Splatoon 3

Octopods at Rest Tend to FLIP OUT! Walkthrough: Best Weapons, How to Complete, and Collectibles

Octopods at Rest Tend to FLIP OUT! is a Hero Mode stage in the Future Utopia Island sector of Splatoon 3. Continue reading to see a full walkthrough, the best weapons to use, and the locations of all collectibles!

Octopods at Rest Tend to FLIP OUT! Basic Info

Stage Location
Site Future Utopia Island Stage No. 2
Entry Fee None No. of Tries 3

Octopods at Rest Tend to FLIP OUT! Weapons and Rewards

Best Weapon for Octopods at Rest Tend to FLIP OUT!

Splatoon 3 Heavy SplatlingHeavy Splatling
・Heavy Splatling's high fire rate allows you to deal a lot of damage to many enemies very quickly.

・Since the Heavy Splatling fires a lot of shots for each charge, even players that have trouble aiming can splat enemies.

All Weapons Choices and Rewards

Main Weapon Sub Weapon Reward
Splatoon 3 Hero GearHero Gear Splatoon 3 SmallfrySmallfry 900
Power Eggs
Splatoon 3 Splat BrellaSplat Brella Splatoon 3 Splat BombSplat Bomb 900
Power Eggs
Splatoon 3 Heavy SplatlingHeavy Splatling Splatoon 3 Burst BombBurst Bomb 900
Power Eggs

Octopods at Rest Tend to FLIP OUT! Walkthrough

Walkthrough Video

Octopods at Rest Tend to FLIP OUT! Tips and Advice

Use the R Stick To Look Around Corners

Use the R stick to look around corners

This stage has many Octopods that will try to ambush you before you can attack. By using the R stick to control the camera, you check around corners to see what enemies and obstacles await you beforehand.

Use Smallfry to Distract Octopods

Use Smallfry to bait enemies

If you feel overwhelmed by the large groups of Octopods, you can use Smallfry to distract enemies while you splat them form a safe distance. This is particularly useful for Large Octopods, which can instantly splat you if they get too close.

Splatoon 3 Related Guides

Splatoon 3 Hero Mode

Hero Mode Walkthrough

List of Hero Mode Sites

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