Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Genbu

story boss - how to beat genbu.png
This is a guide to Genbu, a Boss battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Genbu, its strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Genbu.

Genbu Basic Info

Genbu Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Water Spear Dagger
Half Damage
Dark Wind Fire Staff Axe Sword
Items Dropped Reflect Ring
Stealables None available

How to Beat Genbu

Genbu Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Arcanist Icon Arcanist Arcanist Icon Arcanist Arcanist Icon Arcanist Arcanist Icon Arcanist

Recommended Sub-Jobs

Best Sub-Jobs
Bastion Icon Bastion Spiritmaster Icon Spiritmaster - -

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Ardour Rampart Spiritbringer Regeneration

List of Abilities

Recommended Equipment

Icefire Shield Saffron Robes Ice Talisman High Magic Stat Equipment

Genbu Movesets

Reflection Angle Applies Reflect to a target.
Will start using it on you once its HP passes 50%
Armour Piercing-Plod Deals damage to a target. Ignores defense stat.
Ground Spike Deals physical damage to all targets.

Genbu Strategy

Always Have Regeneration and Reraise on Everyone

Genbu is an easy enemy but its Brave attack sequence is annoying since it can get through your defenses in a single turn and kill a party member.

Always having Reraise and Regeneration on everyone is crucial.

Always Have Rampart

Genbu's attacks can deal massive damage to more fragile team members. Since you're running an entire party of fragile Arcanists, all of his attacks will be deadly if left alone.

Have an Arcanist with a Bastion Sub-Job use Rampart whenever at least 2 members don't have any physical barriers on them.

Don't Worry About HP, Blast Genbu with Ardour!

Ardour Healing
With the proper setup, Regeneration and the damage absorption from Ardour should be enough to heal everyone back to full HP before Genbu attacks again.

Don't be afraid when your character's stay in Critical HP. Just keep on blasting Genbu and your dying allies should be back to full HP in no time.

Physical Attackers are not Recommended

Four Arcanist
Aside from Genbu countering attacks, it also has a passive Reprisal ability that reflects all damage you deal back to you. This is why a four magician party is ideal for defeating the giant tortoise.

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