Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

List of All Items

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Items are consumables and tools that offer new ways to interact with the world in Baldur's Gate 3. Read on to learn more about all kinds of item types, their effects, and more!

All Items


Item Effect Rarity
A Mother's Loathing Gain Bite until long rest. Common
Antidote Neutralises the effects of all poisons. Common
Arsonist's Oil Coat your weapon in an oil that transforms the target's Fire Resistance to Fire Vulnerability. Targets that are immune to Fire Damage are unaffected. Uncommon
Basic Poison Coat your active weapon with a poison that inflicts an additional 1d4 Poison damage. Common
Basilisk Oil Turn a Petrified creature back to its organic form. Common
Broken Promises Strength is increased by 1 but after a Long Rest, it is indefinitely reduced by 1. Common
Butterflies in the Stomach Haemorrhaged: Suffer 1d6 Piercing damage for a period of time. Common
Crawler Mucus Coat your active weapon with poison. Targets must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or become Paralyzed and Poisoned. Rare
Diluted Oil of Sharpness Coat your weapon in oil. It gains a +1 bonus to Damage and Attack Rolls, and overcomes resistance to non-magical damage. Uncommon
Drow Poison Coat your active weapon with poison. Targets must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or become Poisoned and fall Asleep. Uncommon
Duergar Antidote Nullifies the effects of Certain duergar poisons, grants Advantage on Saving Throws against being Poisoned, and grants Resistance to Poison damage. Very Rare
Elixir of Acid Resistance Gain Resistance to Acid damage. Common
Elixir of Arcane Cultivation Gain an additional Level 1 spell slot Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. Uncommon
Elixir of Barkskin Drink to increase Armour Class to 16. Repalces effects from other elixirs when drunk. Uncommon
Elixir of Battlemage's Power Drink to increase the effectiveness of your spells. You will gain 3 Arcane Acuity. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. Rare
Elixir of Bloodlust Drink to enter a bloodlust. Once per turn when you kill a foe, you gain 5 temporary hit points and an additional action. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk Uncommon
Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength Increase your Strength to 27. Uncommon
Elixir of Cold Resistance Gain Resistance to Cold damage. Common
Elixir of Darkvision Drink to gain the ability ot see in the dark up to 12m. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk Uncommon
Elixir of Fire Resistance You gain Resistance to Fire damage, and can no longer Burn. Common
Elixir of Force Resistance Gain Resistance to Force damage. Common
Elixir of Guileful Movement Your movement speed can't be reduced by Difficult Terrain or Spells. You can't be Paralysed or Restrained. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk Rare
Elixir of Heroism Gain 10 temporary hit points and become Blessed. Uncommon
Elixir of Hill Giant Strength Increase your Strength to 21. Common
Elixir of Lightning Resistance You gain Resistance to Lightning damage and can no longer be Shocked, Electrocuted, Jolted, or otherwise affected by lightning. Common
Elixir of Necrotic Resistance Gain Resistance to Necrotic damage. Common
Elixir of Peerless Focus Drink to gain Advantage on Concentration saves, and against being Charmed. Magic can't put you to sleep. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk Uncommon
Elixir of Poison Resistance You gain Resistance to Poison damage and can no longer be Poisoned. Common
Elixir of Psychic Resistance Gain Resistance to Psychic damage. Common
Elixir of Radiant Resistance Gain Resistance to Radiant damage. Common
Elixir of See Invisibility Drink this elixir to spot Invisible creatures. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk Rare
Elixir of The Colossus Drink to increase your size. Weapons deal an additional 1d4 damage. You gain Advantage on Strength checks and saves. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk Uncommon
Elixir of Thunder Resistance Gain Resistance to Thunder damage. Common
Elixir of Universal Resistance Gain resistance to all damage. Very Rare
Elixir of Viciousness The number you need to roll to land Critical Hit is reduced by 1. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. Rare
Elixir of Vigilance Drink to gain a +5 bonus to Initiative. In addition, you can't be surprised. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. Uncommon
Faltering Will Disadvantage on Wisdom Saving Throws until long rest. Common
Greater Elixir of Arcane Cultivation Gain an additional Level 2 spell slot. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. Uncommon
