Goblin Leaders.
  • Approves if you refuse Raphael's offer.
  • Approves if you say that you want to touch her after her first upgrade.

Act 2 Approval Options

All Approval Options by Act
Act 1 Act 2 Act 3
  • Approves if you hug her after getting her second upgrade.
  • Approves if you lay your hand on her after getting her second upgrade.
  • Approves if you successfully rig the board game to favor Mol.
  • Approves if you tell Isobel that Marcus is planning to kidnap her.
  • Approves if you drink Jaheira's laced wine.
  • Approves if you release Darra and Racha instead of killing them.
  • Approves if you promise to let her use a Soul Coin.
  • Approves if you agree to look for Arabella's parents in Shadow-Cursed Lands.
  • Approves if you play the lute to wake Art Cullagh.
  • Approves if you refuse Gortash's pact.

Act 3 Approval Options

All Approval Options by Act
Act 1 Act 2 Act 3
  • Approves if you refuse Gortash's pact.

Actions that Give Disapproval

Karlach dislikes it when you tolerate the actions of most of the antagonists you encounter in the game. She shows her disapproval when you laud villains and display leniency towards their actions. Not only that, she also does not appreciate dialogue options that come across as insensitive or tactless, especially when speaking with children. Make sure to always show kindness to avoid getting disapproved.

Act 1 Disapproval Options

All Disapproval Options by Act
Act 1 Act 2
  • Disapproves if you punch Zevlor after the first Goblin fight.
  • Disapproves if you tell the kids on training that they're going to die.
  • Disapproves if you swear to drink the Wyvern Toxin from Nettie.
  • Disapproves if you compliment Kahga's actions.
  • Disapproves if you call the Tieflings devilspawn when talking to Aradin.
  • Disapproves if you call Mizora a luscious thing.
  • Disapproves if you ask Mizora what happens if you kill Karlach.
  • Disapproves if you ask her to stand down when confronting Anders.
  • Disapproves if you call Sazza too stupid when talking to Minthara.
  • Disapproves if you side with Minthara.
  • Disapproves if you tell Gandrel about Astarion's location.
  • Disapproves if you attack her on camp.
  • Disapproves if you talk over Lae'zel during the Githyanki Patrol encounter.

Act 2 Disapproval Options

All Disapproval Options by Act
Act 1 Act 2
  • Disapproves if you let Marcus kidnap Isobel.
  • Disapproves if you fail to persuade her about using the Tadpole's powers.
  • Disapproves if you prevent her from using soul coins.
  • Disapproves if you give Kith'rak Therezzyn the artefact.

This list is currently being updated! Stay tuned as we furnish both lists with more entries as we progress through the game.

Karlach Builds

Best Subclasses for Karlach

Wildheart for a Versatile Barbarian Play

Wildheart Barbarians are a versatile subclass due to the variety of skills thanks to the Bestial Heart mechanic.

Amongst the Bestial Hearts, Bear, Elk, and Wolf are the standout choices. These three allow Karlach to become tankier, move further, or support allies better.

Wildheart Subclass Guide and Build

Berserker for an Aggressive Barbarian Play

Berserkers are straightforward in that they are a direct upgrade to the Barbarian.It also enhances rage-based attacks and throwing attacks, allowing you to make stronger physical offenses against enemies. Berserkers also get full immunity to Charm with Mindless Rage at level 6.

Berserker Subclass Guide and Build

Best Karlach Equipment

  • Armor: Light or Medium Armor to make the most out of Karlach's Unarmoured Defence.
  • Weapons: Two Handed Martial weapons to commit Karlach as an offensive member of your team and to make the most of her martial proficiency bonus.

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