Fire Emblem Engage Walkthrough Comments


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    3 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Lapis requires too much investment in maddening. Good growths and bad base stats. Merrin starts in Advanced class, has very similar growths, has better base stats, higher build, additional movement, and good starting SP. All Lapis offers is S rank swords and that isnt incredibly helpful and is late game specific. Flyers can usually mitigate bow weakness just by staying out of range. Then they can rush bow users and kill without being countered. Even with impassable tiles flying is OP

    2 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Lapis is better than Merrin if you want a sword Griffin Rider, she has innate proficiency in Swords which gets bumped up on Griffins and she has higher Speed caps which makes it easier to double enemy Griffin riders with an emblem that boosts speed a bit. Personally Ill take a Swordmaster over a sword Griffin Rider though, the bow weakness can be a real pain and archers have high accuracy so the avoid rate doesnt help with archers. Axe Griffin riders are meh too Imo too low bld and poor mag weap

    1 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Best Griffin Knight is probably Chloe with Lances/Flame Lance Other good options are Merrin for Sword/Levin and Jade for Axes/Hurricane

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