Heart of Stone Gain resistance to Poison damage until long rest. Common
Insanity's Kiss Become hostile to all units around you. Common
Karabasan's Gift Chance to Paralyze enemies when thrown, also inflict them with Vulnerable. Rare
Lost Time Reduces Armour Class by 2 Common
Lover's Avarice Wisdom is indefinitely reduced by 1. Common
Malice Coat your active weapon with poison. Targets must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or become Blinded and Poisoned. Rare
Missing Pets Illusory spiders run up and down the creature's body, imposing Disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack Rolls. Common
Oil of Accuracy Coat your weapon to receive a +2 bonus to Attack Rolls with the oiled weapon. Uncommon
Oil of Bane Coat your weapon in oil. Targets failing a Charisma Saving Throw become Baned for 2 turns. Rare
Oil of Combustion On hit, a coated weapon covers its target in oil for 2 turns. Oil-covered targets immolate upon taking fire damage, dealing 3d18 fire damage to everyone and everything nearby. Rare
Oil of Diminution Coat your weapon in oil: it receives a -1 penalty to damage, but targets failing a Constitution save, suffer Disadvantage on Strength Checks and Saves. They also receive a -1d4 penalty to melee damage. Uncommon
Oil of Freezing Coat your weapon in oil. When you hit a foe, it inflicts Encrusted with Frost for 2 turns. Rare
Oil of Sharpness Grants a +3 bonus to damage and Attack Rolls when applied to Piercing or Slashing weapons. Common
Potion of Angelic Reprieve Drink to fall into a 2-turn slumber. Unless interrupted, you gain the benefits of a Short Rest and regain all 1st and 2nd Level spell slots. If you are awoken before the duration expires, the effects will not apply. Rare
Potion of Angelic Slumber Drink to fall into a 2-turn slumber. Unless interrupted, you gain the benefits of a Long Rest. Common
Potion of Animal Speaking Gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts until your next Long Rest. Common
Potion of Everlasting Vigour Permanently increase your Strength by 2. Common
Potion of Feather Fall Drink to slow your rate of descent during falls and gain Immunity to falling damage. Common
Potion of Flying Drink to gain the ability to Fly Rare
Potion of Glorious Vaulting Drink this to triple your Jump distance Common
Potion of Greater Healing 4d4 Healing Common
Potion of Healing 2d4 Healing Common
Potion of Invisibility Turn Invisible. The condition ends early if you attack or cast a spell. Common
Potion of Mind Reading Drink to probe into the minds of those around you. You will be able to read the thoughts of certain creatures while speaking with them. Common
Potion of Sleep Fall into a magical slumber. Condition ends when you take damage or are Helped. Common
Potion of Speed Become Hastened. Gain an extra action, +2 to Armour Class, Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws, and double Movement Speed. When the condition ends, become Lethargic. Common
Potion of Superior Healing 8d4 Healing Common
Potion of Supreme Healing 10d4 Healing Common
Purple Worm Toxin Coat your active weapon with toxin that deals an additional 1d10 poison damage.
On a successful Constitution Saving Throw, target still takes half damage.
Very Rare
Remedial Potion Cures Blinded, Silenced, Paralyzed, and Poisoned creatures. Uncommon
Serpent Fang Toxin Coat your active weapon with toxin that deals an additional 1d6 poison damage.
On a successful Constitution saving throw, target still takes half damage.
Simple Toxin Coat your active weapon with toxin that deals an additional 1d4 poison damage.
On a successful Constitution saving throw, target still takes half damage.
Superior Elixir of Arcane Cultivation Gain an additional Level 3 spell slot. Replaces the effects from other elixirs when drunk. Rare
Supreme Elixir of Arcane Cultivation Gain an additional Level 4 spell slot. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. Very Rare
Tadpole Elixir Gain Psionic Weakening and Psionic Enrichment. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. Rare
Thisobald's Brewed-Up Bellyglummer Coat your active weapon in poison. Targets must succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned and take 1d6 Poison damge at the end of each of its turns. Very Rare
Wizardsbane Oil Coat your weapon in oil. Its targets receive a -3 penalty to Spell Attack Rolls and Spell Save DC, and Disadvantage on Saving Throws for maintaining Concentration for 2 turns. Uncommon
Wyvern Poison Coat your weapon to deal an additional 3d6 Poison damage. Rare
Wyvern Toxin Coat your active weapon with toxin that deals an additional 1d8 Poison damage.
On a successful Constitution Saving Throw, target still takes half damage

