Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Astaroth

rare boss - how to beat astaroth.png

This is a guide to Astaroth, a Rare Enemy battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Astaroth, its strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Astaroth.

Astaroth Basic Info

Astaroth Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Light Lightning Spear Dagger
Half Damage
Items Dropped Tristan's Bow
Hellish Horn
Stealables Tristan's Bow
Hellish Horn

How to Beat Astaroth

Astaroth Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Shieldmaster Icon Shieldmaster Hellblade Icon Hellblade White Mage Icon White Mage Oracle Icon Oracle

Recommended Sub-Jobs

Best Sub-Jobs
Thief Icon Thief Spiritmaster Icon Spiritmaster Bard Icon Bard Any attacker class. Ideally a second Thief

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Defender of the People Godspeed Strike Elemental Supplement Healthbringer/Spiritbringer

List of Abilities

Astaroth Movesets

Shadow Nova Deals minor dark damage to all targets.
Terror Fang Damages and inflicts Dread to its target.
Used as a counter against singing abilities.
Headbanger Damages all enemies.

Astaroth Strategy

Apply Health Bringer

Shadow Nova

Astaroth will try to soften your party by using Shadow Nova. It deals small damage but its AOE damage and continious use may bring your party to low HP and die from Astaroth's attacks.

Counter this with Healthbringer to have the spirit restore the miniscule damage dealt.

Use the Shieldmaster's Defender of the People

The Shieldmaster's Defender of the People can block 3 attacks before the character acts again. Astaroth's lethal moves are his normal attacks, Terror Fang and Headbanger.

As long as you keep everyone's HP up with Healthbringer and Terror Fang and Normal attacks gets blocked by the Shieldmaster, no moves should be able to take down any of your party members.

Use Elemental Supplement to amplify your damage

God Speed Strike Vulnerable
Godspeed Strike dealing Light damage.

Astaroth is weak to Lightning and Light. While the Hellblade can use any elements that exists, it is highly suggested to use the Oracle's Elemental Supplement to strengthen your unit's other attacks like Godspeed Strike instead.

Abuse all the damage you can since Astaroth's HP isn't high, compared to other stronger rare monsters.

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