Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

List of All Maces

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Maces are Bludgeoning weapons in Baldur's Gate 3. Read on to learn more about all Maces in the game, their damage, effects and rarity, and more!

List of All Maces

Weapon Effect Rarity
Adamantine Mace
Diamondsbane: If an adamantine weapon hits an object, the hit is always critical.
Lethal Weapon: This weapon ignores Bludgeoning Resistance.
Weapon Enchantment +1
Ceremonial Mace
Weapon Enchantment +1 Uncommon
Crude Mace
- Common
Devotee's Mace
Weapon Enchantment +3 Legendary
Handmaiden's Mace
Weapon Enchantment +2
Set the wearer's Strength to 18. The enchantment has no effect if their Strength score is higher without it.
Very Rare
Infernal Mace
Infernal Weapon: On a hit, the affected entity deals an additional 3 Poison damage and can possibly Poison its target.
Weapon Enchantment +1
Loviatar's Scourge
Willing Whip: Grants Resistance to Necrotic damage. Deals an additionall 1d6 Necrotic damage to nearby targets, including the wielder. Uncommon
- Common
Rusty Mace
- Common
The Blood of Lathander
Lathlander's Blesssing: Once per Long Rest, whjen your hit points are reduced to 0, you regain 2-12 hit points. Allies within 9m also regain 1-6 hit points.
Lathlander's Light: Sheds holy light in a 6m radius. In combat, fiends and undead standing in the light are Blinded, unless they succeed a Constitution Saving Throw
Weapon Enchantment +1
Xyanyde's Fire: Once per short rest, when the wielder misses an attack with this weapon, the target is encased in Faerie Fire. Uncommon

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