List of All Potions


Item Effect Rarity
Scroll of Aid Heal your allies and increase their hit point maximum by 5 hit points. Common
Scroll of Animal Friendship Convince a beast not to attack you. Common
Scroll of Animate Dead Create an undead servant from a corpse. Common
Scroll of Armour of Agathys Gain 5 temporary hit points and deal 5 Cold Damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack. Common
Scroll of Artistry of War Summon the apparitions of 6 master strategists. Each apparition strikes a target of your choosing, dealing 8-18 Force damage on a hit. Very Rare
Scroll of Bane Up to 3 creatures receive a -1d4 penalty to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws. Common
Scroll of Barkskin Protect a creature from attacks: increase its Armour Class up to 16. Uncommon
Scroll of Bestial Communion The deva can cast Wrathful Smite, Revivify and Concussive Smash. Very Rare
Scroll of Bestow Curse Curse a creature with your touch. The curse either bestows Disadvantage on checks and Saving Throws or attacks, lets you deal additional damage to the target, or robs it of its actions. Common
Scroll of Bless Bless up to 3 creatures. They gain a +1d4 bonus to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws. Common
Scroll of Blindness Limit a foe's sight range. It is easier to hit, and the creature will miss more often. Common
Scroll of Blur Attackers have Disadvantage on Attack Rolls against you. Uncommon
Scroll of Bone Chill Prevent the target from healing until your next turn. An undead target receives Disadvantage on Attack Rolls. Common
Scroll of Burning Hands Each flammable target is hit with 3-18 Fire damage. Common
Scroll of Charm Person Charm a humanoid to prevent it from attacking you. You gain Advantage on Charisma Checks in dialogue and prevent it from attacking. Common
Scroll of Cloud of Daggers Conjure a cloud of spinning daggers that attack anyone inside. Common
Scroll of Colour Spray Blind creatures up to a combined 33 hit points. Common
Scroll of Crown of Madness Instil madness in a humanoid enemy, making them attack the creature closest to them (other than you), even if it's allied. Common
Scroll of Cure Wounds Heal a creature you can touch. Common
Scroll of Darkness Create a dark shroud that Heavily Obscures and Blinds creatures within. Creatures cannot make ranged attacks into or out of it. Common
Scroll of Darkvision Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12m. Common
Scroll of Detect Thoughts Focus your mind to read the thoughts of certain creatures while talking to them. Uncommon
Scroll of Dethrone Shred a foe's very essence by pulling on strands of the Weave. Very Rare
Scroll of Disguise Self Magically change all aspects of your appearance. Common
Scroll of Disintegrate Shoot a thin green ray from your finger. If the 50~100 Force damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it disintegrates into a crumbly ash. Very Rare
Scroll of Entangle Create a vine surface, slowing down creatures, possibly Entangling them. Common
Scroll of Expeditious Retreat Gain Dash immediately and as a bonus action on each of your turns until this spell ends. Common
Scroll of False Life Gain 7 temporary hit points. Common
Scroll of Fear Project an image so frightening it makes targets drop everything and become Fearful. They will be easier to hit and cannot move. If the target ends their turn where they can't see you, they can make another Saving Throw to shake off their fear. Rare
Scroll of Feather Fall You and nearby allies gain Immunity to Falling damage. Common
Scroll of Feign Death Put an ally in a protective coma. They become Resistant to all damage except Psychic damage. Disease and poison have no effect. Common
Scroll of Fire Bolt Hurl a mote of fire. Common
Scroll of Flame Blade Conjure a flaming scimitar in your hand that deals 3~18 Fire damage and sheds bright light in a 3m radius and dim light in a 6m radius. Uncommon
Scroll of Flaming Sphere Summon a flaming sphere that damages nearby enemies and objects. You can move the sphere. It emits a bright light. Uncommon
Scroll of Flying Bestow the ability to Fly upon yourself or an ally. Common
Scroll of Fog Cloud The cloud Blinds and Heavily Obscures creatures within it. Common
Scroll of Gaseous Form Transform yourself or an ally into a tiny gas cloud. It can't fall, and fits through small openings. It is very hard to damage. The cloud has Advantage on Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength Saving Throws. Common
Scroll of Glyph of Warding Inscribe a circle of arcane glyphs on the ground. When stepped on by an enemy, the selected magical effect will trigger. Common
Scroll of Goodberry Conjure four magical berries into your or a companion's inventory. Creatures who eat a berry regain 1-4 hit points. Berries disappear after Long Rest. Common
Scroll of Grease Cover the ground in grease, slowing creatures within and possibly making them fall Prone. Common
Scroll of Guiding Bolt The next Attack Roll against this target has Advantage. Common
Scroll of Gust of Wind Summon a strong wind that clears all clouds and pushes creatures back 5m, forcing them Off Balance. Uncommon
Scroll of Haste Target yourself or an ally to become Hastened: gain an action, become faster and harder to hit. Common
