Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Finn Bond Ring Stats and How to Get

Finn can be obtained as a Bond Ring in Fire Emblem Engage. Read on to learn bonus stats and skills obtained from Finn, as well as how to get the Finn Bond Ring!

Finn Bond Ring Stats and Bonuses

Emblem Holder Leif

Stats and Bonuses

Rank Raised Stats Skill|Effect
S Str1
Avoids foe's attack when unit would be defeated. Trigger %=Lck. (Max 50%)
A Str1
B Str1
C Spd1 -

Bond Rings: How to Get, Equip and Upgrade to S Rank

How to Get the Finn Bond Ring

Obtain by Creating a Bond Ring with Leif

Finn's Bond Ring can be obtained randomly when selecting Leif and creating Bond Rings. To create Bond Rings, you will need to use Bond Fragments.

Bond Fragment Guide: How to Farm Bond Fragments

Can also be ranked up through Melding

Required Rings Bond Fragments
C→B Finn C ×2 100
B→A Finn B ×3 1000
A→S Finn A ×4 10000

By using Bond Ring Melding, you can use Bond Fragments and duplicates of a Bond Ring in order to raise its rank.

Fire Emblem Engage Related Guides

FE Engage - Bond Rings.png
Bond Rings: How to Get, Equip and Upgrade to S Rank

Bond Ring Guides

Bond Ring Guides
All Bond Rings and Skills Best Bond Rings to Roll For

All Base Game Bond Rings

Marth Bond Rings
Caeda Ogma Navarre Merric Minerva
Linde Tiki Kris Katarina Legion
Sigurd Bond Rings
Deirdre Arden Azelle Quan Ethlyn
Ayra Lachesis Lewyn Erinys Seliph
Celica Bond Rings
Alm Faye Lukas Silque Delthea
Mae Genny Saber Valbar Conrad
Micaiah Bond Rings
Sothe Nailah Elincia Leanne Nephenee
Sanaki Naesala Tibarn Caineghis Black Knight
Roy Bond Rings
Lilina Wolt Dieck Lugh Rutger
Fir Raigh Cecilia Sophia Fae
Leif Bond Rings
Nanna Finn Osian Asbel Shiva
Olwen Mareeta Linoan Sara Ced
Lucina Bond Rings
Chrom Lissa Gaius Cordelia Nowi
Tharja Owain Inigo Severa Morgan
Lyn Bond Rings
Eliwood Hector Florina Dorcas Serra
Matthew Rebecca Ninian Nino Jaffar
Ike Bond Rings
Mist Titania Shinon Gatrie Soren
Mia Ilyana Lethe Ranulf Greil
Byleth Bond Rings
Edelgard Ferdinand Bernadetta Dimitri Felix
Ingrid Claude Raphael Lysithea Flayn
Corrin Bond Rings
Azura Ryoma Hinoka Takumi Sakura
Xander Camilla Leo Elise Jakob
Eirika Bond Rings
Seth Ross Lute Joshua Tana
Amelia Innes Gerik Marisa L'Arachel

Special Bond Rings

FEH Bonus
Order of the Heroes
Alfonse Sharena Anna


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