Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Wild Magic (Barbarian) Subclass Guide and Build

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The Path of Wild Magic is a Barbarian subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the Path of Wild Magic subclass, its features, as well as the best builds.

Barbarian Subclasses
Barbarian Class Guide
BaldurBerserker BaldurWild Magic BaldurWildheart

Wild Magic Subclass Overview

Wild Magic Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur Wild Magic
Subclass description here.
Parent Class Barbarian
How to Unlock Reach Barbarian Level 3.
Starting Subclass Features
・Rage: Wild Magic
・Magic Awareness
・Bolstering Magic: Boon
・Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot
・Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot
・Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot
・All Barbarian Class Features and Proficiencies.

The Wild Magic subclass is a unique and chaotic way to play as a Barbarian due to Wild Magic activating during your Rage, which causes a random magical effect to activate that can be beneficial or detrimental to your party.

This is a challenging subclass for players who want a layer of randomness in their battles, and can make for some interesting situations throughout your journey in the game.

How to Unlock the Wild Magic Subclass

Available Once Your Barbarian Reaches Level 3

The Path of Wild Magic subclass becomes available once your Barbarian reaches Level 3. In order to earn EXP and level up in Baldur's Gate 3, players will need to complete quests, discover new areas, or defeat enemies they find in the world.

Wild Magic Subclass Features

Wild Magic Features
Rage: Wild Magic Magic Awareness
Bolstering Magic: Boon Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot
Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot
Unstable Backlash
▼ Level Progression and Features Chart ▼

Rage: Wild Magic

Subclass Features
Enter a Rage that releases all the magic rolling inside of you, causing a random magical effect.

You have Resistance to physical damage, and Advantage on Strength checks, and Saving Throws.

At Level 3, Wild Magic Barbarians get access to *Rage: Wild Magic. This causes a random magical effect to trigger whenever you use Rage which can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral to you and your party.

This gives an element of randomness and chaos to your character such as switching positions with a target randomly or erupting in flames that can hit both enemies and party members.

Magic Awareness

Subclass Features
Anyone within range adds their Proficiency Bonus to Saving Throws against spells.

Wild Magic Barbarians also get Magic Awareness Action at Level 3 which functions as a passive but random buff that increases the Proficiency Bonus to Saving Throws to anyone within your range for 1 turn.

Keep in mind that this bonus also applies to enemies, once again adding an element of randomness in each battle!

Bolstering Magic: Boon

Subclass Features
You or an ally receive a +1d4 bonus to Attack Rolls and Ability Checks.

At Level 6, Wildheart Barbarians get the Bolstering Magic: Boon action which improves the Attack rolls and Ability Checks of you and your allies.

Although this boon is once again random, it only affects you and your party members and is useful for helping your team inflict debuffs or critical strikes against enemies.

Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot

Subclass Features
You or an ally recover a Level 1 spell slot.

Wild Magic Barbarians also get Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot action at Level 6, which replenishes you or a random ally's Level 1 Spell Slot.

Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot

Subclass Features
You or an ally recover a Level 2 spell slot.

Wild Magic Barbarians also get Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot action at Level 6, which replenishes you or a random ally's Level 2 Spell Slot and is helpful if you plan to form a party of mostly spellcasters like Wizards and Druids.

Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot

Subclass Features
You or an ally recover a Level 3 spell slot.

Wild Magic Barbarians also get Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot action at Level 9, which replenishes you or a random ally's Level 3 Spell Slot and is helpful if you plan to form a party of mostly spellcasters like Wizards, Druids, and Clerics.

Unstable Backlash

Subclass Features
While enraged, when you take damage or fail a saving throw, you trigger another Wild Magic effect that replaces the current one.

Wild Magic Barbarians get Unstable Backlash at Level 10 which replaces your existing Wild Magic Effect with a new one when you're hit while enraged, adding another layer of chaos and randomness to your battles!

Wild Magic Level Progression

Lvl Features Unlocked Rages & DMG Proficiency Bonus
3 ・Rage: Wild Magic
・Magic Awareness
3 Rages
+2 DMG
6 Bolstering Magic: Boon
Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot
4 Rages
+2 DMG
9 Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot 4 Rages
+3 DMG
10 Unstable Backlash 4 Rages
+3 DMG

Best Races for Wild Magic


Due to the random nature of Wild Magic Barbarian's Rage, the Duergar subrace of Dwarf are a good choice thanks to race's inherentt resistance to Poison Damage and saving throws against it.

Superior Darkvision

Duergar boast Superior Darkvision, which is a superior darkvision that allows them to see up 24m. This prevents them from getting penalties against enemies using Darkness spells or as a side effect of their own Wild Magic.

Duergar Resilience

Duergars also have Advantage and Saving throws against illusions, as well as paralysis and charms. This is useful against enemy spellcasters, and also protects them from their own Wild Magic's effects if they trigger.

Best Wild Magic Ability Score

Frontline Wild Magic Ability Spread

17 (+2) 14 16 (+1) 8 8 10

Prioritizing Strength ensures you hit as hard as possible with your regular attacks and Rage, while 16 Constitution is ideal for higher endurance and stamina due to them fighting on the frontlines.

14 Dexterity gives you a +2 modifier when wearing Medium Armor and is better than the Barbarian's Unarmored Defense.

Best Wild Magic Builds

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Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides


Barbarian Class Guide

All Barbarian Subclasses

All Barbarian Subclasses
BaldurBerserker BaldurWild Magic BaldurWildheart


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