Scroll of Healing Word Heal a creature you can see. Common
Scroll of Heat Metal Cause a metal weapon or armour to glow red-hot and force the wearer to let go or receive Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Ability Checks. Uncommon
Scroll of Hideous Laughter Inflict a creature with fits of laughter, leaving it Prone without the ability to get up. Common
Scroll of Hold Person Hold a humanoid enemy still. They can't move, act or react. Attack from within 3m are always Critical Hits. Uncommon
Scroll of Hypnotic Pattern Hypnotise creatures that can see the pattern. They cannot attack you. They cannot move or act. This spell can be cast while you are Silenced. Common
Scroll of Ice Storm Impel a storm of hail and ice to crash from the sky, covering the ground and striking all objects and creatures within range. Rare
Scroll of Inflict Wounds Putrefy a creature with the necrotic energy filling your hands. Common
Scroll of Invisibility Touch a creature to turn it Invisible. Attacks against it have Disadvantage. It attacks with Advantage. Uncommon
Scroll of Jump #N/A Common
Scroll of Knock Unlock an object that is held shut by a mundane lock. Common
Scroll of Lesser Restoration Cure a creature from disease, poison, paralysis or blindness. Uncommon
Scroll of Mage Armour Protect a target from attacks: increase its Armour Class to 13 + its Dexterity modifier. Common
Scroll of Magic Missile Shoot 3 magical darts, each dealing 2~5 Force damage. They always hit their target. Common
Scroll of Melf's Acid Arrow Shoot a green arrow that covers the target and the ground with acid. Deals 4~16 Acid damage immediately and 2~8 Acid damage at the end of the target's turn. Uncommon
Scroll of Mirror Image Create 3 illusory duplicates of yourself that distract attackers. Each duplicate increases your Armour Class by 3. Uncommon
Scroll of Misty Step Surrounded by silver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see. Uncommon
Scroll of Moonbeam Call down a beam of light that damages any creature that enters the beam or starts its turn in the light. You can use an action to move the beam 18m. Uncommon
Scroll of Phantasmal Force Deal damage to a creature each turn. The type of damage changes to the last type the creature suffered. Common
Scroll of Prayer of Healing Heal all allies you can see. Uncommon
Scroll of Protection from Energy Touch a creature to grant it Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage. Common
Scroll of Protection from Evil and Good Protect an ally against the attacks and powers of aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. Common
Scroll of Protection from Poison Touch a creature to neutralise all poisons affecting it, and grant it protection against poisonous influences. Uncommon
Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement Weaken a foe: they deal half damage with weapon attacks using Strength. Common
Scroll of Ray of Frost Reduce the target's movement speed by 3m. Common
Scroll of Ray of Sickness Possibly Poisons the target. Common
Scroll of Remove Curse Touch a creature or object to remove all Curses and Hexes affecting it. Common
Scroll of Resistance Make a target more resistant to spell effects and conditions: it receives a +1d4 bonus to Saving Throws. Common
Scroll of Revivify Revive a companion. They return to life with 1 hit point. Common
Scroll of Scorching Ray Hurl 3 rays of fire. Each ray deals 2~12 Fire damage. Common
Scroll of Shatter Damages all nearby creatures and objects. Creatures made of inorganic materials such as stone have Disadvantage on their Saving Throw. Uncommon
Scroll of Shield of Faith Protect a creature from attacks: increase its Armour Class by 2. Common
Scroll of Shocking Grasp The target cannot use reactions. This spell has Advantage on creatures with metal armour. Common
Scroll of Silence Create a sound-proof sphere. All within are Silenced and Immune to Thunder damage. Uncommon
Scroll of Sleep Put creatures into a magical slumber. Select targets up to a combined 24 hit points. Common
Scroll of Sleet Curse Call forth a storm that disrupts the Concentration of spellcasters, douses fires, and creates an ice surface. Common
Scroll of Slow Alter time around up to 6 enemies to Slow them. They won't get far, they can't do much, and they're easier to hit. Rare
Scroll of Speak with Dead Grant a semblance of life to a humanoid corpse, allowing it to answer up to 5 questions. Uncommon
Scroll of Spike Growth Shape a piece of ground into hard spikes. Movement is halved. A creature walking on the spikes takes 2~8 Piercing damage for every 1.5m it moves. Uncommon
Scroll of Stinking Cloud Create a cloud of gas so nauseating it prevents creatures from taking actions. Common
Scroll of Thunderwave Release a wave of thunderous force that pushes away all creatures and objects. Common
Scroll of Vampiric Touch Touch an enemy to siphon their life force and regain half as many hit points. For 10 turns, you can use Vampiric Touch again without expending an additional spell slot. Uncommon
Scroll of Web Cover an area in thick, flammable webbing that slows creatures within and possibly Enwebs them. Uncommon
Scroll of Witch Bolt Link yourself to a target with a bolt of lightning. Deal an additional 1-12 Lightning damage each turn by activating it. Common

