
Missile Party Partner Skill and Effect

Missile Party is the Partner Skill for Relaxaurus Lux in Palworld! See Missile Party's effects and how to get it in this guide!

Missile Party Effects and Stats

Skill Missile Party
Description Allows you to mount Relaxaurus Lux and have it fire a series of rockets while mounted.

Effect Per Level

Level 1 Allows you to mount Relaxaurus Lux and have it fire a series of rockets while mounted, with each rocket having 10 base power.
Level 2 Allows you to mount Relaxaurus Lux and have it fire a series of rockets while mounted, with each rocket having 11 base power.
Level 3 Allows you to mount Relaxaurus Lux and have it fire a series of rockets while mounted, with each rocket having 13 base power.
Level 4 Allows you to mount Relaxaurus Lux and have it fire a series of rockets while mounted, with each rocket having 16 base power.
Level 5 Allows you to mount Relaxaurus Lux and have it fire a series of rockets while mounted, with each rocket having 20 base power.

How to Get Missile Party

Craft the Relaxaurus Lux's Missile Launcher

Level Unlocked Technology Points Material Requirements
46 Palworld - Relaxaurus LuxRelaxaurus Lux's Missile Launcher 4
Ingot ImageIngot x120

The Missile Party Partner Skill is unique to Relaxaurus Lux but requires its corresponding Pal Gear to unlock. You can craft the Pal Gear on a Pal Gear Workbench after you reach the required level and capture the Pal.

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