Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Prologue Story Walkthrough and Boss Guides

Bravely Default 2 Prologue Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough for the prologue of Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to know all the objectives for this chapter, all the boss fights and strategies against them, all the side quests and missions, and all the necessary tips to get through this chapter.

Bravely Default 2 Prologue Walkthrough

Main Objectives

Halcyonia to Outlaw's Hideout

1 After the lengthy scene, head outside the inn.
Note Your objective is to leave Halcyonia, however, you have minimal gold so head southwest and follow the path leading to a small house to get a buckler.
2 Once done with your preparation, exit Halcyonia.
3 After the short cutscene, follow the marker to the east .
Feel free to cut some grass to net some items.
4 After the scene, return to Halcyonia.
5 Exit Halcyonia again then head to the house up north, the Outlaw's Hideout.
Note This will be the first dungeon you'll encounter in the game. When in a dungeon, saving can only be done at save points. You can return to the entrance by using a Teleport stone so always have one with you in case of emergencies.
6 For this dungeon, just keep following the main corridor, there are several chests on some of the room however so feel free to explore.
7 After finding the save point, rest at a tent and save then prepare for your first boss battle.
Boss Fight How to Beat Selene and DagSelene and Dag
8 After the boss battle, return to Halcyonia.
Sidequests Available Quests
Borrowing the Boat
9 Return to your room at the inn.
10 After you're done doing quests, head east into the Vale of Sighs.
Note The enemies of the Vale of Sighs are mostly weak to bows and staves. Equip those weapons to make your way into the Vale easier.
11 Keep on following the path until a cutscene about Sir Sloan happens.
Near the first save point, you'll see a large enemy called the Hecatoncheir, it doesn't reward much and is a tougher battle than the normal mobs. Focus on defaulting and HP recovery if you wish to fight it.
12 After the scene, head north to find the grave.
13 Follow the path back to the previous savepoint then take the path eastward then prepare for a boss fight.
Boss Fight Bravely Default 2 How to Beat HortenHorten
Boss Fight Bravely Default 2 Adam Boss FightAdam

Prologue Maps

Halcyonia Near Halcyonia
Outlaw's Hideout Hydrangea Hills
Vale of Sighs -

Prologue Bosses

Selene and Dag

Bravely Default II - Selene.png Bravely Default II - Dag.png

Selene and Dag are the first bosses you'll encounter in Bravely Default 2. Selene and Dag possesses the White Mage and Vanguard classes respectively so taking them out will allow you to have a tank and healer for your party!

How to Beat Selene and Dag


Bravely Default II - Horten.png

Horten posses the Monk Asterisk. He is also capable of countering physical attacks so relying on Sir Sloan's attacks and your Black Magics is the key to winning the fight!

How to Beat Horten


Bravely Default 2 - Adam

Adam, as shown in the many trailers, is one of the biggest baddest out there. You simply don't stand a chance right now. This is an unwinnable battle.

Obtainable Asterisks in the Prologue

Black Mage

Bravely Default 2 - Black Mage Portrait

The first class you'll obtain in the game (aside from the Freelancer which is the default job). It specializes in black magic and laying waste to enemies using elemental magics.

Black Mage Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

White Mage

Bravely Default 2 - White Mage Portrait

The second job you'll obtain together with the vanguard class. The White Mage is a healing specialist and is a staple job to have in every party. Make sure to have at least one member that specializes in white magic!

White Mage Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs


Bravely Default 2 - Vanguard Portrait

The picture perfect idea of a tank. The Vanguard controls enemy aggro and redirects enemy attacks unto himself. Together with its high HP, defense, and compatibility with heavy armor, it'll take a lot of hits to bring down a Vanguard!

Vanguard Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs


Bravely Default 2 - Monk Portrait

A barehanded fighter. The Monk relies on not having equipment to make the most of its damage. It's also capable of unleashing strong attacks at the price of the character's HP. A worthwhile class to master!

Monk Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Prologue Sidequests

Quest Directory
Borrowing the Boat A Knife to Remember Human's Best Friend: Part I You-Know-What
One Boy's Quest Business to Be Getting on With Dish of the Day Double Dare
A Grizzly Conundrum Hear the Wind Blow Gold in the Grass -

Borrowing the Boat

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
1 Take the boat out for a spin. Teleport Stone x 2
Quest Giver
Boat Lending Woman in Halcyonia

Boat Exploration Guide

A Knife to Remember

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
2 Recover the fisherman's knife from the sahagin. Dart x 3
Quest Giver
A man in the tavern in Halcyonia

Human's Best Friend: Part I

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
3 Cut the grass and find Truff's ring. Small Experience Orb x 2
Quest Giver
Truff in the south of Halcyonia


Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
4 Obtain some potions (0/3) Mini Ether x 4
Quest Giver
A man north of Halcyonia

Where to Get Potions

One Boy's Quest

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
5 Search town for the boy. Echo Herbs x 3
Quest Giver
A mother on the eastern bridge at Halcyonia

Business to Be Getting on With

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
6 Defeat some goblins. (0/3) 470 pg ★★
Quest Giver
A woman near the stairs at Halcyonia during nighttime

Goblin Location

Dish of the Day

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
7 Defeat Fenrir (0/1) Fresh Fish x 2
Quest Giver
The innkeeper at Halcyonia

How to Beat Fenrir

Double Dare

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
9 Get the frightened boy's book back. (0/1) Booster Bun (Evasion) x 1
Quest Giver
A little boy outside of the shop at Halcyonia during nighttime

A Grizzly Conundrum

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
10 Get rid of the grizzly Mythril Staff x 1
Quest Giver
A man beside the rock east of the Outlaw's Hideout during daytime

Hear the Wind Blow

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
11 Find the old man who's fond of the wind. Ward Light x 2
Quest Giver
A woman on the eastern bridge at Halcyonia

Gold in the Grass

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
13 Find the old man's gorgeous gold dentures. 1300 pg ★★
Quest Giver
An old man on the bridge at Halcyonia during daytime

Prologue Tips

Walk To the Light!