List of All Scrolls


Item Effect Rarity
Acid Vial Hurl an acid vial that explodes on impact. Common
Alchemist's Fire Hurl a flask of liquid fire that explodes on impact. Common
Caustic Bulb 1d4 Acid. Throw this slime-covered bulb at a target to coat the it, the ground and anything nearby in Caustic Brine. Common
Flashblinder Blind a target. If it is a steel watcher or scrying eye, it is stunned, and suffers a -1d6 penalty to Attack Rolls. Very Rare
Fungal Bamboozler Lob this vaporous decoction to Befuddle nearby foes. Uncommon
Grease Bottle Creates a flammable grease surface. Creatures walking on the grease surface have halved Movement Speed and can fall Prone. Common
Haste Spore Grenade Explodes in a cloud of invigorating energy that Hastens creatures within. Common
Hearthlight Bomb Bathe a nearby target in light. Illuminates a 9m radius. Common
Iron Flask - Common
Noxious Spore Grenade Explodes ina virulent cloud that can inflict Noxious Fumes upon creatures within. Uncommon
Runepowder Bomb The runepowder inside explodes when ignited, damaging everything in the vicinity. Automatically Critically Hits objects and environments. Very Rare
Smokepowder Bomb Throw a bomb that explodes on impact. Common
Smokepowder Satchel - Common
Spiked Bulb The barbs inside this bulb explode on impact, making all nearby creatures Bleed. Common
Void Bulb Throw this alien bulb at a target and possibly pull in nearby objects and creatures. Common
Web Grenade Explodes into a tanglty mess that Enwebs creatures caught within. Common

