Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

List of Basic Game Mechanics

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Check here for everything you need to know about the game mechanics in Bravely Default 2. From guides on the combat to explanations on the jobs system, we have all you need to understand the game and get started with your adventure in Excillant!

Using the Brave and Default Combat Mechanics

As the name suggets, the Bravely Default series is centered around using the two combat mechanics of Brave and Default. If you are unsure how these mechanics work, check out our guide below!

Brave and Default System

Bravely Default 2 Job System

What Job you assign your characters can completely change how your experience in Bravely Default 2. For the complete breakdown of how Jobs work in the Bravely Default series, check out our guide!

What is the Job System?

Bravely Default 2 Related Guides

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Story Partial Banner.pngStory Boss Battle Partial banner.pngBoss Battle Guides
Jobs Partial Banner.pngList of Jobs Tips and Tricks Partial Banner.pngTips and Tricks
Characters Partial Banner.pngList of Characters Location Banner Partial Image.pngLocation Guides
Enemies Partial Banner.pngEnemies Items Partial Banner.pngItems
Weapons Partial Banner.pngWeapons Armor Partial Banner.pngArmor and Shields
News Partial Banner.pngNews & Game Info Game Mechanics Partial Banner.pngGame Mechanics
Abilities Partial Banner Template.pngList of Abilities Bravely Default II - B & D Card Game Partial.pngB & D Card Game
Magic Partial Banner.pngMagic Message Boards Partial Banner.pngMessage Boards


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