Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Elf Race Guide and Best Classes

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The Elf Race is a major playable Race in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about the Elf Race, its subraces if any, their feats and best classes and backgrounds for a member of the Elf Race, and more!

Elf Race Overview

Elf Information

Baldur Race Features
・Fey Ancestry
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Elven Weapon Training
With ethereal countenances and long lifespans, elves are at home with nature's power, flourishing in light and dark alike.

Elf Race Features

Feat Description
Base Racial Speed The distance your race can move per turn. (9m)
Darkvision Can see in the dark up to a range of 12m.
Elven Weapon Training You have proficiency with the Longsword, Shortsword, Shortbow, and Longbow.
Fey Ancestry You have Advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Elf Subraces

Subrace Information
Baldur High Elf Heirs of the mystical Feywild, high elves value magic in all its forms, and even those who do not study spellcraft can manipulate the Weave.
Baldur Wood Elf These elves spend their reclusive lives in Faerun's forests. Deceades of training in archery and camouflage are enhanced by an otherwordly swiftness.

Best Classes and Backgrounds for Elf

Best Classes for Elf

Class Information
Paladin Fuelled by the Oath you swore to uphold justice and righteousness, you are a beacon of hope in dark times.
Sorcerer Sorcerers are natural spellcasters, drawing on inherent magic from a gift or bloodline.
Wizard Wizards master the arcane by specializing in individual schools of magic, combining ancient spells with modern research.

Best Backgrounds for Elf

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