List of All Throwables


Item Description Camp Value
Dragon Egg Mushroom It's unclear whether the beautiful patterns on these mushrooms are the result of magic or nature, but the fungus is often sought out by smiths, who mix it into paste to prevent burns.
Pale Mint From the scorched sands of the Calim desert rises this rare, culinary jewel. Once dried and crushed, its lemony sweetness graces only the rarest gourmet dishes.
Waterdhavian Cheese Wedge Popular among travellers for its robust and sharp flavour, to say nothing of its peculiarly long shelf life.
Kiwi From Snowdown's north coast: an uncommonly furry fruit of uncommonly exquisite taste.
Purple Grapes Grapes for the table - not for wine - plucked from vines unknown.
Fish Tail Tiny fish bones stick out from the cut tail.
Bagel A chewy roll from the communities of the Greenfields, frequently served with sesame or poppy seeds srinkled on top.
Fish Out of the corner of your eye, you think you see a fin twitch slightly.
Salami A boon to any adventurer
Cabbage Vibrantly green and seasoned with a good amount of dirt.
Fragrant Fungus Stew A popular duergar dish. And why not? Its ingredients are common, and its flavour as bright as the glowcaps that comprise it.
Neogi Claws A delicacy among the gith residing on the Astral Plane, neogi claws are roasted on hot coals and seasoned with whatever spices the latest raid brought in.
Pork Shoulder Especially delicious when doused with wine and slowly braised over a fire, Cormyrian style.
Pig's Head Baked in the finest oils and sprinkled with spices, this is an Amnian delicacy.
Owlbear Egg Owlbear hatchlings are tiny and adorable for the first few tendays fo their life. Then they eat you out of house and home. Then they simply eat you.
Supply Pack A collection of cured meats, dried fruits, kindling, and anything else necessary to survive life on the road. Everything, down to the flint, smells of distinctly of smoke ham.

List of All Food


Item Effect Rarity
Arrow of Acid Deals Weapon Damage Slashing damage and explodes in a spray of acid. Targets hit by the acid possibly take an additional 1d4 Acid damage. Common
Arrow of Arcane Interference Break your target's Concentration and Silence it. Rare
Arrow of Darkness The arrowhead breaks on impact, spreading the magical darkness contained within. Uncommon
Arrow of Fire Deals Weapon Damage Slashing damage and explodes in a burst of flames. Targets hit by the fire possibly take an additional 1d4 Fire damage. Common
Arrow of Ice Deals Weapon Damage Slashing damage and explodes in a blast of ice. Targets hit by ice possibly take an additional 1d4 Cold damage. Common
Arrow of Ilmater Shoot a pronged arrow that prevents the target from regaining hit points. Uncommon
Arrow of Lightning Deals Weapon Damage Slashing damage and explodes in a bolt of lightning. Targets hit by the lightning possibly take an additional 1d4 Lightning damage. Common
Arrow of Many Targets Deal an additional half damage to three other targets in range. Rare
Arrow of Roaring Thunder Shoot an enemy with an exploding arrow. Targets caught in the blast are possible pushed back 5m. Uncommon
Arrow of Salving Cure your target of Poison, Paralysis, or Blindness Rare
Arrow of Transposition Teleport wherever you fire this arrow. Rare