Accepting the Light (3)

During the cutscene on your encounter with Selene and Dag, Seth will be prompted to make an action. Head to the light as the Crystal instructs you or face an immediate game over!

What Happens If You Don't Go to the Light

Don't Engage Rare Monsters!

You don't get warned about Rare Monsters for nothing. They are vicious monsters and isn't likely to be taken down during the early stages of the game. Steer clear from these monsters first until you have gained a decent amount of levels, gear, and abilities first.

List of Rare Monsters

List of Halcyonia Shop Items

Available from the Beginning


Item Price Item Price
Antidote 15 Mini Ether 90
Phoenix Down 150 Potion 40
Atlatl 240 Magnifying Glass 22
Teleport Stone 180 Tent 270
Wakeup Bell 180 Animator 52
Throwing Knife 240


Weapon Price Weapon Price
Wizard's Rod 420 Kukri 90
Staff 150 Broadsword 200
Long Sword 240 Dagger 160


Armor Price Armor Price
Buckler 100 Leather Cap 120
Mystic Hood 150 Manarobe 260
Caravan Coat 290 Pilgrim's Robe 110
Pilgrim's Hat 60 Tunic 80
Knitted Cap 40


Accessories Price
Star Pendant 600
Silver Glasses 620

Available after defeating Selene and Dag


Item Price
Dart 240


Weapon Price
Broadaxe 500
Francisca 230


Armor Price Armor Price
Round Shield 250 Barrel Helm 170
Lamellar Armor 340 Padded Armor 120
Chain Coif 90


There are no new items available for purchase

Available from Chapter 1


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase

Available from Chapter 2


Item Price Item Price
Ether 250 Hi-Potion 200
Balsam 66 Smelling Salts 85


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase

Available from Chapter 3


Item Price
Stardust 260
Dark Drops 260
Direct Moonlight 260
Remedy 300


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase

Available from Chapter 4


Item Price Item Price
Pathogen 2000 Witch's Whisper 1500
Wildweed 1000 Dreadstool 500
Numbneedle 250 Hush Pollen 200
Ink 100 Magic Herb 800
Healing Herb 100 X-Potion 630


Weapon Price Weapon Price
Gaia Rod 7120 Great Bow 7120
Summoner's Axe 8360 Carving Knife 6790
Yggdrasil Staff 7010 Chronos Glaive 8220
Staggering Sword 100


Armor Price Armor Price
Cuirass 5620 Valkyrie's Coat 5230
Ninja Garb 4890 Brigandine 4930
Full-Face Helm 3850 Adamant Hat 1450
Acorn Hat 4200 Iron Headband 2840
Tactician's Hat 2630 Mortarboard 1250
Spiked Shield 4310


Armor Price Armor Price
White Veil 760 Safety Ring 2320
Locket 2200 Peace Ring 2270
Courage Ring 840 Earthing Rod 880
Clothespin 4200 Earth Talisman 3490
Wind Talisman 3490 Feather Mantle 1120
Artisan Gloves 2470 Vambraces 3420
Power Bracers 2190 Heart Ring 2860
Adamant Bangle 3310

Available after defeating Vigintio, Marla, and Lonsdale


There are no new items available for purchase


Weapon Price Weapon Price
Hammer Mace 8740 Shigeto Bow 8940
Wyvern Spear 9170 Sandman's Axe 9460
Blind Blade 8960 Zwill Crossblade 8680


Armor Price Armor Price
Fluted Armour 6370 Crimson Vest 6170
Armet 5580 Carbon Cap 5320
Aegis Shield 5520


Accessories Price Accessories Price
Snug Scarf 3680 Sands of Time 3720
Amulet 2730 Gauntlets 4620

Available from Chapter 5


Item Price Item Price
Spellblossom 15000 Healing Bloom 2000
Meteorite 2200 Dark Deluge 2200
Direct Sunlight 2200 Tengu Sneeze 2200
Earth Mallet 2200 Pantheon's Wrath 2200
Arctic Wind 2200 Bomb Arm 2200
Elixir 10000


Weapon Price Weapon Price
Gambanteinn 10260 Ama-no-Kagoyumi 10640
Ama-no-Sakahoko 10700 Deforester 10810
Ama-no-Murakumo 10470 Yatagarasu 10350


Armor Price Armor Price
Minerva Bustier 7570 Saffron Robes 5690
Dragonskin Headscarf 6470 Ascetic's Cap 3370
Blessing 6670 Icefire Shield 5020


Armor Price Armor Price
Vaccine 10870 Self-Portrait 11810
Snappy Sash 10780 Adamant Gauntlets 6840

Available from Chapter 6


Item Price Item Price
Soul Food 5770 Devil's Delight 5190
Ghoulash 5770 Plant Food 5190
Insect Nectar 5630 Fresh Fish 5440
Beast Flesh 5440 People Pleasers 5630


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase

Available from Chapter 7


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase


There are no new items available for purchase

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