Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Lonsdale

story boss - how to beat lonsdale.png
This is a guide to Lonsdale, a boss battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Lonsdale, his strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Lonsdale.

Lonsdale Basic Info

Lonsdale Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Dark Dagger
Half Damage
Light Earth Lightning Spear
No Immunities
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped None available
Stealables None available

How to Beat Lonsdale

Lonsdale Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Shieldmaster Icon Shieldmaster Red Mage  Icon Red Mage Thief Icon Thief Phantom Icon Phantom

Recommended Sub-Jobs

Best Jobs
Spiritmaster Icon Spiritmaster White Mage Icon White Mage Any Freelancer Icon Freelancer

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Defender of the People Reprisal Godspeed Strike Square One
Healthbringer Curaga Regeneration Shroud

List of Abilities

Recommended Equipment

Best Equipments
Light Talisman Valkyrie's Coat Adamant Bangle -

Lonsdale Movesets

Wall Increase physical and magical defense by 25%
Used as a counter against debuffs.
Corporal Punishment Heavy damage to a single target.
Used as a counter against physical attacks.
Light of Justice Inflicts light elemental damage to a single target.
Rampart Blocks one physical attack.
Vallation Blocks one magic attack.

Lonsdale Strategy

Use Phantom's Shroud

With a Shieldmaster tanking the hits, a Phantom with a dagger can use Shroud to deal heavy damage to Lonsdale. Combined with buffing with Become the Lightning, you can take big chunks out of his HP.

Use Shieldmaster's Reprisal!

Lonsdale's attacks pack a ton of damage. Without proper defensive gear, getting one-shotted by his Corporal Punishment is likely to happen.

Aside from protective gears, you can also assign a Shieldmaster to tank Lonsdale's blows for you! With Reprisal, you'll also be able to bounce back his humongous damage back at him!

Maximize Reprisal's Value

Defend the People
Shieldmaster's Defender of the People can block 3 attacks at most. Lonsdale counters physical attacks either with Rampart or Corporal Punishment.

You'll want to be using Corporal Punishment's damage against him so throw a few physical attacks here and there if your Shieldmaster's turn is about to come and he hasn't used all blocks of Defender of the People yet.

Poke Him Using Red Mage's Magic

Magic is the most reliable way to damage Lonsdale as his only counter to this is Vallation and Wall which both don't deal any damage to your party. With a mastered Red Mage, chain spell with will allow spells to hit twice, getting rid of the Vallation wall.

Due to Lonsdale's massive defense, magic attacks won't do much damage but it is still damage so throw some spells at him if you have vacant turns.

Square One!

Lonsdale Buffs

Lonsdale will recieve and deal massive damage if you don't remove his buffs from Wall. Having a Freelancer with Square One can easily eliminate his buffs.

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