List of All Arrows


Item Description Rarity
Lump's War Horn Sound this horn to call Lump's frenzied band of ogres. They will feast on anyone they can get their hands on, but if you've made a deal with them, they will make an effort to spare your party. Common
Rope A length of strong, hand-braided rope. Common
Shovel Dirt-covered hands have left the grain in this shovel's wooden handle stained black. Common
Thieves' Tool This collection of hooks, picks, and wrenches is extensive enough to pick any lock - if you've got the necessary skills. Common
Trap Disarm Toolkit A collective of hooks, blades, shears, and everything else needed to deal with potentially deadly traps. Common

List of All Tools

Musical Instruments

Instrument Description Info
Flute It is said Diores the Charming once lured a nest of harpies to their deaths, using only a flute.
Glimmergad's Selgaunt Fiddle The notorious gnomish bard Fiddlesticks Glimmergad was said to play violin tunes so sad they made bank guards weep - while his accomplices robbed the bank's vaults.
Hand Drum Whether sounding war, celebration, or simple rhythm, the drum is a main-stay of any entertainer's arsenal.
Lute Many a bard's first instrument, the lute is heard in taverns all across Faerûn.
Lute of the Merryweather Bard An old lute that hums with the voices of numerous sprites and spirits.
Lyre Devotes of the goddess Sune hold that the lyre's seven strings represent the seven different forms of love.
Violin Strings of silk bound in copper lend the violin a distinctive range - mellow soft notes to harsh, discordant edges.

List of All Musical Instruments

Quest Items

Item Description Rarity
Broken Moonlantern A thick layer of dust coats the bottom of the lantern. Its glass is cracked, its metal bent beyond repair. Common
Mind Flayer Parasite Specimen Hanging suspended in murky slime, the living tadpole looks like some hideous cousin to the slug, only gorged and slick with remnants of of brain fluids. Rare
Nere's Head Prideful as he was in life, Nere is just like else in death - mouth slack, eues bulging, and flesh that is slowly starting to rot. Common
Noblestalk When broken, this mushroom’s typically odourless fronds emit a strongly medicinal aroma. Common

List of All Quest Items


Ingredient Type Result
Acorn Truffle Essence Potion of Animal Speaking
Autumn Crocus Sublimate Potion of Feather Fall
Balsam Ashes Potion of Greater Healing
Behir Scales Sublimate Flashblinder
Beholder Eye Essence Supreme Elixir of Arcane Cultivation
Belladonna Sublimate Elixir of Peerless Focus
Black Oleander Vitriol Elixir of Necrotic Resistance
Bonecap Vitriol Basic Poison
Broken Machinery Salts Elixir of Lightning Resistance
Bullywug Trumpet Suspension Simple Toxin
Carrion Crawler Tentacle Salts Crawler Mucus
Chasm Creeper Salts Elixir of The Colossus
Cloud Giant Finger Salts Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength
Corpse Rose Salts Thisobald's Brewed-Up Bellyglummer
Crystalline Lens Essence Elixir of Darkvision
Daggerroot Ashes Oil of Accuracy
Divine Bone Shard Vitriol Elixir of Universal Resistance
Dragon Egg Mushroom Ashes Elixir of Fire Resistance
Eagle Feather Sublimate Potion of Flying
Fire Amber Ashes Alchemist's Fire
Frost Salamander Tongue Suspension Oil of Freezing
Frosted Ear Sublimate Arsonist's Oil
Gauth Eyestalk Suspension Elixir of Battlemage's Power
Gremishka Tail Essence Wizardsbane Oil
Hastening Spores Sublimate Haste Spore Grenade
Heart-Shaped Rock Ashes Oil of Combustion
Hill Giant Finger Salts Elixir of Hill Giant Strength
Hook Sublimate Elixir of Vigilance
Hyena Ear Ashes Potion of Speed
Imp Patagium Ashes Potion of Invisibility
Intellect Devourer Cerebellum Suspension Elixir of Psychic Resistance
Ki-Rin Hair Sublimate Potion of Supreme Healing
Laculite Suspension Greater Elixir of Arcane Cultivation
Lolth's Candle Vitriol Malice
Mergrass Suspension Potion of Mind Reading
Mud Mephit Wing Suspension Elixir of Poison Resistance
Mugwort Salts Antidote
Night Orchid Suspension Superior Elixir of Arcane Cultivation
Nightlight Essence Hearthlight Bomb
Nothic Eye Suspension Elixir of See Invisibility
Ochre Jelly Slime Suspension Elixir of Guileful Movement
Pegasus Feather Sublimate Elixir of Heroism
Planetar Feather Essence Potion of Angelic Slumber
Poison Spore Sublimate Noxious Spore Grenade
Purple Worm Gullet Suspension Purple Worm Toxin
Putrefied Tumour Vitriol Oil of Bane
Rogue's Morsel Salts Potion of Healing
Shadowroot Sac Vitriol Elixir of Viciousness
Silk Gland Suspension Web Grenade
Swarming Toadstool Essence Drow Poison
Sylvan Stone Essence Oil of Diminution
Timmask Spores Essence Fungal Bamboozler
Tongue of Madness Sublimate Tadpole Elixir
Unicorn Horn Essence Potion of Angelic Reprieve
Venomous Fang Suspension Serpent Fang Toxin
Viridian Crystal Salts Diluted Oil of Sharpness
Weavemoss Vitriol Elixir of Arcane Cultivation
Wispweed Sublimate Potion of Glorious Vaulting
Wood Bark Salts Elixir of Barkskin
Worg Fang Ashes Elixir of Bloodlust
Wyvern Stinger Ashes Wyvern Toxin
Xorn Scales Salts Remedial Potion
Yellow Musk Creeper Petals Salts Potion of Superior Healing

