Palworld Walkthrough Comments

Palworld Interactive MapComment

Showing 1-20 of 26 entries


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    26 Kadyn Houldsworth13 daysReport

    Lifmunk Effigy 236 is lacated at 446, 283. Please Update.

    25 Anonymous21 daysReport

    Axel Traverse's Diary Day 1 is located at -667, -270. Please Update.

    24 Anonymous21 daysReport

    Lifmunk Effigy 34 located at -62, -557. Please Update.

    23 Kadyn Houldsworth21 daysReport

    Lifmunk Effigy 224 is located at 302, -44

    22 Kadyn Houldsworth21 daysReport

    Lifmunk Effigy not marked at 172, 12. Please Update.

    21 Kadyn Houldsworth21 daysReport

    Fast Travel not marked at 282, 162. Please Update.

    20 Kadyn Houldsworth21 daysReport

    Lifmunk Effigy not marked at 125, 117. Please Update.

    19 Kadyn Houldsworth21 daysReport

    Lifmunk Effigy not marked at 126, 102. Please Update

    18 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Saya Kurosaki's Diary - 5, located ~ -677, 229

    17 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Saya Kurosaki's Diary - 2, located ~ -484, 260

    16 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Saya Kurosaki's Diary - 3, located ~ -695, 83

    15 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Alex Traverse's Diary Day - 1 located at 667, 274

    14 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Effigy 34 is located S/E of (Sea Breeze Archipelago Church)

    13 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Saya Kurosaki's Diary - 4, located between Effigy 454 and 453, E of Dancing Sakura Shrine large building.

    12 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Saya Kurosaki's Diary - 1

    11 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Unmarked diary East South East (E/SE) of Moonflower Tower (Saya and Selyne) just south of the Lifmunk Effigy 462. Please add to map

    10 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Effigy on the top of the "Tower of the PAL Genetic Research Unit" (Victor and Shadowbeak)

    9 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    and 124

    8 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Effigy 397 and 412 are suspected duplicates. Please confirm.

    7 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Effigy 395 and 134 are suspected duplicates. Please confirm.

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