Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Who is the Guardian: Guardian Role Explained

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Baldurs Gate 3 - Who is the Guardian

The Guardian is the mysterious figure in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) who appears in your dreams. Read to know who exactly the Guardian is, including story spoilers about the Guardian and how their presence affects the overarching story of BG3.

Notif IconWarning! This article contains major story spoilers for the main campaign of Baldur's Gate 3. Proceed at your own risk, adventurer. You have been warned!

Who is the Guardian in Baldur's Gate 3?

A Mysterious Entity Preventing Your Ceremorphosis


After you create your first character in Baldur's Gate 3, you will be taken to another character creation screen where it asks you to shape and mold the form of your so-called Guardian. Clad in armor and described as someone you need, the Guardian kicks off your journey as one of the central mysteries surrounding your current, parasitic condition.

During Act 1, one of your primary objectives is to search for a healer who can help you get rid of the Illithid tadpole in your head. However, despite the different healers and methods you find and try, all of them will remark that some other power is preventing you from turning into an Illithid, and also preventing them from healing you.

Instead, of Ceremorphosis, you are able to harness the power of the tadpole without become an Illithid yourself.

Act 1 Main Campaign Walkthrough

Use Your Illithid Power to Meet the Guardian


The only way to meet the Guardian in your dreams during a Long Rest is to consistently use your Illithid power during conversations. Always pick the Illithid Wisdom option whenever possible to harness the power of the tadpole and subconsciously call out to the Guardian.

If you head to Camp for a Long Rest and custscene plays out where the entire party feels sick due to the tadpole, rest assured you are due a visit from the Guardian once you close your eyes and fall asleep.

The Guardian Explains That They Are There to Help


When you first dream and meet the Guardian, they will appear in many of your flashbacks. The voice you hear as you explored the Nautiloid and the mysterious force that rescued you during the crash will all be revealed as the Guardian during the dream. He or she will claim that they are there to help you, protecting you from the harm of using the tadpole while allowing you to harness its power safely.

During this first dream, the Guardian will mention that a war is raging that will decide the fate of Faerun, and only by embracing the powers granted by your Illithid tadpole will you have a chance to tip the scales. It is at this point that players will get to decide whether they want to pursue the route of gaining Illithid Powers or staying true to the course of finding a cure.

List of Illithid Powers

Explains the Dead Three's Chosen and Their Plans

Baldurs Gate 3 - Guardian Reveals the Dead Three

Once you defeat Ketheric Thorm, Chosen of Myrkul, your Guardian will appear to you in order to explain the true masterminds behind the cult of the Absolute. While the Absolute is the Elder Brain, the crown atop its head functions to control it, making it subservient to the whims of the Dead Three (now two).

In a brief speech, he or she will explain that Gortash (Chosen of Bane) and Orin (Chosen of Bhaal) both possess a crystal similar to Ketheric's that allow them to control the crown. The Guardian tells you to collect all 3 crystals and control the Elder Brain before its might can be used to destroy Baldur's Gate for good.

Reveals Themselves to Be an Illithid Named the Emperor

Baldurs Gate 3 - The Guardians Real Identity as the Emperor

At the end of Act 2, you will be taken into the Arcane Prism where a band of Githyanki is seen assaulting the skull-like structure that your Guardian was seen defending at the start of the game. However, this time, instead of their usual form, your Guardian appears as a mighty Illithid.

After you help him fend off the Githyanki, the Illithid introduces himself as the Emperor and admits that he was the one masquerading as your Guardian. He shares that he too was once an adventurer who came to Moonrise, only to be captured by the Mind Flayer colony and turned into an Illithid.

Reveals that Orpheus' Power is Stalling Ceremorphosis

Baldurs Gate 3 - Orpheus the Githyanki Prince

Later on, once the Githyanki are defeated, the Emperor explains that the one bound in chains is Orpheus - the long-lost Githyanki prince whose power is allowing you to resist the call of the Absolute. Despite the nature of your protection, the Emperor assures you that this is truly the only way for you to resist the siren call of the Absolute.

The Emperor Was Once an Adventurer in Baldur's Gate

Baldurs Gate 3 - Emperor as a Leader of the Knights of the Shield

In a bid to reassure you of his sincerity to help, the Emperor tells you of his ceremorphosis at Moonrise as well as how he escaped the influence of the Elder Brain. During his tale, he shares that he returned to Baldur's Gate as a Mind Flayer who forged an alliance with Duke Stelmane - leader of the Knights of the Shield.

Together in partnership, the Emperor led the merchant guild to success, with Duke Stelmane acting as the face and he the brain from behind-the-scenes. For a brief moment in time, the Emperor was able to enjoy a bit of peace despite his transformation.

Captured by Gortash and Returned to Moonrise

Baldurs Gate 3 - The Emperor is Returned to Moonrise

However, all good things must come to an end. The Emperor later details that his identity was found out by Gortash, and he was captured and returned to the service of the Elder Brain. It was only after he was sent to find the Arcane Prism that he was able to escape the clutches of the Elder Brain once more.

Later in the game, you will encounter some documents that corroborate the Emperor's story. Transcripts of Lord Gortash interrogating an enslaved Emperor detail that the Illithid was fully under control for a second time. And it was this reassurance of enslavement that allowed him to be sent to find the Arcane Prism that weakened his link to the Absolute.

The Emperor is Later Revealed to Be Balduran

Baldurs Gate 3 - The Emperor is Revealed as Balduran

Ansur: Have you come to dance on my bones, Balduran? Was slaying me not satisfaction enough?

However, the truly startling revelation comes in Act 3 when you are tasked by Duke Ravenguard to find and secure the help of the mighty Bronze Dragon named Ansur - companion of Balduran, the founder of the city. Once you do find the deceased form of the dragon, its soul will possess you briefly, communing with the Emperor you harbor in your mind.

As Ansur and the Emperor start talking, you soon realize that the Illithid you call the Emperor was once Balduran the Explorer. Ansur is enraged at the encounter since he claims that despite their friendship, it was Balduran who slew him all those years ago.

After the fight, you can ask the Emperor for more details and he will reveal that he was in fact Balduran and that it was his adventure to Moonrise that eventually turned him into the Illithid he is today. Ansur, his best friend, tried to kill him after despairing at not finding a cure for his ceremorphosis.

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