Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Get Nyrulna

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Baldurs Gate 3 - How to Get Nylurna

The Nyrulna is a Legendary Trident you can get from a Akabi the Djinni during Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about the Legendary Nyrulna, including its stats, effects, as well as how to get it from Akabi in the Circus of the Last Days during Act 3!

Nyrulna Overview

Nyrulna Info
Damage 1d8 (1d6)
Weapon Type
Effect Zephyr Connection: This weapon will return to your hand when thrown. You cannot be forced to drop the trident. When thrown, the weapon creates an explosion that deals 3d12 Thunder damage in a 6m blast centered on the target.
Veil of the Wind: You gain a +3m bonus to movement speed and jump distance. Equipping this weapon gives you Immunity to falling damage.
Nyrula: Glowing: This object shines with a glowing light in a radius of 6m.
Weapon Enchantment +3
Unlockable Skills/Spells
Weapon Traits
BaldurThrown Baldur Versatile
Rarity Weight Price

How to Get Nyrulna

Win the Jackpot from Akabi the Djinni

Nyrulna Location
Nyrulna can be obtained by winning the jackpot from Akabi the Djinni in the Circus of the Last Days in Rivington (Act 3). After being transported to the jungle (Akabi accuses you of cheating), head to the escape portal and unlock the Painted Chest next to it to get Nyrulna.

How to Get Selune's Spear of Night Summary

  1. Reach Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3
  2. Go to the Circus of the Last Days in Rivington
  3. Steal the Djinni's Ring from Akabi
  4. Spin the Wheel to Win the Jackpot
  5. Get to the Portal in the Jungle
  6. Unlock the Painted Chest to Get Nyrulna

Reach Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3

Baldurs Gate 3 - Reach Act 3

Nyrulna can only be obtained by reaching Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3. You will know that you have reached Act 3 once you arrive at Rivington - the Southern District of Baldur's Gate.

Go to the Circus of the Last Days in Rivington

Once in Act 3, make your way to the Circus of the Last Days in Rivington. It should be near where you first start the Act. In order to get in, you will need to pass either of the following Skill Checks.

Klaus Dialogue
Klaus: That's a first. Usually I'd allow you in, but in these times I can take no chances. Move along - no circus for you.
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[Persuasion (DC15)]
I'm not a threat to you or anyone in the circus - I swear it.
Klaus lets you into the Circus of the Last Days.
Klaus tells you that's what a murderer would say. Only way to enter is to pay 200 Gold or sneak in.
[Intimidation (DC18)]
Let me in, or I snap you in two.
Klaus gets scared and lets you in.
Klaus and Benji the Ghoul turn hostile. Killing them will have not alert the city watch.

Players who want to avoid these checks can either pay 200 Gold to enter, or lockpick the gates behind the circus (can be reached by going through the Temple of the Open Hand next door).

Steal the Djinni's Ring from Akabi

Akabi the Destroyer of Planes is a Djinni whose entire act is a rigged wheel of fortune. To stop him from cheating, you will have to Pickpocket him and take his Djinni Ring.

Pickpocketing the ring will require you to pass a DC 15 Sleight of Hand Check (DEX). Have your party member with the highest Sleight of Hand and Dexterity scores to pickpocket Akabi.

How to Pickpocket in BG3

Do Not Accuse Akabi of Cheating

Baldurs Gate 3 - Cheese Wheel Polymorph

Players who spun the wheel before pickpocketing will notice that Akabi is cheating if they pass a DC 20 Perception Check (WIS). However, make sure you do not accuse Akabi since this only serves to anger him. If you do accuse him, he'll Polymorph your character into a cheese wheel for 20 turns.

Spin the Wheel to Win the Jackpot

Baldurs Gate 3 - Spin Akabis Wheel

With nothing left to lose, choose the HOW DOES IT FEEL SUCKER dialogue option before Akabi teleports you away.

With his Djinni Ring gone, Akabi will no longer be able to rig the game. Before speaking to him, make sure your character with the highest Dexterity and Sleight of Hand bonuses is the one who spins the wheel since Nyrulna is stored inside a DC 20 locked chest.

Once you have your best character for lockpicking ready, use them to speak to Akabi and spin the wheel to get the Jackpot. Naturally, Akabi will accuse you of cheating. Regardless of what you say, Akabi will still teleport your character to a jungle infested with dinosaur enemies.

Get to the Portal in the Jungle

To escape this Jungle hellscape, you will need to make your way to the Portal shown on your map. The easiest way to do this is to hug the northern edge of the map and do a series of jumps to get to the Portal. This method allows you to avoid the Raptors entirely.

Unlock the Painted Chest to Get Nyrulna

Before you take the Portal, open the Painted Chest beside it. This chest will have a DC 20 Sleight of Hand Check (DEX) so make sure to Quick Save before attempting to open the chest. Once open, you will find Nyrulna, the legendary trident, inside.

Loot the legendary trident and use the Portal to make it back to the Circus of the Last Days. Once back, Akabi will close up shop and you get to enjoy a Trident that returns to you after being thrown.

Pick Up the Chest to Unlock it Later

If you're having a hard time lockpicking the chest with your current character you can always pick it up and bring it with you. While heavy, you will still be able to bring it along and into the portal for a safe and easier lockpicking experience back at camp.

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