Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Sir Sloan

story boss - how to beat sir sloan.png
This is a guide to Sir Sloan, a Boss battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Sir Sloan, his strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Sir Sloan.

Sir Sloan Basic Info

Sir Sloan Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Dark Staff Bow
Half Damage
Light Wind Fire Sword
No Immunities
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped None available
Stealables None available

How to Beat Sir Sloan

Sir Sloan Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs (Paralysis Method)

Best Jobs
Vanguard Icon Vanguard Freelancer Icon Freelancer Freelancer Icon Freelancer Phantom Icon Phantom
Best Sub-Jobs
any any any Ranger Icon Ranger

Recommended Jobs (Elemental Supplement Method)

Best Jobs
Vanguard Icon Vanguard White Mage Icon White Mage Bard Icon Bard Oracle Icon Oracle
Best Sub-Jobs
Oracle Icon Oracle Spiritmaster Icon Spiritmaster Pictomancer Icon Pictomancer Thief Icon Thief

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Shadowbind Compounding Philtre Elemental Supplement
Neo Cross Slash Godspeed Strike Hurts So Bad (Won't) Be Missing You

List of Abilities

Recommended Equipment

There aren't any specific equipments we suggest against Sir Sloan. However, if you will opt to use our Elemental Supplement Method, having a +3 resistance to a chosen element for your whole team is highly recomended to make this battle a breeze.

Sir Sloan Movesets

Microgravity Deals massive physical damage to all your party members.
Dawn of Odyssey Everyone gains 1 BP at regular intervals.
Victory Smite Deals a flat 8888 damage to a single target.
Wall of Woe Reduces everyone's BP by 1 at regular intervals.
BP Up Counter against magic attacks, Defaulting, and physical attacks.

Sir Sloan Strategy

Paralyze Sir Sloan!

Paralyzing Sir Sloan makes the battle extremely trivial. By having the Phantom job pair with a Ranger or Salve-Maker, you'll be easily able to inflict any status ailment to the target as long as it can effect them.

Have your Phantom permanently default while the three others attack Sir Sloan. Paralyze him again when the paralysis effect wears off.

Don't attack Sloan when recovering

Sir Sloan can generate BP rather quickly when getting attacked. If you need to recover or reapply buffs, stop your assault! Continuing to attack will allow Sir Sloan to brave three times again which can eliminate your more fragile members easily.

Elemental Supplement Applies to Micro Gravity and Victory Smite

Microgravity 0 Damage
Sir Sloan's most annoying attack is Microgravity which can deal around 4000 damage to all party members. An element can be added to this attack causing it to deal an additional elemental property. This can be utilized more by equipping an elemental shield to your party to completely negate its damage.

Increase your Aim!

Sir Sloan's evasion is quite high. Using a Bard to increase everyone's accuracy is highly suggested to make your damage output more consistent in this fight.

Apply Daub

Daub 42k Damage
Sir Sloan's HP pool is high, so having extra damage against him will prove helpful. Since the Bard doesn't really have great damage capabilities, having a Pictomancer Sub-Job that can weaken Sir Sloan by making more vulnerabilities is highly suggested.

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