List of All Ingredients

Miscellaneous Items

Item Description Rarity
Adamantine Slag A remnant of adamantine - a metal of old used to make legendary weapons and armour. It is too small and damaged to be of any use.
Balsam Bundle Since balsam thrives on high mountaintops, the petals of this spindly flower can be carried for miles on a strong wind. Common
Bone This bone - part of a leg, or perhaps an arm - is clean of blood and sinew. Common
Bottle A mysterious liquid has dried to the bottom of this bottle. Common
Candle A half-burnt beeswax candle. Common
Cup A fine pewter cup ornamented with polished brass. Common
Mysterious Artifact A many-sided box of blackened iron, engraved with pulsating runes. Something stirs within. Common
Plate This plate is rought with scratches left behind by forks and knives. Common
Polished Ring Each purple gemstone set in this thin silver band has been polished until it gleams. Common
Quill A long, sharpened feather plucked from the wing of a goose. Common
Silver Band Calishite emeralds are embedded in this heavy silver ring. Common
Silver Necklace Sapphire necklaces are popular among Baldur's Gate's patriars as mourning garb - the heavy teardrop-shaped stones represent the weight of their loss. Common
Skull The top of this skull is cracked with a lattice of shallow fractures. Common
Tongs These tongs are fire-scorched and pitted with rust. Common

List of All Miscellaneous Items


Gemstone Description Info
Agate A fine stone for carving, often found at the vase of volcanoes.
Amethyst Brilliant, purple, and rumoured to drive away oni.
Bloodstone Anyone can squeeze blood from a stone if the edges are sharp enough.
Diamond Sparkles brighter than Selune's Tears in the night sky.
Jacinth Sunlight dances off this pale golden gem, as if it were alive.
Jade A precious mineral from the Sea of Fallen Stars, cherished by sovereigns and stonecarvers alike.
Malachite Parents slip these stones under their children's pillows to ward off nightmares.
Onyx It's said when Shar walks upon the earth, she leaves a path of onyx behind her.
Pearl Perfectly round and ever-so-slightly pink.
Peridot Green as poison, but no more dangerous than a pebble.
Ruby A deep burgundy colour, this stone seems to trap all light.
Topaz A gem of the desert, birthed in flame.

List of All Gemstones

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