Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Chapter 5 Story Walkthrough and Boss Guides

Chapter 5 Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough for Chapter 5 of Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to know all the objectives for this chapter, all the boss fights and strategies against them, all the side quests and missions, and all the necessary tips to get through this chapter.

Bravely Default 2 Chapter 5 Walkthrough

Main Objectives

Note With all 5 towns being accessible, there will be several quests you can take. Explore the cities and do quests to strengthen your party!
1 Exit the cave then use the Caravan to travel to Halcyonia.
2 Head up north then use the newly made bridge. Keep heading north until you reach the waterfall. Enter it.
3 There are no bosses in the area. Keep heading north to reach end of the mines
4 After reaching the end of the mines, follow the path to reach Musa.
5 Not much to do here, head to the center of Musa to find the stairs leading to the Crystal's resting place.
Note From here, you'll have 4 crystal rooms to enter. There's a boss at the end of each room but each room is small and can easily be navigated.
6 Wind Room - Keep heading west then north to reach the end of the maze.
Boss Fight How to Beat Asura.jpgAsura
7 Fire Room - Follow the left path. Once you reach the crossroad, head right.
Boss Fight How to Beat CatoblepasCatoblepas
8 Water Room - Keep trying to head northwest. There's a path there that leads to the far right corner of the map which should lead to the boss area.
Boss Fight How to Beat GenbuGenbu
9 Earth Room - Similar to the Water Room but instead of heading northwest, focus on heading northeast.
Boss Fight How to Beat ImmortalImmortal
10 Once all Crystals are returned, head to the newly opened door in the center. Talk to everyone and then to Gloria one last time to proceed to the final boss.
Boss Fight How to Beat EdnaEdna
11 After the boss battle, make sure to save your game to proceed to Chapter 6.

Chapter 5 Maps

Chapter 5
Musa Near Musa
Waterfall Path Magma Mountain
Crystal's Resting Place Chromatite Mines

Chapter 5 Bosses


How to Beat Asura

Asura, like all other multi-armed giant enemies, is capable of unleashing multiple hits against the enemies. To make matters worse, it can do it via counter attacks!

Learn how to beat the Asura with our guide below!

How to Beat Asura


How to Beat Catoblepas

The Catoblepas can hit hard and it will counter and damage you deal to it. Controlling Catoblepas is the key to winning the fight!

How to Beat Catoblepas


How to Beat Genbu

A giant unkillable tortoise. It's defense is quite high and to make matters worse, it doesn't counter physical attacks but rather, reflects them back.

This trait greatly weakens any physical attackers on your team. Learn how to best the giant tortoise!

How to Beat Genbu


How to Beat Immortal

Contrary to its name, the Immortal doesn't feel like one. It can inflict Contagion and it has access to an AOE attack but that's about it.

Furthermore, it's an undead so healing abilities will also damage it.

How to Beat Immortal


How to Beat Edna.jpg

Edna is the final boss of Chapter 5. She possesses several debuffs and can remove buffs applied to your party while slowing them down and hasting herself all at the same time!

To make matters worse, her attacks deals massive AOE damage to the party.

How to Beat Edna

Chapter 5 Obtainable Asterisks

There are no obtainable Jobs/Asterisks in Chapter 5.

Chapter 5 Sidequests

Mine Sweeping

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
69 Defeat some Noxolotls. 0/10 Assassin Dagger x 1
Quest Giver
Soldier in Halcyonia's palace

Noxolotl Location

An Explosive Plan

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
70 Collect bomb arms from inferno golems or other sources. Icebrand x 1
Quest Giver
Female soldier in Halcyonia

Where to Get Bomb Arms

To Be a King

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
71 Speak to Dromed. Giant's Armour x 1
Quest Giver
Prince Pollux

A Scaly Tale

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
72 Collect some snake skins from defeated sthenos Floral Robe x 1
Quest Giver
Man in the bar in Wiswald

A Message from the Shadows

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
73 Retrieve the diary. Holy Dagger x 1
Quest Giver

Keep Your Feet on the Ground

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
74 Get the items mentioned. Divine Rod x 1
Quest Giver

The Price of Defeat

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
75 Go after Lonsdale Life Ring x 1
Quest Giver

Fingers in the Fruit Bowl

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
76 Collect some cherry berries 0/5 10000 pg ★★★★
Quest Giver
Soldier in Holograd

A Comic Episode

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
77 Give the picture book to a child. Big Brush x 1
Quest Giver
Man in Holograd

For the Common Good

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
78 Defeat an abyss worm. Apollo's Bow x 1
Quest Giver
Man near the big gate in Holograd

The Good Son

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
79 Obtain a pink ruby Medium JP Orb x 3
Quest Giver
Man in Chromatite Mine

Find the Friend in Halcyonia

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
80 Find the friend in Halcyonia. Minerva Bustier x 1
Quest Giver
Lady near the big gate in Holograd

The Sound of the Sea

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
81 Go for a stroll along the shore. Wavesong Necklace x 1
Quest Giver
Gloria at the Inn in Halcyonia

Tree's a Crowd

Quest No. Objective Reward Difficulty
82 Climb the Great Tree (At Night.) Fairyglow Charm x 1
Quest Giver
Elvis in the bar in Wiswald

More Side Quests

For a complete list of all available side quests in Bravely Default 2, see our side quest guide below!

Complete Side Quest List

Chapter 5 Tips

Fire Cave Pattern

The fire cave will have multiple teleportation ports that you'll need to use to get through the maze. There are several items that can be obtained but if you simply wish to reach the boss, use the left teleporter then keep using the next teleporter that appears.

Once you reach an area with an X pattern and four teleporters to coose from, use the right one. Keep following it to reach the fire room's boss.

Save Your Game!

After the final boss in Chapter 5, make sure to make the credits end (watch it or skip it) then save your game after the ending cutscene. This will allow you to proceed to the game's hidden chapter 6.

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