Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Comments


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    18 twztid13about 2 monthsReport

    Why is the summoning event archive only through 2024? Where can we see the 2025 events?

    17 twztid13 10 monthsReport

    The banner w rearmed plumeria, which started May 25th 2024, isn't on this list.

    16 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    @Game8, The page is not updated from long time, as it is still saying to save orbs for Christmas banner.

    15 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    @game8, The page is not updated from long time, as it is still saying to save orbs for Christmas banner.

    4 Anonymous@Game8about 3 yearsReport

    Spark summon (the free 5-star after 40 summons) is still in the game. Some banners will have the spark summon feature available for all, and some will have them only available for FEH Pass users. Notable hero banners that have the spark summon exclusive to FEH Pass users are Special Heroes, Double Special Heroes, Legendary Heroes, Mythic Heroes, and Hero Fest summoning banners.

    3 Sassabout 3 yearsReport

    My question does Free 5* after 40th summon still exist? I've restarted playing feh lately and after each 40th summon rather get a message (feh pass invitation?) and the option to tick on "close" there's nothing about a free 5* star hero no more be it a new or old one... So is this feature still available and the information given above still correct?

    2 Terraover 4 yearsReport

    Also looking forward to the return of the holiday units! Fingers crossed!

    1 Terraover 4 yearsReport

    Thanks for the incredible guide! Helped starting FE Heroes so much easier. Be healthy and well!

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