Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Beat Gerringothe Thorm (Toll House)

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Gerringothe Thorm is a boss in the Shadow-Cursed Lands in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn how to beat Gerringothe Thorm, where to find her, as well as her drops!

How to Beat Gerringothe Thorm

A Destroy Visages to Lower Her HP
B Defeat Her With Dialogue Checks
C Engage in Open Combat

Destroy Visages to Lower Her HP


Gerringothe Thorm has an incredibly high amount of HP due to the gold armor she's wearing, and the only way to knock the armor off is by destroying Visages floating around the Tollhouse using stealth range attacks.

There are 6 in total, and each time a visage is destroyed, a portion of her HP is taken away as it removes an armor piece from her.

The idea here is to utilize stealth and sneak around the house to destroy as many visages as possible without getting caught, as doing so will lock you in battle with her.

Taking Out All Visages Allows For a One-Shot Kill


If you manage to successfully destroy all Visages, you'll lower her HP to the point that you can just one-hit kill Gerringothe Thorm as she's completely stripped off of her armor that was protecting her.

Visages Will Change Locations If You Miss


If you miss an attack roll on a visage, it will teleport to a random location inside the Tollhouse. It's best to use the darkness to gain advantage and increase your chances of landing the attack.

Use Only One Character


Sneaking around the Tollhouse without getting caught works best with just one character. Use a character that is excellent in Stealth, then leave the rest of the party outside the Tollhouse.

Defeat Her Through Dialogue Checks


You can beat Gerringothe Thorm without directly entering battle with her by successfully going through a series of dialogue checks to convince her that you'll be replacing her as the tollkeeper.

Enter a conversation with her, then select the option to Toss a Piece of Coin at her, then ask her how much does she want exactly. From here, you'll roll two Persuasion, Deception, or Intimidation dialogue checks.

Engage in Open Combat


Be prepared for a long tough battle if you decide to fight her head on as the skull visages in the area will immediately become hostile and will obliterate you to pieces with their AoE skills.

Not to mention that Gerringothe Thorm herself could also cast out her own set of Burst spells, one of which will deal damage based on how much gold her target is carrying. Additionally, she could also summon giant halberds to join her in the fight.

Engaging her directly is the least recommended choice as your chances of winning are minimal. Going with the stealth route and dialogue method are better options in dealing with her.

Gerringothe Thorm Location

Tollhouse, North of Moonrise Towers

Gerringothe Thorm can be found on the second floor of the Tollhouse directly north of Moonrise Towers, and south of Last Light Inn.

Requires Greater Protection from Shadow Curse

You will need a Moonlantern, or the Pixie Blessing condition from a Filigreed Feywild Bell for greater protection from the shadow curse.

Both of which are obtainable from killing Kar'niss in the Seek Protection from the Shadow Curse side quest.

Gerringothe Thorm Drops and Rewards

Boss Drops

Once Gerringothe Thorm is defeated, you can loot the following from her:

  • Twist of Fortune - Rare Morningstar melee weapon
  • 251 Gold
  • Unsigned Trade Visa
  • Tollhouse Master's Office Key

Vault Rewards


Open the big vault to the east of the Master's Office Room to receive 514 Gold. This requires a Strength check (DC 16).

Master's Office Room


Use the Tollhouse Master's Office Key to open the room to the west of the locked vault. Once inside, open the Heavy Chest to obtain an Ironvine Shield.

Ironvine Shield: Armor Guide and How to Get

Double Oak Doors Room


On the southeast corner of the second floor, pick the lock of the double oak doors, then open the Opulent Chest inside to get a Gloves of Battlemage's Power

Gloves of Battlemage's Power: Armor Guide and How to Get

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5 BStzover 1 year

There's a room on the 2nd floor to the right of the main stairs and safe blocked by impervious cursed vines. You can destroy the roof like you do in the office, and drop down, but you can also stack crates under the window/doorway outside, and just climb up and down. And the south doors lead to outside stairs to the basement, with loot in a secret room, including a soul coin, and a sub-basement cave. Just be careful not to stray south and trigger the Tower, but you can back out if u do

4 BStzover 1 year

2. The battle is very easy if you use Darkness on the Thorm, as she will just hang out blinded while you scoop up the gold. I entered Turn Mode, dropped Darkness centered on her when she was by the safe, then had Astarion sneak by and snag the gold. Then had him dash to the roof, and do a Sneak attack on a Visage, which initiated battle. I had the rest of the party take out the visages, and then mopping her up was a one-hit can of corn. Battle will not start until you attack a visage


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