Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Find and Activate the Adamantine Forge

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The Adamantine Forge is a location in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) where players can forge Adamantine equipment. See how to find the Location of the Adamantine Forge, how to use it, and where to get all Moulds and Mithal Ores used to craft the Adamantine Equipment!

Adamantine Forge Guides
How to Get to the Grymforge
Best Adamantine Item Adamantine Forge Walkthrough How to Beat Grym (Adamantine Forge)


How to Find the Adamantine Forge

Take a Shortcut with Misty Step

Southeast from where True Soul Nere was trapped, you can find a ledge where you can use Misty Step to get across the lava and onto a cliff. Activate the waypoint and have your other members warp to convene.

If no one in your party has Misty Step learned, you can kill True Soul Nere to get his Disintegrating Night Walkers which grants the ability to use Misty Step.

Deliver Nere's Head: How to Beat Nere

Classes That Learn Misty Step

Below is a list of classes that learn Misty Step naturally by gaining levels.

Misty Step Spell Guide and Effects

Take the Path Behind the Rubble

If you don't mind taking a detour to do some exploration, there is another way to the Adamantine Forge. Head to the northern area of the Grymforge until you see some Duergar and a couple of Deep Rothe.

Use Animal Handling on a Deep Rothe


If you succeed the Animal Handling check, the Rothes will destroy the rubble. However, the Duergar aren't willing to share the Adamantine with others, so prepare to fight. The two Deep Rothes will help you in this encounter if you showed them kindness.

Use Runepowder Vial from Philomeen

If you hit the Deep Rothes, they will retaliate and the Duergar will help you put them down. Without the Deep Rothes, you'll have to find another way to clear the rubble like using a Runepowder Vial from Philomeen.

Use Explosives to Secure a Path

If you don't want to seek out Philomeen for the Runepowder Vial, you can use two Smokepowder Bombs instead if you have them on hand. Just throw two of them directly at the rubble to clear the rubble.

Smokepowder Bomb Effects and How to Get

Follow the Path Inside


After clearing the rubble, head inside and follow the linear path. Tread carefully as you will encounter some traps along the way. Successful Perception checks will reveal them.

Descend the Ladder


As you head deeper, you will encounter some marble plates on the bridge. Disarm or jump over the marble plates then descend the ladder on the East side of the bridge to proceed to the Adamantine Forge.

At the end of the bridge are a few more traps that spew fire. There is a chest present that contains The Protecty Sparkswall. You can use Misty Step to get past the gate and pull the lever to disable the traps. There is another ladder nearby which you can climb down to open a chest.

How to Get the Protecty Sparkswall Armor

Use the Levers and Platforms


After descending the ladder, you'll arrive at a pair of levers and a moving platform. You'll need to have one party member stay here to pull on the levers, and two members to get on the platform, preferably those with high Strength as they will be doing some jumping.

Don't worry about choosing who will go because there are no enemies here, just some platforming.

# How to Proceed Using the Platforms
・Have two members hop on the platform.
・Switch the character who will pull the levers.
・Facing the levers, pull the right lever.
・Split up your characters on the platform.
・Have one jump onto the bridge in the middle.
・Pick up the Longsword Mould.
・Have the other jump onto the castle wall to the East.
・Get your character on the bridge to head South until the end.
・You will see another platform and set of levers.
・Have this character wait here.
・Swap back to your other character.
・With the other character, head South to reach the other pair of levers.
・Loot the skeleton nearby for the Scimitar Mold.
・Facing the levers, pull the right lever to raise the platform.
・Get your character who is waiting to hop onto the platform.
・Swap characters again then pull the left lever to move the platform forward.
・Once the platform has crossed, pull the right lever again to lower it.
・Proceed and jump on the cliff.
・Activate the waypoint nearby and have your other members warp here.

What is Strength?

Proceed to the Adamantine Forge


With the platforming finished, you are free to explore and loot the area. There is only one way to go here and it leads to the Adamantine Forge.

You will encounter some Animated Armor as you head deeper so be prepared for a fight. Look out for the Scale Mail Mould on the ground here. Once you've cleared them, the Adamantine Forge is just a few steps away.

How to Use the Adamantine Forge

Defeat Grym then Use the Mithal Ores and Moulds


To use the Adamantine Forge, you'll need to have Mithral Ore and Moulds. Insert your Mithral Ore in the Crucible at the center, then place a Mould in the Mould Chamber.

Pull the lever then get ready to fight Grym. You'll have to defeat this boss to claim your forged equipment.

How to Beat Grym


List of All Adamantine Items

All Adamantine Items

All Adamantine Items
Adamantine Mace Adamantine Longsword Adamantine Scimitar
Adamantine Scale Mail Adamantine Splint Armour Adamantine Shield

Best Adamantine Item

How to Get Mithral Ores

Near the Stairs of the Adamantine Forge

Go down the stairs that lead to the Adamantine Forge. Look towards the northeast and you'll see a Mithral Vein. Make your way down towards it but prepare to be ambushed by some enemies.

You will encounter five Magma Mephits and they are resistant to fire, cold, and poison. They explode on death so try to not let them get close. They can also disarm so if you have an Eldritch Knight on your party, use Weapon Bond before combat.

Eldritch Knight Subclass Guide and Build

Southwest of the Ancient Forge Waypoint

Map Location

World Location

Head southwest from the Ancient Forge Waypoint. Get up the platform and you'll see another Mithral Vein. Use Feather Fall or other mobility spells to safely get across. You can make your way back up by teleporting to the Ancient Forge Sigil from your map.

Feather Fall Spell Guide and Effects


How to Get Moulds

Longsword Mould Location

The Longsword Mould can be found right after you get on the hanging bridge near the first pair of levers.

Shield Mould Location

The Shield Mould can be found on a skeleton at the end of the Dormitory. You can enter the Dormitory by lockpicking the Double Iron Doors after jumping off the first moving platform.

Scimitar Mould Location

The Scimitar Mould is found on a skeleton just beside the second pair of levers, past the Dormitory.

Mace Mould Location

The Mace mould can be found on a table near the Ancient Forge waypoint. The table is also near the cliff you jump onto if you used the platforms to get to the Adamantine Forge.

Splint Mould Location

The Splint Mould is found beside a skeleton lying beside a big cog, near the Ancient Forge waypoint.

Scale Mail Mould Location

The Scale Mail Mould is found on the ground where you fight a group of Animated Armor on the way to the Adamantine Forge.

Find the Adamantine Forge Rewards

Adamantine Equipment


Adamantine equipment are some of the notable rewards you can get from this side quest. You'll need to craft them and fight Grym, but they are worth the time and effort.

The Protecty Sparkswall

Map Location

World Location

Another notable reward you can is The Protecty Sparkswall which is suitable for casters. Simply activate turn-based mode, use Misty Step to get through the bars, then pull the lever to disable the traps. Near the cliff behind the gargoyle is a chest containt The Protecty Sparkswall.

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