Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Beat Orin

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Orin is a boss that you will encounter in the Temple of Bhaal in Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn how to beat Orin, where to find her, as well as the drops and rewards that you can get for defeating Orin!

How to Beat Orin

How to Beat Orin

Destroy the Unstoppable Barrier


To deal decent damage to Orin, you'll have to destroy her Unstoppable Barrier first as this allows her to absorb and withstand incoming attacks. While this is active, all your attacks to her will only amount to 1 damage regardless of how powerful a spell or skill is used on her. You'll need to break the barrier by hitting her 7 times.

Save Your Action Surges


Consider saving your Action Surges for the boss fight as this allows you to gain an extra action and lets you attack Orin's protective barrier again during a turn. You can only use this once per Short Rest so be sure not to use it before the battle.

The Action Surge is available to the Fighter class, and the Champion and Battle Master subclasses.

Action Surge Class Action Guide and Effects

Use Magic Missile Spell to Weaken the Barrier

A great spell to use to break the barrier is Magic Missiles as it shoots out 3 magical darts, allowing you to tear down the Unstoppable barrier quicker.

Magic Missile Spell Guide and Effects

Cast Out Your Powerful Spells Once the Barrier is Broken


Once the Unstoppable Barrier is broken, it's time to use all your powerful spells to damage her as this is the only time that she's completely vulnerable to all your attacks.

Take note that the barrier returns the following turn so be sure to dish out as much damage as possible!

List of All Spells

Use See Invisiblity Spell to Reveal Hidden Cultists


The Cultists have a tendency of going invisible throughout the fight. Use the See Invisiblity spell to reveal their location.

See Invisibility Spell Guide and Effects

Cast Out AoE Spells to Kill the Cultists

Due to the small battle zone, the Cultists will usually pile up next to each other. You can use AoE (Area of Effect) spells to quickly defeat them.

Some examples of great AoE spells are:

  • Fireball - Causes an area to be engulfed with flames and damages those caught in it.
  • Thunderwave - This releases a wave of thunderous force that pushes and damages all enemies caught in it.
  • Lightning Bolt - Calls upon a lightning strike that hits all those in the line of eruption.

Avoid Party Members From Staying Next to Each Other

Make sure your party members are not positioned near each other as Orin's slayer form can do Relentless Lunge which is a deadly AoE skill that sees Orin leaping towards the air and smashing the ground, harming everyone caught within the radius of the attack.

Dark Urge Characters Can Use Slayer Form


As a Dark Urge character, you'll be able to use the Slayer Form instead of Orin during the fight. Use this to your advantage by making use of the Multiattack skill to tear down the Unstoppable barrier, and Relentless Lunge to kill the Cultists that are grouped up together.

The Dark Urge Origin Character Guide

How to Find Orin

Go to the Temple of Bhaal

As you progress through the Rescue Orin's Victim side quest, Orin can be found performing a ritual on her kidnapped victim inside the Temple of Bhaal underneath the Lower City.

To get here, you can enter through the manhole southeast of the Baldur's Gate waypoint and make your way north until you reach the entrance of the temple.

How to Rescue Orin's Victim

Requires Amulet of Bhaal to Enter

An Amulet of Bhaal is required to enter the temple. You can get this from the Murder Tribunal trial which is northeast of Elfsong Tavern.

Amulet of Bhaal: Accessory Guide and How to Get

Orin Drops and Rewards

Crimson Mischief

The Crimson Mischief is a Legendary Shortsword that can be obtained from looting Orin's corpse after defeating her.

How to Get Crimson Mischief

Orin's Netherstone

Orin's Netherstone is one of the three netherstones of the Chosen, and an important quest item needed to face the Elder Brain later on in the storyline.

Orin's Outfit


With the Patch 5 update, players are now able to loot Orin's outfit! Known in-game as Mutilated Carapace, this outfit can be worn by anyone in the party and can be dyed in the color of your choosing.

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Act 3 Bosses

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Mystic Carrion Orin the Red Raphael
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The Unbreakable Will of the Netherbrain


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