
Legendary Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic Location and Stats

The Legendary Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor is an upgraded version of the Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor in Palworld's Feybreak update. Check out how to get a Legendary Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic, what you will need to craft it, and how it differs from a regular Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor.

Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Rarities
Common Legendary

Legendary Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic Location

Dropped from Feybreak Oil Rig Gold Chests

Feybreak Oil Rig Treasure

You can obtain this Schematic inside one of the gold treasure chests found at the Feybreak Oil Rig.

Do note that the drop rates for Legendary Schematics are low, so you may have to return to the Oil Rig several times before you can get this recipe.

Feybreak Oil Rig Guide

Added in the Feybreak Update

This Technology unlock was added in the Feybreak update of Palworld! This update includes more Pals and equipment, along with additional features such as bounties and expeditions!
Feybreak December Update

Legendary Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Crafting Requirements

Crafting Materials and Requirements

Weapon Materials
Palworld - Legendary Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Weapon Legendary Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor
Crafting Workbenches

To craft a Legendary Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor, you will need Hexolite x337 Plasteel x202 High Quality Cloth x135 Ice Organ x202 Ancient Civilization Parts x45.

Once you have the required items and a Legendary Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic, you will be able to craft it at one of the Crafting Workbenches listed above.

Legendary Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Stat Differences

Legendary vs Common Differences

Stat Legendary Regular
Defense 780 600
HP 2275 1750
Durability 36000 18000

To keep things short, every single stat on a Legendary Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor is better than its Common version making it a direct upgrade.

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All Legendary Schematics

Legendary Schematics


List of All Legendary Weapon Schematics
Old Bow Crossbow Musket
Handgun Single-shot Rifle Double-Barreled Shotgun
Assault Rifle Pump-Action Shotgun Rocket Launcher
Flamethrower Laser Rifle Grenade Launcher
Guided Missile Launcher Multi Guided Missile Launcher Gatling Gun

Armor, Accessories, and Shields

List of All Legendary Weapon Schematics
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Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor Metal Helm Refined Metal Helm
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Plasteel Helmet Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor Lightweight Plasteel Armor

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